Feeding others a success and a blessing



The end of another season for St. James Sunday Suppers was March 10. We had a full house.

This year we had a huge increase in the number of guests we served. We could not do it without the support of Eureka Springs’ finest restaurants. We are so grateful.

Crescent/Basin Park (thanks, Jodi), Nibbles, Local Flavor, Rowdy Beaver, Ermilio’s, Gravel Bar and Pizza Hut – thank you from St. James.

Our congregation came to the table this year – from the Dessert Ladies to Father Ben’s Brats, the contributions have been amazing.

And there is our valuable staff… to list them could take up the whole page because we would have to give them all accolades. The teamwork has been so much fun and nothing feels better than making others feel better.

A special thanks to the Independent for running our ads for 13 weeks. You helped us a lot.

What a wonderful group effort for our sweet little Eureka Springs. We hope to put a garden party together this spring, and in the meantime all are welcome to come and see what we do each Sunday morning at 8 and 10:30.

Jane Stephens and Rev. David Angus, Vicar of St. James