Fee without service is unfair


Dear Justices of Peace of the Quorum Court of Carroll County,

I request everyone on the Quorum Court seek to draft a resolution, as an example of Quorum Court, Boone County, Arkansas February 2018, noted in the Secure Arkansas News Alert: “Extortion in Arkansas Part Two” (Trash Tax). Entitled “A Resolution expressing disapproval concerning the Ozark Mountain Solid Waste District Fee/Assessment on Carroll County Property Owners: Residence and Business Parcel.”

Please proceed at the next meeting, 5 p.m. March 19, a Carroll County Quorum Court Resolution. You Justices of Peace represent Carroll County citizens who voted you into office.

Citizens who own real property are afflicted by this judgment passed down by the Circuit Court of Pulaski County, Arkansas on April 21, 2017.

It is an unfair and uncalled for taxation without service for citizens to re-pay the debt to the bondholder, Bank of the Ozarks (trustee), following the default of Nabors Landfill in Baxter County, Arkansas, by the directors of the Ozark Mountain Solid Waste District in 2012.

Carroll County Assessor/Tax Collector offices are providing a “little piece of paper,” and in my opinion it is a disclaimer in reference to the $18 Ozark Mountain Solid Waste District fee prepared by the county.

This action is like kicking the can down the road again and again. I urge citizens of Carroll County to contact their elected officials.

Lisa Price-Backs