Family thoughts



Big ballyhoo lately about family separation.

Imperative that your offspring are cared for and not just in childhood, but eternally.

My dad was separated at 15 when he picked up his 13-year-old brother, dead out of the road, killed by the town drunk.

I had four farms, not that I needed to smell cattle or pick fruit. Two requirements of my three sons. That they love Christ Jesus and be good workers.

We had wrestle time on the shag carpet until they started winning.

We went to the woods with one truck, two chainsaws and three loader boys.

One is a speech pathologist, one an executive with Kroger, and one shot to death when he stopped a fugitive for no license plate.

We all try coping with the rules of Earth, but there is only one rule in heaven: Worship the Triune God – Wow. Lots of positive surprises coming up.

Richard Waxenfelter
