Exploring the Fine Art of Romance


I’d like to spice things up a bit with my partner. A friend suggested sex texting but I’m completely clueless in that realm. Can you offer some pointers please?

Leslie Meeker – Sexting is no longer the trash-texting between horny teens of days past. A 2015 survey found sexting, which includes text, images and video, to be the most prevalent “naughty” behavior reported among millennials. Sixty percent surveyed sext regularly. Sexting today is equivalent to the steamy love letters that once encumbered the U.S. postal service.

Sexting is the contemporary love letter, powered by erotica and exchanged in real time. It’s fabulous foreplay and an effective way to insert flattery and excitement into your partner’s day. Unspoken desires and fantasies are more easily shared in writing. Sexting creates connection and helps sustain a couple’s intimacy dialogue. By minding some general guidelines anyone can play the sexting game with skill.

When sexting, trust is essential. Long term lovers, no worries. If it’s your latest crush, proceed with caution. Receiving a sizzling sext is a major ego-boost. Will he impulsively share it with the nearest colleague or wisely delete the sexting session once completed?

Timing is everything. A casual check in like “What are you up to?” prior to “I’m taking your body to the dark side tonight!” would be particularly beneficial if your recipient is casket-side at grandma’s funeral. Ease into sexting dialogues. The shock factor can easily offend. Witty, yet dirty is the best approach. Tempt and tease. Build the tension with intention. The intention? To arouse and induce an aching, craving, burning desire for you.

Sexting is intimate, so speak verbatim and use full words. Abbreviating diminishes the allure. Don’t do it. Proofread! Auto-correct is Not your friend. “Can’t wait to piss every inch of you tonight.” “Thinking of kicking your clock really turns me on.” Buzzkill. Point made.

Private part pics: Don’t unless requested. If requested, have at it! Be sure to include a connected body part for context and be aware of your surroundings. Your feet below the beast, turn-off. Tampax box in the background, turn-off.

Recognize when it’s time to stop. The power lies in the hand that gracefully ends the session.

Finally, a word to the Not-So-Wise: If you’re using a work place assigned cell there is nothing in this column that pertains to you.