Exploring the Fine Art of Romance


My wife’s scheduled a surgical rejuvenation procedure for her privates. At 48, she feels aging and birthing three children have had its effects and that this will boost her confidence and increase sensitivity during intercourse. I’ve heard there’s a similar procedure for men. Are these procedures beneficial?

Cosmetic surgery is booming and our obsession with physical perfection is in full throttle. Reality TV calls the race. The Kardashian sisters set the pace. Welcome, the inside-her designer.

It’s true, no body part need feel neglected. Vaginal rejuvenation is claiming the nation. One of many popular nip-and-lift options delaying the way of gravity.

“Private parts” procedures can be reconstructive or cosmetic in nature. Vaginoplasty can remedy tissue that has stretched. Labiaplasty can contour size and shape or correct asymmetry among associated parts.

Cosmetically, attaining a prettier kitty is possible, although results vary and the risks are obvious. Pretty in pink you want? Hyperpigmentation treatments can offer a quick fix.

A surgical cinch-it-up to increase sensitivity during intercourse is certainly a plausible goal. Again, results vary and FYI, they’re not permanent… gravity never fails. Neither do Kegel exercises. Consider hitting the gym with that pelvic floor before hitting the nearest knife-wielding rejuvenation station.

Surgical reconstruction for feminine woes was originally developed to repair birth defects impeding the normal functions of waste elimination, menses and reproduction. Reconstruction can also remedy functional issues related to size and shape in situations where pain is experienced while wearing clothing or during physical activity.

Treating urinary incontinence by tightening internal tissue is another trend. Research supporting the efficacy of the procedure for this purpose is variable and the reported success rate, less than stellar.

There’s no shame in striving for a meaner, sleeker, pinker tinker. A fabulous femi-lift may be just the answer. Proceed with caution.

With plastic surgery becoming mainstream, the number of men seeking cosmetic procedures increased 337% between 2010 and 2015. The latest trend in men’s cosmetic surgery? Scrotox. Yes, it’s really called that. Botox for the balls? Exactly.

Scrotox releases wrinkles for a smoother and of course larger more plump appearance, which can purportedly enhance sexual pleasure.

Botox has long been a successful treatment for excessive underarm and palm sweating. The extent to which it decreases scrotal sweating. . . according to research, that jury’s still hung.