Exploring the Fine Art of Romance


Previously you discussed the age-old belief that “by having sex men are getting something whereas women are giving something up” and that it’s time we recognize women as equally sexual with needs and desires no different than men. I can’t agree more but how do I really let go of this deeply ingrained life-long belief system?

Man Up! Sexist? You bet. Yet the meaning is lost on no one. Take ownership is the intended message. Put yourself out there and take risks using all of your strength and courage. “But how?” you ask. Never underestimate the power of the mind.

So as not to further offend the easily offended, let’s go with Woman-Up, which differs significantly from Girl-Up or Lady-Up. Catch my drift?

As simplistic as it may sound, shame has placed every brick in the wall that blocks women from owning their sexuality. Shame promulgated by antiquated mores, religiosity and misogyny. Female sexual freedom continues to provoke fear and outrage. The old slut-stud paradigm prevails and what an amazing force it’s been. Time to Woman-Up and put that bastard to bed.

As women we subconsciously base our identity and self-worth upon the extent to which men find us sexually appealing. Don’t argue, you measure your own power and that of other women by this very same T & A protocol. We whine about being objectified by men, but we’re the true masters.  

Why play coy? Stop fretting over whether he finds you desirable. Who gives a flying fuddle-dud what he thinks? Be the subject and not the object. Do you find him appealing? If so, great. Woman-Up, make direct eye contact, smile, approach and speak your mind #likeaboss.

Compliance to maintain harmony at any cost has long been the bane of womanhood. Time to Woman-Up and just say NO! There is no sexual power in compliance but there is much power in confidence. Express your thoughts, feelings and desires directly with confidence.

Once you stop perseverating on whether your butt looks big in those pants you might find the time to make owning your sexuality a real priority. Begin by inviting sensuality into your life. Expose yourself to sexual stimuli, befriend sexual exploration and court your erotic mind.

Easier said than done, I know. So Woman-Up my friend!