Every minute, every hour



Let’s add to our gratitude list… people who we forget are also on the front line along with medical, fire, emergency, police. Those would be the ones working in stores, pharmacies, gas stations, (and let’s not forget the package stores!) The people delivering to others, the parking lot communions, people caring for animals.

Hopefully we always appreciate them, but let’s ramp it up in our hearts and prayers and be considerate of their captive space. And I can’t be held responsible for my actions if I see anyone spitting on the ground right now, as if it was ever ok?

So many people to love, so little time, so here is love to all.

If this doesn’t let people know that we are all in this together, that it certainly doesn’t discriminate, and that all of our actions do affect others and can obviously even change the world, then what does it take?

Maybe we can have a revival of the ‘70’s disco dance move called the Bump, and we can do it to the tune of “What a difference a day makes, every minute every hour.”

Christine Bartosiak