Esoteric Astrology as news for week September 9 – 15


Mars Retrograde Asking “Whom Do We Serve?” 

Mars begins its almost 10-week retrograde Wednesday, Sept. 9 and will continue its retrograde movement (occurring during the election, Nov. 3) until November 13th. It is a most momentous time in our country. The future of our country and our world depends upon this election. Mars retrograde before and during the election calls us to deeply review ‘which side we will choose.” 

Mars is the planet of action. When Mars is retrograde our actions are internalized. Mars retrograde acts like Pisces or the 12th house in the astrology chart. The 12th house is deeply religious, deeply spiritual area of life.

The question we must ask during the election with Mars retrograde is, “Whom (light, dark forces) do we serve?” Will our action of voting serve the Forces of Light or the Forces of Darkness? It is difficult these days to discern the differences. The Forces of Darkness clothe themselves in a false light. Let’s look at the words “legal and illegal, Law & Lawlessness.” One side practices legality. The other side practices Lawfulness (Cosmic Law. The Rule of Law). Note the difference in meaning between what is “legal” and what is “lawful.” 

The bible always only uses the word “law” and there is a biblical quote about choice. Luke 16:13 – “No man can serve two masters. One cannot serve both God & Mammon” (greed, material wealth & power). Dylan wrote a song about it, “You Gotta Serve Somebody”

With Mars retrograde we are to assess our beliefs, perspectives, desires, aspirations, intentions and motivations. Note these are all Mars “words.” Mars retrograde allows us to see differences more clearly between what we feel and what is “right” to do. Mars retrograde leads us to greater insights. We are to be aware of not pushing impulsively forward. We are to slow down, pace ourselves, strategize, wait and see and star gaze more.

Many things, people, events from the past will appear for completion. Say thank you, don’t try to “fix” anything; note any new perceptions and then allow them to go their way. Observe if the weather is warmer during Mars retrograde. Mars is hot, red, intense and fiery, especially in Aries. During Mars retrograde we build up our inner courage and are asked to refrain from being impatient. Life is magical, especially in the retrogrades. 

ARIES: You may feel somewhat withdrawn, pulled back from the outer world, introspective and contemplative. You may not assert yourself in usual ways or take the usual risks. Do not demand things of yourself or think you can “push the river.” Everything is moving backward, upside down and turning inwards. This is a good time to find buried treasure within the self. Like old desires, hopes, wishes, aspirations. It is a time of refinement of all parts of the self. And a time to rest more. Patience becomes you.

TAURUS: Things in your life tend to become more and more private, more spiritual. Your intuition will cue you to when you’re out of step, when you need more rest, when your health is on edge. Things that remained in the background, events, memories, people, suddenly appear. They will need careful tending. Usually you’re not angry. Taurus, Venus ruled, is often happy and carefree. However, during Mars retro, buried angers, hurts, sadnesses materialize. Allow them, talk with them, let them flow through you. Know that all is well.

GEMINI: Hopes, wishes and dreams from the past will flicker like shadows in your mind and also in dreams during the night. You may consider reconnecting and/or renewing previous friendships or membership and participation in certain groups. Reflection, not action, is most important during Mars retrograde. You will need patience during the retrograde weeks. It is not a time for decision making or initiating projects. Your North and South Nodes will activate a gathering of past gifts, walking then into the future. Life changes.

CANCER: Thoughts and ideas concerning reputation, professional life, career ambitions and how you’re recognized in the world will appear in order that you change or adjust plans, assessing your energy and goals. You will feel an inner responsibility to firm up and complete old projects and plans. As for everyone, buried feelings of frustration and/or anger may erupt. Or you will want to offer forgiveness for previous unskillful actions and words. There is a call for practicality during these 10 weeks. And an organizing of time. You are a master of time.

LEO: So many things – your faith, wisdom, goals, philosophy of life, politics, travel and adventure will all be affected by the Mars retrograde. You will need to ponder upon what actions will be best for humanity. You come from the heart of the matter. So, it’s important for you to act within the principle of what is right, what serves others, what serves the world. You have enthusiasm for life. During the retrograde this enthusiasm turns to inner joy. You will rework certain projects, like writing, publishing and things legal. Slowing down to catch up with the happenings of the time.

VIRGO: Intimacy, shared finances, marriage, in depth relationships will all be examined during the ten weeks of Mars retrograde. Intimacy becomes more complicated. Confidence in expressing yourself may wane. It’s most important to rightly manage power issues in relationships (all types). Is there a struggle with money, addiction, fears? A new perspective comes forth in the upcoming weeks. Allow the Soul to interface with the personality. The Soul gives one right direction. Make the choice to laugh, enjoy and be happy with everything.

LIBRA: During Mars retrograde we assess and re-assess parts of our lives. Our energy is lessened, we approach events and people with a different focus – that of review and renewal. During this time Librans will assess everything regarding intimate relationships and partnerships. We ask ourselves what do we want from our relationship, what do we give, what are we receiving? It’s good to assess the quality of love and commitment, if there is any hidden anger, and if we are bringing balance and harmony to our interactions. This is most important work. Everything is relationship.

SCORPIO: The Mars retrograde especially affects Scorpio and Aries people directly and Sagittarian subtly. Scorpio is always in a state of challenge and testing due to its Mars rulership (Scorpio energy flows through Mars). Therefore, as we all know and experience, Scorpio is a very intense sign. During the retrograde, health and daily activities will be the focus. It is good to assess one’s daily rhythms, energy reserves, diet, liquid intake and overall health. Do not push yourself or others. Attempt to reorganize your environments (inner and outer). Live daily life simply, easily, purely.

SAGITTARIUS: The Mars retrograde reminds of childhood, of how your life to be entertained, of hobbies, past romances, and most of all your vast creativity. It is good during the coming weeks to play more, find time for leisure and perhaps, if available, a love affair (that won’t last). You may discover yourself in the midst of a romance, a creative activity or part of a child’s life. You may continue to have a change of heart, perhaps a feeling of being stuck or in a sort of purgatory. An old project no longer interests you. Wait a while when unsure. Refocus, back track, rest, renew yourself.

CAPRICORN: Home, family, security, safety, things domestic, food, gardens, nurturance and a sense of one’s foundation call you to attention during the Mars retrograde. Projects begun before the retrograde will slow down. Past emotional issues, if not dealt with beforehand, come up for review, revision and closure. Check the home for needed repairs, fix what needs attention. Home life, after the retrograde will feel renewed, more bountiful. You will have new ideas about how to nourish yourself and others. Slow and steady is good. Beauty, too.

AQUARIUS: Communication, thoughts, ideas, perceptions, beliefs – all these will be assessed and reassessed during the Mars retrograde. You will apologize if you were inappropriate or angry with others; assess short trips and directions, do walk-abouts in neighborhoods; talk with acquaintances and siblings and ponder upon how to get from here to there quickly. You can be impatient with certain expression or belief systems. Notice as your mind slows down, refreshing for lightning-bolt thinking Aquarians. Don’t try to force your ideas on anyone. You can strain social interactions if you’re not kind enough. Just be kind. 

PISCES: Be aware of finances, tend to possessions and resources, assess values and recognize what you actually do value. Understand where your money is going, and pull back on spending if necessary. Future security becomes very important. If underpaid, assess what you are worth. It is important to have comfort during Mars retrograde. List all things required for comfort. This list will be valuable when Mars is direct. Tithe generously to those in need. What we give from the heart is always returned to us ten-fold… so we can give and give some more. And as we give, we too are taken care of. 

Risa – writer, teacher, counselor, mentor, astrologer, esotericist. Founder & Director, The Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School for the Ageless Wisdom teachings. The foundations of the Teachings are the study & application of Astrology & the Seven Rays. Email: Web journal: Facebook: Risa D’Angeles & Risa’s Esoteric Astrology (2 FB pages). All FB messages are posted on NLN (website) – under Daily Studies. Astrological, esoteric, day to day news – art, literature, psychology, history, religion, economics, geography & cultural journalism. 

Recognition of the unique value of every living being expresses itself in reverence for life, compassion for all, sympathy with the need of all individuals to find truth for themselves, and respect for all religious traditions.  –The Esoteric & Theosophical Worldview