Esoteric Astrology as news for week September 4 – 12, 2024


Inner Revolution/Revelations – Uranus Retrograde

When planets retrograde, shift and change signs, we change too. Our time references shift, new possibilities and opportunities occur, revolutions come and go, we begin to see and speak differently, our focus switches, things are either revealed or they go into hiding. Retrogrades are revelatory times. We have been and are in tumultuous times and this will continue. We are in between two ages (2,500 years long), leaving one age (Pisces), entering another (Aquarius). Things have to change now. And the planets and stars are the timing mechanisms for those changes. Understanding this mechanism is what astrology study is all about.

Retrogrades are a time of restructuring the old, making room for the new. We assess the past and begin to create new plans and visions, seek new archetypes and new rhythms. Uranus, planet that Aquarius flows through, is retrograding in Taurus. It is preparing us for the new era. Uranus retrogrades (back spins) for 147 days (September 1, 2024 – January 25, 2025), moving four degrees in reverse – from 27 to 23 degrees Taurus. Where are these degrees in everyone’s chart? In that area of life, we are most affected by the Uranus retrograde.

Uranus retrograde invites humanity to ponder on the new order of things, new rhythms, new archetypes, new revelations. We experience this as an inner revolution. Our heads are turned around, facing both the past (old realities) and the future (new ideas). Taurus makes sure we stand in the middle, in the very absolute present, with ideas grounded, practical, sensible, reasonable, rational and most of all, comforting. Uranus retrograde offers us a higher awareness, insights, original inventions and innovations.

Most interesting is that 27 Taurus is the giant star Atlas, visible at times in the dark skies. Atlas was a Titan in Greek mythology, condemned to hold up the world (earth and the revolving celestial spheres) for eternity. Atlas is the father of the Pleiades. In the Labors of Hercules, while searching for the golden apples of the Sun, Hercules comes upon Atlas holding up the world. In great compassion for his suffering, Hercules forgets his search and takes the world off the shoulders of Atlas, assuming the weight himself.

This was the great test for Hercules – forgetting the (personality) self in the care, tending and saving of others (Hercules represents humanity and humanity’s test). Hercules, as humanity, as the world disciple, is to save the world.

When humanity understands its real origins, purpose and task on earth, everyone becomes liberated and free. It’s through truth, intelligence, knowledge and love that this happens.   

ARIES: You love and appreciate your work and those you work with, and communication is good with everyone (though you must battle against critical thoughts) and you want to help others more, which inspires them and then work is even better and more fulfilling and loyalty toward you emerges and then new goals are considered and workflow increases and so does success. It’s like a river flowing harmoniously for everyone. You stand at the river’s beginnings.

TAURUS: You may not be romantic outwardly because of so much work to be done to insure the true creation of the new era and new age (Aquarius). But this doesn’t mean you feel less love. It’s just that you’re focused and determined and disciplined and must follow your instincts, intelligence and intuition and not let relationship concerns, struggles and challenges get in the way. You seek activities that also offer fun, playfulness, rest and a bit of leisure. The environment is kind to you when you follow the rhythm of the Sun Remember, health first!

GEMINI: Emotional and then physical safety and stability are important now and so you must assess, tend to and create safety measures around your home and self and then ask everyone to help maintain them. Everyone knows you change your mind so often they really can’t make plans with you. But for now, this has eased up and decisions made are decisions you follow through with. Or try to. Something ended this last month. And something new appeared. What were they?

CANCER: You feel the need to communicate with everyone, both casually and in-depth for you realize everyone is important and everyone has gifts and talents, and you are curious about them, and know if you ask questions and if they simply talk enough their gifts and talents emerge and then you learn more about them. You, too, have gifts and talents, in fact you have many and when you speak, when you come out from under your crab shell, then we see your gifts too and we learn from them. You are very perceptive now, more than usual.

LEO: There’s an inner and outer reality concerning something important and it’s about your creativity. Something seems to be in opposition. You think you have to choose one over the other. Do you? Oppositions are actually different sides of the same golden coin, each side seeking integration. Eventually they come together and unify. What is occurring that seems in opposition? Is it spiritual or material factors, self or other’s needs or values, being worthy or not worthy, remaining in the same rhythm or changing rhythms. Time will integrate the two. The two becoming one.

VIRGO: You want to talk about issues and ideas important to you – things held deep inside and not often communicated. You want to share your beliefs and aspirations and how you want to serve. You want your new emerging identity recognized and all the things you hope, wish and plan to do. You’re inventive, practical and thoroughly modern in your approach. You being seen, heard and understood is valuable to your new state of self-identity and new creative endeavors. A new reality is coming forth. At first, it’s shocking. Then accepted and understood.

LIBRA: Plans created long ago are now ready to be implemented and you’re on the road toward their actualization, realization and fulfillment. I wish for you that all you planned for, wished, hoped and waited for are finally available. However, there are some issues hidden and behind the scenes, not quite ready for the light of day. Allow them to slowly be apparent to you. For now, you’re ordering and organizing your inner self so you can order and organize outer realities, relationships and environments. Did a dream come true?

SCORPIO: As changes continue, it’s good to have a get together of friends and acquaintances you care about. Have a party, offering local and seasonal foods, scatter several interesting books around, set the music to old jazz standards (Armstrong, Ellington, Parker, Davis, Coltrane, Coleman, Gillespie). Perhaps you could suggest a subject to discuss, like how to create communities (the steps), what people would be attracted, the focus and purpose of community and how it would prepare everyone for the new times to come. Allow no criticisms or politics to interfere. Have a Give-away while saying goodbye. 

SAGITTARIUS: Do all that you can to create compromise between you and those who see issues differently. Small disagreements can escalate quite quickly into big, long-lasting separations. Include good things in your compromises, so those around you feel they have been heard, listened to and understood. Ask what they want and need, and this will be reflected back to you in terms of friendships, recognition and rewards. Be confident and daring as you perform these acts of kindness. You’ll become and be seen as even more attractive, magnetic and radiant. New vistas beckon ahead.

CAPRICORN: You could feel a bit overwhelmed due to just too many events, situations, needs and responsibilities flooding your reality. This can lead to not eating adequately and in a timely manner, or simply because you’ve been “on” for just too long. It can also lead to illness from exhaustion. When you’re upset you can lash out with words that hurt everyone, including yourself. Lay low for a while, maintain a bit more solitude, rest and recuperate, allow others to perform tasks while you’re in the garden reading. We need a book list from you, by the way. Tell everyone you need tender loving care.

AQUARIUS: You may need to discuss issues with someone, perhaps a partner, parent, family, friend or roommate. Discuss what is of concern openly, with truth and candor, always using a neutral informational tone. Do not be frightened to discuss finances. Information is information and knowing you’re speaking the truth holds you and those listening. Ask for teamwork, understanding and consideration. Maintain humor each day as things change and then change some more. Tell jokes. People love to laugh.

PISCES: The focus is on relationships, those close and intimate. This includes work partners and dear friends. You find yourself with two trajectories – one seeks to create harmony and goodwill, the other to increase discipline and efficiency, forging ahead with ideas and plans. It seems the two are opposite and sometimes they are. Ponder on this dilemma. Over time you bring them together, creating a unity and synthesis. It may be difficult at first. Have faith, love, willingness, dedication and intention. Then harmony and balance prevail.

Risa – writer, editor, educator, teacher, psychological-spiritual counselor, mentor, astrologer & esotericist. Founder & Director of The Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute/College, a contemporary Wisdom School (center for spiritual discourse & study) for the Ageless Wisdom teachings. Foundations of the Teachings are the study & application of exoteric & esoteric Astrology, the Seven Rays, Theosophy, Esotericism, all religions, art, science & Raja Yoga meditation. Email:,