Esoteric Astrology as news for week September 1 – 7


Careful To Not Lose the Language of the Heart

In our Esoteric Institute we celebrate all major cultural and religious festivals throughout the year. When the Jewish Festival of Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) begins, we know that autumn equinox is near.

Monday, we celebrate two festivals – the new moon and the Jewish New Year. Two hours after the Virgo new moon festival (5:52 p.m. west coast time) on Monday, the Jewish new year (5781), the festival of Rosh Hashanah, begins. Rosh Hashana lasts two days, from sundown Monday to sundown Wednesday, Sept. 6 – 8. Rosh Hashanah celebrates G-d’s creation and humanity’s role in that creation. This new year festival is also called Day of the Shofar (ram’s horn). A ram’s horn is sounded, calling humanity to contemplate the act and art of forgiveness, of reunion, restoration and reconciliation. In areas where there is war, there is a call for a ceasefire.

Rosh Hashanah, beginning 10 Days of Forgiveness culminates in Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement). During Rosh Hashanah we gather together, eat apples dipped in honey, we bless one another with the words “L’shanah tovah.” (Hebrew: שנה טובה‎)  (May you have a good and sweet year.)

Creation of Adam and Eve (balancing of polarities) and of the world through sound are the themes of Rosh Hashanah. From Genesis, “And the Word (sound) was made flesh (formed itself into matter).” And the “Words of G-d” (sound, vowels) became matter (the Mother) imbued with intelligence. The “word” became the Mother (Virgo). Matter maintains its integrity through the light and direction of the Soul (hidden in the “cave of the heart”). O

In all languages the vowels are the original “sounds” of creation, the language of the Devas (angelic builders of form). Montessori, in teaching children the alphabet, separates vowels from consonants. The letters of the alphabet letter, A – Z, are in sandpaper for the children to “trace” with their fingertips. The vowels (A E I O U Y) are on a background of blue. The consonants are on a background of red.   

Humanity is asked to use words that contain the essence of the angels, words that contain kindness, care, forgiveness and awe, so we are careful not to “lose the language of the heart.” When we speak with kindness, we lift up matter to the “Kingdoms of Beauty.” We help restore humanity’s happiness and truth and well-being. Rosh Hashanah is a purifying festival of kindness and compassionate forgiving. “L’shanah tovah” everyone!

ARIES: Interactions, deep thinking, working with colleagues, planning and future agendas begin to proceed forward and communication becomes less difficult. Everything does, actually. There are so many daily responsibilities and time has accelerated, so focus on, order and organization. Allow plans to manifest over time. Financial consideration will intensify. Be sure to have cash on hand. Remember Cash Friday now. Bring kindness to relationships, too. Surround everything with gratitude.

TAURUS: Words describing the coming month – balance, right relations, goodwill, creativity, research, food, purity, structure, restructure, money, finances, desire, aspiration, old friends, relationship(s). All play out, one after another as you simultaneously attempt to understand the spiritual sciences of how all things are made and how we have come to this present moment. You understand to bring forth the new world, humanity must cooperate and work with the Devas (Light Beings). You contact them. They respond. You teach others.

GEMINI: When looking at Gemini’s chart for the month, I see there is a natural slowing down process occurring due to Mars in Virgo, affecting your daily life. Simultaneously, Jupiter is in Aquarius and new realities are coming forth, creating a new structure of freedom and beauty. It is time now to contemplate Right Relations with all the kingdoms, especially the Devas. Your interactions with them call forth a new creativity and a new life direction.

CANCER: It’s important to begin speaking with truth and clarity about choices you made the past several years. It’s important to communicate with family and friends and all the kingdoms, including the animal and plant kingdoms. Cancer nourishes all that is around them. However, the person who needs nourishment and nurturing now is you. How would that play out in daily life? What actually are your needs? Create a journal of hopes, wishes and dreams.

LEO: Are you attempting to pull back on financial expenditures, trying to plan the future in terms of imagining what you would need if the supply chain suddenly stopped. Seek true facts and figures, and gradually realize what you and your home and those you care for would need. For now, clean, clear and reorder your home. Organize finances, too. Remember to insure your future with savings and precious metals. The entire banking system is shifting.

VIRGO: A new self-image and style is needed. New colors, clothes, new hair, shoes all create a new perception of self. Think “style.” Style makes one more present, exciting, fascinating, fashionable and on the edge. You’re capable of this, with the Sun presently in your sign. It’s easy for you to become habitual, drab looking, acting and believing in the same old realities. But the new era is here now. Stand up, shake off the old, set new goals, become who you want to be, and oh! Happy birthday, too!

LIBRA: Mercury is moving out of Virgo and entering your sign of Libra. Venus is already there in Libra. In Libra, Mercury offers a new sense of self within relationships. And Venus helps us unite with loved ones. Mercury and Venus encourage reading, which is a safe harbor for you, calming anxieties, allowing you to imagine more and removes you from the strain of over-work. Do recognize your loved ones’ abilities, talents and gifts. Praise them more. Tithe those in need and offer forgiveness. It comes when you yourself choose to “love more.”

SCORPIO: The months have brought forth great changes, which will not only continue but accelerate. Scorpio, sign of life and death, transformation and regeneration, the phoenix rising out of the ashes, lives a life of daily constant change. You ask others to join you. They are afraid (of you, of the sign Scorpio, of Mars, of the tests, of death, and all Scorpio transformation, regeneration experiences). You often feel alone. This is a purposeful situation for Scorpios – an evolutionary one. You’re to understand how to stand alone and hear the call of Discipleship.

SAGITTARIUS: Each sign’s light flows through a specific planet in order to reach the Earth. For Sagittarius, that planet is Jupiter, Ray 2 of Love/Wisdom. Sagittarius is the great professor, adventurer, archer, philosopher and Teacher. The sign of Sagittarius comes with a great task… to gather the courage, passion, knowledge, love and wisdom within and radiate it out into the world of thirsty humanity. Love heals, soothes, protects and transforms (first you, then others). It’s your time to do this now. It’s your awakened task. You are to be a Light for the world.

CAPRICORN: You seek a time of no complications, fewer responsibilities, where you can contemplate creativity, set goals, realize aspirations and future objectives and amidst family and friend and work needs, set about becoming the artist that you are. Tend to all personal and professional obligations early each day. View domestic situation with calm observation. Capricorns are in a transformational state. Pluto in your sign makes your life powerful, potent, effective, forceful and compelling. A bit intoxicating, too. Carry on!

AQUARIUS: For years life has been refining your sense of self and affecting your home situation. A bit of stabilization has occurred with finances and resources. Do ponder upon what your gifts are. Do your very best each day. Much will be expected of you in the future months and years. What you accomplish now will be expanded upon later. You have an opportunity to be seen in the world. Think of yourself as about to be reborn. All your actions become seeds for you future personal well-being and prosperity.

PISCES: You feel the need to remain in place wherever you are at this time. You and everyone else have a sense of not knowing future. Events come and go at lightning speed. This creates a vulnerability. Trying to be practical and somehow that’s elusive. You want one thing, and the opposite appears. Everyone needs a safe harbor, a refuge. A “cocoon.” Tend carefully to finances, resources, values. And to your spirit. There is perhaps grief in the family? Remember B vitamins and Ignatia Amara. Wait. Cry. Pray. Forgive. Give.

Risa – writer, teacher, counselor, mentor, astrologer, esotericist. Founder & Director, The Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School for the Ageless Wisdom teachings. The foundations of the Teachings are the study & application of Astrology & the Seven Rays. Email: Web journal: Daily studies post on our website. Astrological, esoteric, day to day news – art, literature, psychology, the cosmos, consciousness, philosophy, history, religion, economics, geography & cultural journalism. 

Recognition of the unique value of every living being expresses itself in reverence for life, compassion for all, sympathy with the need of all individuals to find truth for themselves, and respect for all religious traditions.  –The Esoteric & Theosophical Worldview