Esoteric Astrology as news for week Sept. 7 – 13


Entering a Retrograde Season – Mercury retrogrades, then Mars

Sun and Venus in the sky are in Virgo – sign of purification, of one’s daily tasks and duties, of order and organization, small animals and of serving others. We are in our last weeks of summer. On September 22 when Sun enters Libra, autumn begins. Ahead of the Sun in Libra is Mercury, which retrogrades on Friday at 9 degrees Libra. Mercury will retrograde back to Virgo (24 degrees) on October 2. 

We are entering a retrograde season when Mercury retrogrades. At the end of October, Mars will also retrograde through mid-January 2023. While Mercury retrogrades three times a year, Mars only retrogrades every two years (every 26 months). Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. When Mercury is on the far side of the Sun, it appears to be going backwards in the zodiac. This backward motion is called retrograde.

While Mercury is communication, Mars is action! Retrogrades place humanity into a state of reflections and review. Retrograde times are actually magical times where we experience unexpected revelations and new understandings. During retrogrades everyone becomes an internalized Virgo.

In retrogrades we’re nudged to review, reflect, and revise, as opposed to pushing forward with new endeavors.

The significance of this retrograde of Mercury is Libra, sign of deep intimate relationships, interaction with others, partnerships, diplomacy, balance and our social identity. Libra always seeks harmony. Mercury Retrograde in Libra is about seeking harmony internally. Libra is the sign of relationships. With Mercury retro in Libra, people from our past can appear. We may dream about them. It is a time to tie up loose ends related to relationships, money, or values, all things overseen by Libra.  

Libra also points out the duality and polarization within relationships and under Ray 3 (Active intelligence), Libra represents our intelligence, our ability to be democratic and esoterically, Libra rules finances and the economy. All of these will be assessed, reassessed and perhaps challenged during the retrograde. The best advice for retrogrades is to observe everything internally and externally and slow down. We have all the time in the world during retrogrades! It’s a time of magic!

ARIES: Mercury retrograde is moving through your house of partnership and marriage. Notice any conflicts impatience or misunderstandings. Notice thoughts and feelings concerning others, especially those close to you. Rearrange your thinking so that harmony is the goal, not conflict. If anyone has wedding plans during the retro dates, it’s best to postpone the celebration. One does not want a Mercury retrograde marriage unless both partners were born with Mercury retrograde, which means they communicate telepathically. 

TAURUS: During the retrograde, Mercury will be moving through your sixth house of everyday living. The sixth house rules health, service to self and others, small animals, pure foods, gardens, routines and daily work. It’s important to focus on nutrition, how one tends and cares for the self. Be aware of the health of one’s animals, too. Be sure your daily routines are balanced and only do work that is gratifying, rewarding and fulfilling. You need a bit of enchantment.

GEMINI: The Mercury retrograde takes your creativity inward, offering you the opportunity to explore different future pathways, imagine new directions and points of view. It calls you to be flexible and fluid so you can assess the last three months’ events and what may be in store for the next three months. Nothing limits your ability to dream, visualize, imagine or plan for the future. It’s important to explore ways to bring more of your creativity to light. I always thought you and Aquarius might have a found-art gallery. Try to recapture childhood spontaneity.

CANCER: This Mercury retrograde will offer you the opportunity to be out and about in the world offering your talents, gifts and abilities. You will, however, also long to be home, while being very aware of inner emotional shifts, feelings of missing someone or something, and focus upon all inner needs. New patterns of creativity are taking shape. You may also consider a reorganization of your home. Is the daily work you are doing offering enough creative opportunities? New aspirations emerge. Write them down for future use.

LEO: As Mercury retrogrades through your third house of thinking and communication you may find yourself walking a bit more, traversing neighborhoods, camera in hand. You may also seek to understand how what you learned as a child affects your present life. Attempt to bring balance to friend and sibling relationships.  Notice if you use your hands more. Consider learning calligraphy. Also consider what thoughts and aspiration have brought you to this moment in time. And gain clarity about your authentic friends, collaborations and ambitions. At the end of the retrograde, blinders are removed from your eyes.

VIRGO: In this Mercury retro in Libra, your values and resources are assessed. Also, your need to see the self as valuable. You may notice it’s necessary to rest more, seeking comfort and calmness, not push your will so strongly. You may seek more in-depth personal communications with those you care about. Feelings may appear that are unexpected, and a sense of Venusian stillness and composure may arise. Your imagination may take hold and all things within and hidden away may surface. An important choice also will be made.

LIBRA: Mercury retro in Libra will be in your first house (Aries house) of self-identification and purpose. During these difficult times, has your awareness of self and your abilities, or your sense of purpose changed? Do you find yourself more courageous, more risk-taking? As the retrograde progresses you may need to slow down, rest more, evaluate who you thought you were and who you might be now. A change has occurred within, and the retrograde will introduce you to your “new self.” Practice a bit of reverie now and then.

SCORPIO: The Mercury retrograde will be in your house of mystery, religion, things hidden and veiled, which offers great refuge. During the Mercury retrograde review and assess what religion or spirituality means to you. Perhaps you long for vision, hope, for refuge and a place for the mystical to be revealed. Mercury retrograde is offering the sounds, colors, and tones of harmony and balance. This brings beauty forth. Scorpio and Pisces are like siblings – one the Disciple, the other the Savior. You need each other. Do daydream a bit more. Dream about the future. 

SAGITTARIUS: Mercury retrograde traverses your house of groups, friends, hopes, wishes and dreams. It’s a perfect time to review these things. Who are your real friends? What groups do you belong to? Do they further your hopes, wishes and dreams? What are your hopes, wishes and dreams? Is your technology up to date? Notice if anything technological just stops working! Alternate sources of information may pop up unexpectedly. Study them for their usefulness. Remain in the heart. Be heart-felt. There isn’t anything else to do! 

CAPRICORN: Mercury retrogrades in your house of work in the world, how you’re seen and recognized. And it concerns the master plan for your life. You may need to ask others to assist you in completing previous tasks. You may be impatient, too, feeling the need to direct everything. However, that will be impossible. You are used to doing things by yourself, being your own boss, taking the reins. However, before the new can come forth everything concerning your world of work needs cooperation from others. Assess this so a re-balancing can come forth. And a harmony.

AQUARIUS: Mercury retrogrades through your house of culture, journeys, justice, and the law. We are all asked to take our blinders off and look around. Our world is in a state of conflict and chaos and since you are the messenger from the future, it’s important to recognize the inner work that is needed. You are to research the truths humanity needs to know in order to survive. Everything will slow down so you can do the thorough work of study and research. You are and will be called to put on the professor hat soon. Get ready. You know you want to influence others. This is your task.

PISCES: Mercury retrograde travels through your Scorpio house of deep waters, dark secrets, of mysterious and puzzling things. Mercury retro calls you to gather your perceptive abilities that lead to understanding. Uncovering secrets helps create security, safety, transparency and truth in daily life. You have the wisdom needed to navigate our present difficult and challenging times. You will need patience and more courage than usual. You will need to teach others. In between your warrior work of saving the world, bring to all relationships the most tender loving care. Everyone is on a “precipice.” You are the stronghold. 

Risa – writer, educator, teacher, psychological-spiritual counselor, mentor, astrologer & esotericist. Founder & Director of The Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute/College, a contemporary Wisdom School (center for spiritual discourse & study) for the Ageless Wisdom teachings. Foundations of the Teachings are the study & application of exoteric & esoteric Astrology, the Seven Rays & Raja Yoga meditation. Astrological, esoteric, day-to-day news – art, literature, psychology, the cosmos, consciousness, philosophy, history, religion, economics, geography & cultural journalism. and