Esoteric Astrology as news for week Sept .27 – October 3, 2023


Full Moon, Harvests, Temporary Houses (Sukkot) & an Archangel

Friday, September 29, is a most interesting and auspicious day. It’s the full moon (Libra solar festival), Sukkot (Jewish harvest festival), and Michaelmas, Feast of St. Michael, the Archangel, Earth’s guide and protector during autumn. It was also St. Michael who led the Jewish people safely through their 40-year sojourn in the desert wilderness before entering Canaan.

During each season a different cosmic protector or archangel tends and cares for and protects Earth and her kingdoms. The autumn Archangel is Michael. He carries a sword. Winter’s protector is Archangel Gabriel. He has a special connection with Mary, Mother of Jesus. Spring’s Archangel is Raphael. And summer’s protector is Uriel. He teaches in meadows and fields to all the kingdoms. The devas especially love him.

It’s autumn now with Sun in Libra, sign of balance, harmony and bringing forth Right Relations with the kingdoms and each other. Libra’s light streams through Venus, then Uranus, then Saturn. Venus unifies. Uranus revolutionizes. And Saturn (the Mind of Solomon) brings fairness, justice and Right Judgment concerning the economy. Libra is a most interesting sign. It comes into our Earth during times of transition. Helping to balance the polarities. Our world is experiencing the crisis of transition now. We call upon Libra to balance world events.

 Persephone at autumn equinox entered the underworld. Ceres, her mother, begins to grieve. The plant kingdom begins to withdraw. The northern latitudes fall into darkness. Apples, persimmons, pomegranates and guavas ripen. We build our temporary homes out of the nature kingdom. Remembering our long journey in the desert. And Libra calls out to humanity, “Which path will you choose? Here, let me show you the two paths. If you are blindfolded (unaware) then the path is a return to Virgo (matter). If you are clear eyes and seeing, aware of truth, pure and virtuous, then the Path leads to Scorpio. But for now, rest in this interim. And know that whichever path you choose leads to the Burning Ground.”

ARIES: The season has changed and so has the light at dawn and dusk. And so must our health regimes, diets, ways we exercise and plan our day, also change. With Mercury in Virgo, it’s good to begin thinking along new lines, preparing for the darkening days, the colors, slant of the sun and the shadows. These shifts and new rhythms are reflected within ourselves, too. We contemplate them. Relationships need extra tending too. So as winter arrives, no one feels cold, alone, withdrawn and left out. You are to bring them the Sun.

TAURUS: In the past you were more or less out and about, learning new things, attending lectures, classes, gathering information. Being very aware of your task, that of illuminating the minds of humanity, calling humanity to be more disciplined and to think. Now it would be good to consider what would be playful for you, what brings enjoyment, fun, what calls forth your lightness and sense of spontaneity? Perhaps you need to swim each day in a warm pool.

GEMINI: What constitutes family to you, whether biological, friend, group (esoteric?), colleagues, etc., matters more and more. Something’s not complete with someone, or maybe you need to visit to bring forth the next developmental stage in relationship(s). Harmony must be your focus with a touch of compromise (not much). Listening to others until you understand the essential message is a parallel goal. All of this brings love forth – your task under Venus.

CANCER: Make contact. These two words have an admonishing depth most don’t understand. Making contact releases Love. But the contact must be true, real, and intentional contact. It must be from the heart, connecting heart-to-heart, Soul-to-Soul. The results are that the Love being released creates freedom and liberation for everyone. You are the one to begin this process. Do this quietly, silently, ceaselessly with heartfelt intentions Practice this contact with all Earth’s kingdoms.

LEO: There’s a sense within that you must not only create a new plan concerning finances and resources, but that a new state of values must also come forth. What is of value to you, and do you feel and sense your own value – you as valuable? If there are people close to you, you may want to communicate more deeply with them, sharing your values, asking what values you both hold in common. Simultaneously, what are your desires and aspirations for the future, based on these values? Self-identification now is most important.

VIRGO: Shadows and light are a story for you at this time. You will want to come out of the shadows and into a greater light of self. Standing in shadows, perhaps in the shadow of another (?) is of comfort to you. However, there comes a time when we each must define ourselves, recognize our own self-identity, understand needs, realize that we’re responsible, summon our confidence, and seek a new support system. Am I speaking to Virgo or Pisces? Both. For they are the shadow of the other.

LIBRA: This morning at Mass I saw a drawing of a sheaf of wheat. A Virgo symbol of nourishment for humanity. This sheaf of wheat was offered to Libra, the balancer of the scales. I thought of Libra, and what nourishes them. Relationships, beauty, friends, equilibrium, balance, love, sacrifice, art. It’s the art of the wheat sheaf that caught my eye and I thought Librans must return to their art in whatever form interests them. Some paint, some have galleries, some are collectors. What is your art form? It’s calling to you.

SCORPIO: Do you feel a sense of restlessness? A sense that there’s a group that belongs to you, and you to them, yet somehow you can’t locate it or they you? As you both search for the other, assess your present-day and future hopes, wishes, dreams and goals. They are shifting and in the process of changing. So many of us are on the fence, indecisive about the future, in between here and there. It’s an interim time that summons patience. Speak with those close to you. Ask for their visions and goals and listen deeply for their responses.

SAGITTARIUS: At this time and for several months ahead, the perfect execution of your work will be a priority. It always is but a new dimension of creativity has been added. Multiple thoughts flow through your mind; you’re being impressed with ideas that may become ideals. There’s an inner enthusiasm and a new inspiration. Do you need to begin something new? What are your needs at this time? Share your ideas with those who can assist you. Diplomacy is paramount to the successful outcome of all interactions.

CAPRICORN: Will you make an altar for the new season of autumn that has begun? What tasks in the garden are called for now? What tasks in the business world are needed? It seems something’s calling you, someone, somewhere. Perhaps it’s a course of study, something you want (or need) to learn. Is it somewhere you want to visit, travel to, discover? There also might be something you need to say to someone somewhere far away. Something professional your way comes (soon). It brings in all your creative gifts.

AQUARIUS: Take extra care with your money and resources. Use this time to discriminate between what is needed and what is not. Give away what is not and then give more away. Giving provides you with meaning and a true sense of service to others. The result of giving is a freedom and a liberation that allows a movement forward in your life. Giving is a blessing bestowed upon the one who gives and the one who receives. When giving, one receives everything one needs in return. Giving is a form of magic.

PISCES: We are to do our best in the place(s) we find ourselves. Many of us feel indecisive these days, sitting on the fence (uncomfortable), unable to know where we’re going. We don’t know what to do at times or how to offer our gifts when opportunities don’t seem to exist. So, again, we (especially Pisces at this time) are to do our best in the place(s) we find ourselves, wherever they are. Continue to recite this mantra – “I know O Lords of Life and Love about the needs of the world. Touch my heart with love so I can love and give, love and give and love and give again.” Then listen in stillness.