New Moon, Days of Awe & Peace as Autumn Begins
We have multiple festivals this week. All festivals, from ancient religions to our spiritual practices today, are astrologically based. The heavens – Sun, Moon, stars & planets – are God’s story to humanity. They are also humanity’s timetable and our Pathway back to heaven. Humanity’s festivals, based on the stars, are rituals that keep humanity connected to the earth and to heaven.
Humanity has a natural longing for the Divine, especially when the world is in disharmony. The Soul, part of humanity’s make-up, is what bridges the eternal with day-to-day livingness. The Soul loves ritual. Rituals call in the Soul of the people and their Divinity. All cultures, all religions have rituals.
As we study multiple ideologies and religious rituals, we touch into ancient beliefs, imagination, alchemy and creativity. These are what redeem us (lifting matter, the Mother, our form, to the Light).
So, this week’s festivals are: the Virgo new moon on Thursday wherein we support the endeavors of the New Group of World Servers. Friday night is the first night of Rosh Hashanah, Hebrew Festival of Creation (the New Year), which begins the Ten Days of Awe. Monday is the International Day of Peace. And Tuesday is the first day of Autumn, as the Sun enters Libra, sign of creating Goodwill with all our relationships.
Happy Virgo new moon everyone, as we celebrate the Days of Awe and choosing peace as Autumn 2020 begins. It will be quite a fall season this year; one for the history books and one we will never forget!
Note: As I write each day on FB & my webpage, I will be writing about each of these festivals. See my FB (Risa D’Angeles) page and Daily Studies on my webpage –
ARIES: With Mars retrograde, all Aries may feel they are being tested. And you are. Do you also feel divided between four pathways, standing in the middle wondering which direction to pursue next? There are several past issues that need tending and closure before you will know how to proceed. They are being presented to you every day, so observe, assess, ponder, pray and have the intention to carefully and kindly complete all things unfinished. Then the next page turns.
TAURUS: Maintain your deep study and research into the possible future even though pressures and people may be hindrances to moving forward. The new realities must be brought forth and each sign has the responsibility for a facet of that diamond. Taurus has the illumination needed for others to understand the plans and purposes of the new era. You have land to buy, a community to build, a greenhouse to construct, a garden to plant and multiple things to teach so that many will learn, understand and be saved.
GEMINI: You experience confusion when not standing directly in the light. You must begin to observe and understand both sides of all issues in order to create a triangle of synthesis, with you standing at the apex. There are two paths to choose from: one dark, one light. You must discern first the false light, then the true light. Then revelations and Right Choice can occur. Ponder upon these words. Draw and visualize the five-pointed star, a triangle and the Cross. Stand at the center of each. Do this over and over.
CANCER: A fusion and synthesis are occurring between what you were taught and what you now know and seek. Money is a concern. Know adequate resources will always be available. With others, be kind and never critical. Listen deeply, respond with compassion, never impatience. The homeopath Aconite neutralizes impatience (an excess of electrical energy). At times, you may feel like a rainstorm.
LEO: It’s possible that thoughts and feelings from previous relationships are being remembered. It’s possible there could be anger about the childhood experiences, all of which influence your adult behavior in relationships. It’s good to ask what you learned in each relationship. And to ask, “Did I love, offer and give enough?” There’s still time. Everyone is learning from everyone else, all the time. Your self-identity during these times of change.
VIRGO: Tend to finances; ask for assistance if puzzled, embrace the future by investing in supplies to sustain you and others for at least six months. Plan on others joining you. When self-critical beliefs occur, heartache and anxiety are the result. It’s important to know the difference between good and evil, light and dark (covered with a false light). It’s best to always use words of praise and gratitude. Then magic happens.
LIBRA: Something profound, transformative and new has been occurring, affecting the foundations of your life. Through autumn you’ll know more. Good things are coming about in your professional life. Is family visiting, changing or are you missing kinfolk? Are you thinking about religions or spirituality? Tend with care and kindness to all relationships. Your group sustains, nourishes and fortifies you. But someone’s left out. Turn feelings of loss into the magic of gratitude.
SCORPIO: It may feel that you need to structure your surroundings so that nothing is left to chance. Also, you want to nurture and build an ever-growing participation in a social sphere. Groups of like-minded people need you and you need them for sustenance. You wonder what to do with your money as you are offered two choices. One grows in value, one dims. How do you decide which to choose? Which is more sustainable? Think precious metals.
SAGITTARIUS: It’s time for something new in terms of relationships. Is it also time to travel somewhere you’ve been before to assess life with new eyes. Do be aware of how much work you’ve done; how hard you’ve labored and where you are today. In the next 18 months, your usual ways of thinking and interpreting will change. Your creativity will change, too. Some of this is already occurring. Is it topsy-turvy in our world with life tumbling about? Stay poised.
CAPRICORN: You asked for a playful column. I see why. Pluto and Saturn in your first house of self-identity. Everything about your life is deep and profound and you need someone else to be funny for a change. Humor frees you from the dark Plutonian depths. Let’s not talk about money. You have enough. You aspire and actually have the ability to transform all environments into places of beauty. Your life is a prayer that turns your abode into a shrine.
AQUARIUS: New and old realities tumble about in your life. You seem always on the precipice of change. Perhaps you grew up with too little or more than enough money. Either reality offered you a certain lens concerning money. And here we are today, the monetary world collapsing. Don’t be fearful. From the ashes emerge great opportunities. Ponder upon priorities considering the world situation. What must (can) you do now? You’ll come to true answers. A community of artists perhaps?
PISCES: Things feel (and are) very complex. In our states of solitude all desires and expectations are surfacing, informing us of what our values really are. Disappointments, sadness and unrealized hopes, leading to despair, can actually make us ill. It’s important to be aware of this. Instead, lift up from the emotions by studying astrology, homeopathy, the tarot, numerology, gematria. Begin to connect the different disciplines. See a holistic doctor who does astrology with homeopathy. Deep, deeper to deepest layers will be uncovered, in safety. This is the new psychology
Risa – writer, teacher, counselor, mentor, astrologer, esotericist. Founder & Director, The Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School for the Ageless Wisdom teachings. The foundations of the Teachings are the study & application of Astrology & the Seven Rays. Email: Web journal: Facebook: Risa D’Angeles & Risa’s Esoteric Astrology (2 FB pages). All FB messages are posted on NLN (website) – under Daily Studies. Astrological, esoteric, day to day news – art, literature, psychology, history, religion, economics, geography & cultural journalism.
Recognition of the unique value of every living being expresses itself in reverence for life, compassion for all, sympathy with the need of all individuals to find truth for themselves, and respect for all religious traditions. –The Esoteric & Theosophical Worldview