Esoteric Astrology as news for week October 6 – 12


How & When Change Happens – to most this is unknown! 

Change occurs when the planets in the heavens “interact” with our natal planets in our astrology charts (picture of the heavens at birth). Change does not occur otherwise. That is the best well-kept secret in the world. Very few actually realize this, including 98% of the psychologists. How and when change occurs is one of the most important reasons to study astrology – knowing when and what type of changes will be occurring. When we know how and when the heavenly energies (sun, moon, stars, planets) interface with our charts (natal planets), we are able to work with the energies and not against them. And better understand events in our lives.

This week, two major planetary influencers (Saturn & Pluto) are shifting position from retrograde (inner review) to direct (outer actions). The outer planets – Pluto, Neptune, Uranus are retrograde for half the year. Saturn for five months of the year. When they turn direct, a major shift begins to occur for humanity. When planets are retrograde their power is subdued. When direct, we can feel their full force. 

Hours after Wednesday’s Libra new moon (13 degrees Libra), Pluto turns stationary direct at 24 degrees Capricorn (sign of government). Saturn follows, turning direct on Sunday at 7 degrees Aquarius, sign of the new era under the Aquarian new Laws & Principles. 

Pluto is the planet of deep and unceasing transformation, Saturn, the planet of structure, discipline and restructuring. Pluto is power dynamics, control and domination (who is in control, who is playing the dominant role, Pluto asks.) Pluto in Capricorn points us to the role of government. What ways is our government allowing humanity control or taking control away from the people? While retrograde, a searchlight shines on these questions.

When direct, humanity, if awake, begins to take control of our own sovereignty. With Saturn direct, humanity assumes new work ethics, takes on a new maturity. In our daily life and in the life of our country and our world, look for and be observant of any changes in terms of power, domination, control, a reorientation, discipline, the rule of law and our economic structures. What do we see? (continued next week) Note: in the retrograde, as we review the past, the same issues reappear for further reassessment. 

ARIES: You will be called to teamwork, perhaps by competitors and possibly by those you consider as enemies. Don’t fret or fuss. Libra Sun, your opposite sign in your relationship house, is about bringing Right Human Relations, balance, and fairness to all interactions. You can initiate this though your intentions and will(ingness) for harmony. This will enhance your public image, create new alliances, affect your environments (inner and outer) and friendships and release love all around. 

TAURUS: It’s time to seriously consider another regimen of health, wellness, exercise, and proper eating – very necessary at this time to vitalize your energy system and adrenals. For some a vegetarian diet may be needed. For some, steaks, rare. For some shots of whiskey at night. The emphasis now primarily needs to be in service to self. Everyone around you, including your pets, will be reflecting your health issue. Remember to use cell salts, homeopathics and all the therapeutics we have been hearing about. 

GEMINI: What are your favorite activities? What are your hobbies and what do you do for fun? What types of books are you reading now? Have these changed in the past several years? Who loves you, where and how do you find freedom, and are there any children in your life? All of these questions need thoughtful reflection in this Mercury retrograde so you can, with eyes wide open, choose a balancing of Gemini’s polarities and dualities. Do you know the difference?

CANCER: It seems your property, what you own and/or where you live, may be in a state of repair, reassessment, reorientation, and transformation. At some point, emerging from your inner rooms you might consider creating a “garden room,” a “Temple beautiful,” along with a garden gate. Perhaps it’s also time for a greenhouse, new pathways and an uncluttered home office. Where and what is your community these days?

LEO: It’s a good time to make contact by writing cards and letters, the old-fashioned way. Perhaps Halloween post cards. It’s also good to contact family, siblings, old friends and renew relationships, many of whom may have been cast aside due to excess hibernation, inner work, intense grief, or a general antipathy toward relationships. Visiting forests and glens builds a relationship with the most harmonious of kingdoms. The safest relationship is with the plant kingdom. Chat with the devas at sunrise and sunset and before sleep.

VIRGO: Perhaps it’s time for a resale sale, or maybe a new look at your valuable possessions. Assessing your resources with new eyes provides insight into what your true values may be. Have they changed in the past twenty years? Acknowledging what you value revitalizes your identity and is a clue to which path to choose, which could change after the retrograde. Mercury retrograde always affects Virgo and Gemini the most. How is it affecting you, Virgo? 

LIBRA: Libras are cardinal signs that initiate new realities. They are often reluctant leaders. Do not be afraid of or shy away from leadership. But do be aware of leadership’s dangerous path. The first temptation in leadership is using power over others. Understand that others look at leaders through the lens of their own experiences, expectations, wounds, needs, projections and what they learned in childhood This is not comfortable. Only the courageous can lead. Begin creating new projects that will overflow into the next year. Something’s almost over. And something “wicked” is soon coming.

SCORPIO: Visit the ill, the sick, the hospitalized, the shut away, the sad, the lonely, the lost and the limited. I visited with my brother the other day. He has Alzheimer’s. Although they say he has no mind left, I know he “saw” and heard me. When visiting those in need, connect with them heart to heart, soul to soul. And bring along some music. This act of charity will reorient your heart towards kindness and spiritual values. Tithe, be charitable, ask forgiveness for past omissions, and seek work that heals humanity. Discipleship tasks.

SAGITTARIUS: Juno and the South Node are presently in Sagittarius. Juno brings one empowerment or disempowerment. The south node offers us all the talents and gifts from past lives. Perform tasks that empower you and help others empower themselves. Are there several social situations you are unconsciously maintaining? Are they valuable and useful at this time and for the new era? You benefit when telling others your far-reaching life goals. How is your financial situation? Things are attempting to balance this month. Help it along.

CAPRICORN: You are presenting yourself to the world along with your talents and gifts. This creates new business ideas and goals and newer ways to handle a possible new career. Review your past work and know that it is good. Know also that you can summon all gifts from past lives into your present, applying them efficiently and effectively to your present needs. Ask also that they provide you with a clear sense of direction. Ponder on possible plans and goals and patronage. You will be recognized and honored.

AQUARIUS: It’s time to create a longer-range life program. Include things educational, professional, spiritual and philosophical. Whether you believe in this or not, do it anyway, for it outlines your life’s needs and provides you with a contemplative view of your goals. Should you take this life task seriously, writing thoughts down, it’s possible that everything will come to pass. Write daily your hopes, wishes and dreams. Speak with the devas about these things. Their task is to help us manifest. They are the builders of form and matter. 

PISCES: Continue to eliminate debt and continue saving. Use cash when possible and invest in gold and silver and if possible, land. Think about creating that community. Its need is imminent. Do all things with the thought of building the new era in the form of a refuge, monastery, mountain and forest retreat. Store up food, supplies and living essentials. This is most important now and will, in the next few months, become a resource. There are several very important items you must purchase for communal use. Manifest them. Conserve all spending as you conserve your energy. A new talent arises.

Risa – writer, teacher, counselor, mentor, astrologer, esotericist. Founder & Director of The Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School for the Ageless Wisdom teachings. The foundations of the Teachings are the study & application of Astrology & the Seven Rays. Daily studies post on our website. Astrological, esoteric, day to day news – art, literature, psychology, the cosmos, consciousness, philosophy, history, religion, economics, geography & cultural journalism. 

Recognition of the unique value of every living being expresses itself in reverence for life, compassion for all, sympathy with the need of all individuals to find truth for themselves, and respect for all religious traditions.  –The Esoteric & Theosophical Worldview