Esoteric Astrology as news for week October 30 – November 5, 2024


The Final Choice – May We Choose Rightly 


We begin the week on Wednesday, with a Libra moon, giving us time to consider our choices in the upcoming November 5th U.S. presidential vote. Mercury is opposite Uranus Wednesday which means our minds can shift and change or revelations appear.

Wednesday is All Hallows Eve. Veils between worlds begin to part. The spirits of our ancestors, the angels and devas are given permission to roam about.

Thursday is Halloween and Mercury trines (harmony) Neptune. Mercury brings a subtle refinement to our thinking. Libra moon (“Let choice be made”) shifts into Scorpio – the call to discipleship. If our costume was an artist or a historical figure, teacher or saint, who would we be?

Friday is the Scorpio New Moon and All Saints Day. At new moon times, we support the endeavors of the New Group of World Servers in the Ten Spiritual Seed Groups. The NGWS is a world group, standing for right human relations, truth and goodwill.

Saturday is very astrologically complex, Mercury (messenger of information) is busy once again – trine Mars (our actions), sextile Pluto (deep pondering) and in the afternoon Mercury leaves Scorpio’s depths & enters the fires of Sagittarius. No more drowning in the unknown. Before turning in for the night we set our clocks back one hour.

Sunday is another complex day – Mars/Pluto and Venus/Jupiter. A combination of danger and extreme optimism. Careful everyone! Mars enters Leo Sunday evening. Reviewing our gifts and abilities we cultivate them further. They are needed for the coming new world.

Monday is Sagittarius moon – our minds are focused on what is just and right. There is great tension in the air.

Tuesday is Capricorn moon (practical), election day and the votes are counted. This day will be written up in history. Our United States either moves into darkness or our people have chosen to move into the Light. Our prayer: “Let the Forces of Light bring illumination to the minds of humanity. Let the spirit of peace be spread abroad. May we meet in a spirit of cooperation, forgiveness and love.” Our choice affects all peoples and nations of the world. May we choose rightly.  


ARIES: Most of your thoughts will turn toward relationships – what they mean to you, how they serve, tend to and care for you, and what your expectations are. What is also important is to ask yourself if you serve others in relationships? If so, how? If not, why not? Know that how you were tended to and nurtured in your early years will be mirrored in relationships. Choose now, with awareness and deep inner thought, to make relationships better, more loving with deep intentions of goodwill.

TAURUS: You will assess what different way daily chores can be done, what in daily life needs to be eliminated and what kept. You will ponder upon and seek a different lifestyle that includes things green, sustainable, community oriented. You will assess location, safety zones, and the best way to create both protein and vegetables in the most efficient way. You will also consider how to have more solitude. Better get going. Time’s running out. Gather and meet with friends, learn preparedness skills and consciously move into the future.

GEMINI: It’s good to have a Taurus friend. Find out all they know so you can share their practical knowledge with the rest of humanity. Since Taurus is about safety concerns seven generations beyond now and your purpose is the gathering and distributing of information, what information do you have at this time that would assist humanity? Are you up on the real news? The coming times, the reorientation that’s all around us, and the new world are just beginning. What do you know about these events and what are your plans to participate? You are the messenger.

CANCER: Your Aquarian tasks have to do with family, informing them of all you know concerning the present situation occurring in our country and on our planet (the great shifts). It’s also important that you review your living situation. Are you happy there, is there room if family suddenly moves in, do you have a root cellar, can you grow and can vegetables and fruits? Where is your garden and what are you growing? Nurturance as well as being self-sustaining are on your mind. Where and who is your present family and what must you learn now to move forward into the future?

LEO: You are a leader. However, perhaps in your pursuit of trying to understand yourself through your creative efforts, you’re not quite aware of this (leadership). It’s time to set everything aside and figure out who your community of peers is, where they are, and how you would like to live in the coming changing times. Let’s see… what if there’s less food, banks fail, and your present lifestyle no longer serves you? What would you do? Where would you go? Who would be your partners and colleagues with enough information for survival? What are you presently pursuing and is it useful? What is leadership?

VIRGO: For several months you’ll ponder what is of value to you. You’ll think about yourself – are you of value? We are all of value but sometimes it takes years, even lifetimes, to realize this. Simultaneously there will be thoughts about money and resources. Where do your resources come from, and will they remain stable in the future? Are you able to give to others? An economic reorientation is beginning in our country and in the world. Are you one of the new world servers who will help create the new materialism? Then you’re very valuable.

LIBRA: Something new begins for you this autumn. It will positively affect your sense of identity, sense of self as creative (and not just a constant, stable server/worker). There will be changes occurring with health and home — deep and penetrating ones. And a new level of study and thus communication will emerge. These experiences will strengthen your thoughts on healing others. You will develop a realistic understanding of present world conditions. Be kind to family. Do unto them what you would want done to you. Honor them – which is one of the Ten Commandments.

SCORPIO: On deeply spiritual levels, it’s Mercury that influences and informs you about ethics, virtues, and ways of being. Mercury also develops your contact with divine regions of reality, informing you that, after the nine tests of Mars, your communication must contain intentional words for Goodwill which then creates Right Relations with all the kingdoms. This autumn these words will help you understand what is taking place internally for you will be serious and contemplative, seeking solitude along with deep answers. Later you will turn toward others out in the world in the capacity of serving them.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s a good time to be social, to investigate what groups of people think and act like you, see you as a leader with great humanitarian goals, and also allow you to be just a regular part of the group. What you will experience is warmth and friendship, laughter and kindness, pleasure and fellowship. Beliefs will be renewed along with new values and new goals. Create a journal of daily thoughts, feelings, experiences and observations. Follow the new and full moon times. You will become even more non-conforming. Maintain equanimity.

CAPRICORN: You’ll be very busy reworking your network of professional friends, recreating work schedules and agendas, finding yourself at planning meetings where your innate Capricorn leadership skills emerge. Up, up you go on the ascending ladder and your work and presence in the community is recognized and applauded. For those Caps unhappy with current jobs, work and/or profession, it’s time to move to another venue that brings forth your gifts and makes you happy and prosperous. Whatever you do, if you love it, you succeed.

AQUARIUS: Do travel, meet new people, read more (histories, biographies, geography), go to school, teach a class, create a weekly group, create a podcast that discusses what you’re interested in, sing, tell jokes, talk about the coming times and create a community of those concerned with future survival. Allow yourself to be challenged, inventive, and even more different than usual. Know that your beliefs, attitudes, opinions and what you consider to be of value will change. Remember you come from the future so being different is what’s expected of you.

PISCES: You may experience a sort of being alone this autumn. This doesn’t mean there is no interaction with others. It means you will experience a solitude that allows you to ponder upon the past, understand what you value and with these thoughts attempt to create something new in terms of work in the world. Events in the past two years have created within you a strength and orientation you didn’t have before. These will inform your choices and ways of being with others. You have learned much. Now you can teach.