Esoteric Astrology as news for week October 2-8, 2019


Time of Reconciliation – I & Thou

The 12 zodiacal signs have a deep inner order characterized by inter-relationships, color, Rays, sound and rhythms. The sun crossing the equator at spring and autumn equinoxes creates a division of the equatorial circle into two halves, marking the beginning of the signs Aries and Libra. Thus, two poles are born, with Aries as the upper and Libra as the lower pole. Aries symbolizes the emergence of the first impulse of life; Libra represents the full blossoming of life in the world. During Libra the beauty of nature is transparent and radiant, like the golden sun on a brilliant autumn day. The splendors of the modern civilization, big cities, industries and the finest luxuries of life are expressed through Libra. Food and drink, luxury, fine things, jewels, style and fashion all are Libra signatures.

In the Eastern wisdom Aries is noon and Libra is midnight. Libra is the material pole of life, where the outer side predominates and Spirit becomes condensed. Humanity’s inner and the outer life separate and become estranged. We sometimes feel lost in Libra.  

Libra has compassion for us, though. Libra seeks to bring equilibrium to our lives. Equilibrium is a state of balanced tension. The path of tension is the path of striving, the path of life. (Brotherhood #44, Agni Yoga). Libra (Ray 3) offers the Light of Intelligent Wisdom to our lives. Libra tells us, “Begin each day with intentions for Goodwill. Goodwill creates equilibrium.” Goodwill creates Right Human Relations creates the peace and harmony humanity seeks. Libra is a pendulum moving side to side. Libra’s “pulsation” creates a restlessness in us, a search for our “other” half (I & Thou). Libra is the sign of “reconciliation – the balance between the principles of male/female within ourselves. Libra “reconciles.”

ARIES: A potent time is upon all of us these days. Strong desires & powerful emotions can act like ocean swells almost overcoming our ability to think. They give Aries, however, the courage to go where others won’t or can’t. I think you are hiding one of your precious gifts. Tend to relationships, love and care of another. Something’s regenerating. Hopefully your relationships. Don’t be ruthless and don’t seek to conquer. Work with.

TAURUS: You think about daily interactions and relationships within the context of industriousness, usefulness. You encourage others in order to involve them in working with you. Careful with your energy each day. You can overwork, become exhausted. You could create a separation through anger, reaction and harsh communication. It is good to listen, to hear deeply, to compromise, negotiate and to ask forgiveness. 

GEMINI: You are hard at work thinking about how to be more creative. For a while now, strong emotions are pushing you. It’s important to practice extreme care and safety especially while doing any physical labor lest accidents, burns, rashes, things red and scratchy occur at home. Be kind to those around you. A lot of fire things, ideas, anger may quietly come your way. Things hot and feeling dangerous. A bit like you’ve become. Interesting. Just listen.

CANCER: You need some pleasure to pursue, some love, romance, sports, both competitive and disciplined. However, most likely you focus on nurturing others, showering them with gifts. In turn, they may not act as you would expect. People’s energies are high, sometimes emotional and uncontrollable. Watch over yourself carefully. Allow yourself to be foolhardy at times. And stroll through an art and sculpture garden.

LEO: The themes seem to be communicating with family, parents, home, property, friends and people in the neighborhood. There’s a balancing needed, concerning your perception of the past, and of family and/or parents. With your deep ability to love from the heart, make peace with mother and the women in your life. Old anger doesn’t hold anything anymore. It actually weakens you. The cosmic energies can be used to beautify, repair and organize. Everything around you seeks this.

VIRGO: You’re thinking and talking a lot. Perhaps concerning assets and values. Thinking about how you are a resource for others? Try not to be argumentative. Allow a natural rhythm to occur with work, decisions, making arrangements and plans. Write letters by hand on real paper; use pen, ink, envelopes, stamps and a secret seal. Have you begun to learn calligraphy yet? It is to be your own meditation.

LIBRA: You enjoy making, having and using money. It is a great gift for you. Allowing you to be creative, to travel, to share with others. Money is a resource, a way to help others. It provides freedom and choice. It can be used to create more wealth. We are given the gift of money and resources so we can help rebuild the lives of humanity in need. Are you tithing ten percent of your income to those in need? Tithing insures a constant flow. You’re also allowed to be frivolous sometimes.

SCORPIO: Stamina and endurance seem to grow stronger each day. You find more challenges along your path and you always you have the strength to rise up to meet them. Your self-identity expands as you pursue a deeply inner spiritual life. Be more cooperative in groups, offering yourself in service. Complete all projects. Plan your next ones. Your intuition rises, reaches out to others, touches them. Contact is made. It releases love.

SAGITTARIUS: Your brilliance and creativity may feel hidden for a month. You may be very aware of this. They are regenerating, expanding. Desires may become secret, too. Sometimes you don’t know your motivation or reason for choosing something. Sometimes you feel life’s a series of intrigues. Your past appears and you wonder who your adversaries and allies are. Have you studied the word “karma?” Spiritually, we return with our same groups to help each other. Everyone around is your spiritual group.

CAPRICORN: You have hopes, wishes and dreams. You want to express yourself socially with friends (more than one) and associates. You want people to recognize and applaud your talents and gifts. You want to be with people who don’t think you’re selfish when you make an artistic choice. You’re strong, most times revolutionary. Don’t change. Review goals, hopes, wishes, dreams. Do you need a new journal? 

AQUARIUS: You’re are the finder, the artist, the adventurer, traveler, and philosopher. Justice is a focus. You see where humanity is caught in the thralldom of wrong thinking. Aquarius is the sign of humanity. You are sensitive to humanity’s needs. Everyone is your friend. You benefit by moving about here and there, undergoing change, learning about humanitarian causes. You are a world server. Travelling to the future and back.

PISCES: Pisces has a sense of divine discontent, seeking new ways of being, new endeavors, a new sense of self-confidence to move forward. It’s important to follow your own intuitions, needs, hopes, wishes, desires and dreams. Pisces often serves others before serving themselves. You must now turn your energies inward, seek your own counsel, reliability, safety and trust. Entrusting yourself to yourself. You are your own resource. Know that the past will make a visit. Staying a while. 

Risa – writer, teacher, counselor, mentor, astrologer, esotericist. Founder & Director of The Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School for the Ageless Wisdom teachings. The foundations of the Teachings are the study & application of Astrology & the Seven Rays. Email: Web journal: Facebook: Risa D’Angeles & Risa’s Esoteric Astrology (2 FB pages) All FB messages are posted on NLN (website) – under Daily Studies. Astrological, esoteric, day to day news – art, literature, psychology, history, religion, economics, geography & cultural journalism. Recognition of the unique value of every living being expresses itself in reverence for life, compassion for all, sympathy with the need of all individuals to find truth for themselves, and respect for all religious traditions. THE ESOTERIC & THEOSOPHICAL WORLDVIEW