Esoteric Astrology as news for week Oct. 16 – 22, 2024


Jupiter Retrogrades – Contemplation on Loving More

Jupiter, the planet of love and wisdom, and of all things good and benevolent, is retrograde in Gemini (thoughts, ideas, communication, interactions). Jupiter for the next four months is taking itself on a backwards journey, a backspin for a while. We will have a respite from the world. It will be like entering a vast library where we rest in the intelligence of the cosmos while listening to the teachings of the gods. With the light of Mercury (the Soul) in attendance, we gain needed wisdom.

During Jupiter’s retrograde, we turn inward, as if entering a retreat or sanctuary. We realign goals, reorder our thoughts, ideas and refine our communication. Jupiter (from a star in the Big Dipper called Ray 2 of Love/Wisdom) calls us also to cultivate more love.

Jupiter retrograded at 21 degrees Gemini on Wednesday, October 9. It will retrograde for four months, turning direct February 4, 2025, at 11 degrees Gemini.  Four months is a long retrograde!

During this time, we will assess the truth regarding events in our world. Jupiter flows through Sagittarius, the sign of truth. When we have truth, love happens and wisdom appears. Truth is needed during our present Kali Yuga when the dark is allowed to be seen.

With Jupiter’s retrograde in Gemini, we focus on past thoughts, ideas and communications. We walk about in neighborhoods at sunset time, a time of reverie, talking with neighbors, being friends with everyone.

Wherever Jupiter is, there can be an excess of something. During Jupiter retro – we pull back from anything disproportionate. This allows for introspection, and later assimilation. We turn inward, review the past year, reorganize our thinking (Gemini), realign our visions, hopes, wishes and dreams. We also realign our goals. What are they?

When planets retrograde, humanity is given a gift of time in order to contemplate, assess, ponder upon and reorganize our inner and outer selves. It is like the sign of Virgo – everything becomes ordered and organized, research is easy and missing information is revealed. We realign, release and rest in the quiet of the retrograde. As the truth dawns on us, disillusion is dispelled, inner hopes, wishes and dreams become more meaningful, we have visions of how they can be fulfilled. Jupiter offers us joy and guidance, playfulness and curiosity. And we are nourished like no other time of the year. During Jupiter retrograde, Pallas Athena opens a door to a room of higher wisdom that’s been waiting for us.  

ARIES: Relationships, partnerships, marriage, commitments, negotiations and contracts may be a bit adrift, shift and change. You will assess if there is anything needed to expand the good in each of these, so everything becomes more successful and productive. Are new studies needed? Perhaps you will become a teacher or counselor. Work through all conflicts to attain more harmony and freedom.

TAURUS: Daily tasks will expand, details will be important, and a deeper sense of service will enter your life. For those seeking new employment, use this time to write down what work environment is most beneficial. What is ennobling for you? What empowers you? Rest and relaxation is needed each day at the same time. Integrity and honesty are values you’re teaching others. Tend to the animals that come your way. Expect change at the blink of an eye.

GEMINI: Questions posed in your mind during this deep, internal time will be about creativity and romance, having fun and children, pleasure, humor, love and warmth. You will find yourself retreating from many things in your life. Careful with investments and speculations. These are too risky at this time. Don’t follow what the many around you believe. There is another reality for you to comprehend. Write a book, begin a journal, paint, write and draw. With wide open eyes.

CANCER: Great joy and benefits come forth through family, domestic comfort, the garden and nature all around you. There will be a need for security and safety, and thoughts on additions to the home – adding a room, adding to the family, enlarging the garden. Real estate may be on your mind. Some will buy or sell a home, redesign, redecorate and improve living spaces. Family traditions will be important and reinstated.

LEO: You will begin to understand deep complicated events from the past, situations, difficulties and problems. You will share with others what you know. You may write and author a book, take a class that helps you understand how to communicate with more care, observation and ease. Travel, local and close by, will be considered. Great intellectual benefits arise at this time. You expand and magnify all that you touch and ponder upon.

VIRGO: It’s a perfect time to consider money and resources, taxes, inheritances, burial rites, insurance and all things of value to you. Including any wounds you’ve experienced. This is a productive yet practical time. Certain talents will develop and increase your sense of self as useful and valuable. Any past monetary problems need a closer look. Begin a new budget and manage all resources in new ways. Invest in gold and silver. And tithe (so important to our well-being).

LIBRA: A new cycle of care and of new endeavors begins for you – a new destiny, actually. Greet each day with happiness. It’s healing to arise at dawn and step outside. Allow the rays of the morning Sun to penetrate your eyes. You can keep your eyes closed if needed, or open if possible. This sets up within your body the new, life cycle for the day. It heightens your perspective, your optimism and your ability to bring joy to the world. Say healing prayers in the Sun.

SCORPIO: Things seem to be occurring internally, behind walls and veils and curtains for the purpose of spiritual protection as events can feel out of control, unusual and rather strange. You will be in touch with what you’re not often in touch with – fears perhaps, sadness, guilt, a feeling of abandonment. All of these need clearing. Bless them, for they are not real. They’re learned responses. Helping others helps the deep, dark secrets disappear. Helping others brings forth joy. You need joy. To dream more.

SAGITTARIUS: You will be filled with ideas for the future, new seeds of thought, new ideals that over time will eventually manifest. Allow them to slowly mature, write them down so you aren’t overwhelmed with too many hopes, wishes, dreams and visions. Walk slowly down country roads, ponder upon innovative, inspiring projects. This year some brave and cherished hopes will come true. Along with new directions, new byways and highways. Be a friend to someone.

CAPRICORN: There’s an interesting inward (Saturn) and outward (Jupiter) movement occurring in your life. Saturn pulls one into the world with outer responsibilities, tasks and discipline. Jupiter, now retrograde, expands one inward, forming new visions and dreams. You always respond with whatever presents itself with thoughtfulness, intelligence, authority and love. Saturn prepares you internally to be successful in the world and Jupiter expands on this. You have a new goal in life. What is it?

AQUARIUS: You have an intellectual curiosity concerning people, politics, government and the justice system. You are very intelligent. Perhaps you don’t realize this. It’s time you recognized your intelligence. Aquarians have a different intelligence than most. Consider creating a podcast, a blog, writing a book, entering publishing or broadcasting fields, where you have an audience who would appreciate your words, listen to your music, understand your thinking. Remember to remain open and tolerant, kind and fluid, adaptable with a wide perspective.

PISCES: Notice spiritual and physical questioning appearing throughout your days and nights. On an outer level there are fewer struggles to contend with. However, there is a vulnerability in terms of relationships. A deeper understanding occurs as the past reappears. At times a bardo-like feeling is experienced. A stream of memories, from times and events past. Allow all of this to occur. It’s a washing away of what is no longer needed. Whatever is needed, visualize, draw and paint it. Make a manifestation wall. Talk about it. Make a party out of all that’s needed.

Risa – writer, editor, educator, teacher, psychological-spiritual counselor, mentor, astrologer & esotericist. Founder & Director of The Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute/College, a contemporary Wisdom School (center for spiritual discourse & study) for the Ageless Wisdom teachings. Foundations of the Teachings are the study & application of exoteric & esoteric Astrology, the Seven Rays, Theosophy, Esotericism, all religions, art, science & Raja Yoga meditation. Email:,

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