Esoteric Astrology as news for week November 6 – 12, 2024


Mantram (Prayer) of Unification

I am writing this column before the U.S. election of November 5 has taken place. So, I don’t know the outcome (nor do we predict outcomes). I don’t know what the psychology of the people might be after the election. I am wondering what is on the minds of humanity.  

The times are complex with the Forces of Darkness (Kali Yuga) all around having captured the minds of humanity in a false Matrix. The consequence is humanity’s polarization and our country in a malaise.

The November 5 election, under the sign of Scorpio, is the most important event in the history of our country since its founding. Nine tests (physical, emotional and mental) are given to humanity during Scorpio. The November 5,, 2024, election was part of the testing. This time is a transition of light seeking to emerge from the darkness (Ray 4 of Scorpio).

The Scorpio tests last until January 20 (Inauguration day, Uranus at the midheaven), then through May 2025. How do we work with the tests? We are to examine our behaviors, cultivate virtues, know and identify our true nature (spirits). And then become harmonizers and unifiers in the world, responding to the needs of humanity after the election.

I am posting the Mantram of Unification. The New Group of World Servers, men and women of Goodwill recite this mantram daily for humanity’s well-being. Join us, everyone.

“The sons and daughters of men (thinking ones) are One and we are one with them. We seek to love, not hate; We seek to serve and not exact due service; We seek to heal, not hurt. Let pain bring due reward of light and love. Let the soul control the outer form, and life and all events and bring to light the love that underlies the happenings of the time. Let vision come and insight. Let the future stand revealed. Let inner union demonstrate and outer cleavages be gone. Let love prevail. Let all of humanity love.”

As we experience the Scorpio tests, we are to create the new reality, unification, the golden age of Aquarius.  Scorpio carries the test of Right Choice down into the physical plane, and then, when the tests are faced and handled rightly, the reasoning mind solves the problems, and our lives are carried up to the stars and into the heavens.

ARIES: So many questions are being posed now. How to be a harmonizer, how to unify, how to accelerate kindness and care for others. Also, how to more fully secure finances and resources and also stabilize relationships? These questions you ponder the next several months. Some answers. Maintain necessary confidentiality yet be very truthful with those you trust. Pay bills, organize and safeguard important papers, tend to long forgotten needs, and allow no alienation to occur.

TAURUS: (April 21-May 21) Important tasks, set aside for months, now need assessing, doing, completing. These include deep cleaning, eliminating what is no longer needed, home repairs, ordering supplies, licensing, commitments, and something concerning marriage. Deep emotions emerge resulting from the Scorpio tests. They occur in your relationships. Partnerships need listening to and working through issues. Sit down together and talk with each other. From heart to heart.

GEMINI: (May 22-June 20) The nine tests reveal themselves in your day-to day-life and then dip into your creativity and play. Observe how this manifests, shifting back and forth, here and there. Simultaneously, assist others as their needs present themselves, fulfill more tasks at home, maintain better health, volunteer, floss more carefully, act as if you are beloved, and communicate with love as if the creation of the world depends upon it. It does.

CANCER: (June 21-July 20) You might feel restricted, lost, alone and wandering far away from others, especially home and family. You may feel you are stretched in four directions, experiencing a loss of nurturance, financial fears, and unusual dreams intruding into reality. “What’s truth and what’s reality?” you ask. So this is all about the tests and you remember to step back and observe. And to envision more of a golden age.

LEO: (July 21-Aug. 22) You may be concerned about money—lack or loss of it, loss of expectations or a job, of not receiving your share in a family legacy or will, or not knowing how to pay a bill or how to put enough away to purchase something important. You hide away in your home often, then enfolded in shadows, step out into the world while hiding possible grief. Take Ignatia Amara if grief persists. Death could be on your mind. Death is liberation. You are sensitive. Take care to protect yourself. Stand in the double pyramid.

VIRGO: (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) A quiet, poised, calm frame of mind is what you need and with the Jupiter retro in Gemini and Scorpio Sun influencing communication, it is interesting you may be talking more. I know that sounds like a paradox. Careful that you don’t allow the critical nature of Mercury, Virgo, and Scorpio to take hold. Attempt to pass the Nine Tests with equanimity. Then assist others by holding the light of the Soul, your Soul, and the Soul of humanity within your heart. Always use your imagination. That is our spiritual creative tool.

LIBRA: (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) It’s good to review all monetary interactions – bills, loans and tithes – in order to carefully assess finances for the next three months. This is a good exercise to do several times a year. You’ll discover actually that life is generous. In turn, you are to be generous, too. Give to (tithe) those in need. Do this scientifically. A bit each month. Financial differences could occur between friends, family and in relationships. Stand your ground, explain if needed. Then share more.

SCORPIO: (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) The tests for you center on the quality and nature and realization of your self-identity. You are to observe through the lens of who you think you are, who you used to be, who you want to be and who you really are now and in the future. All this takes time. This is not to be confusing. It’s to be clarifying, especially since the tests are made especially for Scorpios. Why? Because Scorpio is the sign of discipleship. Watch your communication, of course. You know why, don’t you?  

SAGITTARIUS: (Nov. 22-Dec. 20) How you observe and tend to the Nine Tests will determine what your next goals will be. So tend carefully to the physical, emotional and lower mental tests as they appear. Be observant so you can recognize them. They will appear even in dreams, at odd times day or night, when you’re about to fall asleep and in between thoughts, ideas and words on a page. Information is available through this testing experience. Keep your eyes wide open. Not eyes wide shut.

CAPRICORN: (Dec. 21-Jan. 20) Dearest Capricorn, always moving upward and onward. The tests, none of which limit you, will occur in the groups you interact with. They will be such that at first you won’t understand, but then through interactions, a transformation occurs within you. What, the nine tests will ask – what are your most important hopes, wishes and dreams for the future? Write down on a notecard, what I want the most and hold it close to your heart. You lead everyone to their destined purpose and goals.

AQUARIUS: (Jan. 21-Feb. 18) Your work life is changing. If you are a writer, photographer, or artist the nine tests will emerge in your work world and present challenges. Embrace them. They are teachings. How to use the tests is to portray the hidden realities of life through the medium of your art. Make wherever you are feel like home. Host a home party. Use your artforms to write about, describe, and film what home means to you. This will anchor others into their own foundational sense of being.

PISCES: (Feb.19-March 20) The world is quietly listening to you, your words, writings, teachings, ways of being. Make sure what you say contains words concerning beauty and the beloved. Write and speak as if you hold the world in your hands. Any and all movements you make, shift the reality and focus to the needs of humanity. What am I saying? That every action you make affects the outcome of all of humanity and also of all kingdoms. You are like a butterfly in the meadows. The fluttering and lifting of its wings, lifts the world to new heights. This is your power.

Risa – writer, editor, educator, teacher, psychological-spiritual counselor, mentor, astrologer & esotericist. Founder & Director of The Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute/College, a contemporary Wisdom School (center for spiritual discourse & study) for the Ageless Wisdom teachings. Foundations of the Teachings are the study & application of exoteric & esoteric Astrology, the Seven Rays, Theosophy, Esotericism, all religions, art, science & Raja Yoga meditation. Email:,