Esoteric Astrology as news for week November 27 – December 3, 2024


A Long Five Month Retrograde Season Begins

Knowledge of the movements of planets, Sun and moon and realizing their influence on humanity and all life events, allows us to participate in the function and purpose of the heavenly realms. It leads to higher knowledge which leads to wisdom. This information was/is the foundation for the School of Athens which I consider all my writings to be.

Following are dates for the next five months of retrogrades. I suggest jotting them down in daily calendars or in one’s astrological and esoteric journals.

Since Pluto entered Aquarius November 19, it feels like everything has changed, isn’t working, has shifted, emptied itself out, is blank. We can’t do the old anymore and there’s a feeling of “let’s go” (somewhere, anywhere!). It will be, is beginning to be, a whole new world now, new vibrations, new elements (air/fire), new thinking, new everything.

But for a while before the new clearly makes itself known we will have a long season of retrogrades – to remember things before everything dissolves and transforms.

We begin with Mercury retro in Sag, from November 25 ‘til December 15. Followed by Mars retro in Leo, from December 6 – February 23.

In December, over the holidays, and as 2025 begins, we will have six planets retrograde – Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune (for one week) and Chiron retrograde. Venus will retrograde March 1 – April 15, 2025, from Aries to Pisces. Mercury begins its first 2025 retrograde March 14 – April 6, 2025.

From 9 Aries to 26 Pisces. Both Venus and Mercury retrograde from Aries to 24 Pisces, a most interesting situation!

I will write more about the retrogrades as they occur. Our long retrograde season is a time of remembrance, before life zooms forward in spring (May 2025).

Retrogrades are useful. They are times of assessment, reflection and contemplation, a time of releasing what is no longer necessary or useable. We gaze in into the past, discern what is useful and as the planets becomes direct again, we offer what is good to the present/future and to the new era we are all responsible for creating.  Personalizing this information.  

For those with astrology charts, locate the retrograde signs, planets and degrees. This informs us what areas of our lives will be affected and remembered.

Then we don’t resist the changes or memories. We understand them, their function and purpose and we begin to work with the heavens, the Lords of the stars, planets, Sun and moon.

ARIES: Remembering all previous teachers and teachings, longing for the School of Athens may occur the next many months of retrogrades. It’s good to assess what you have learned and how your belief systems (patterns learned when you were small) transformed into knowledge. You will begin to understand how love works and that it’s not only about the other. It’s about your intentions and ability to see the life principle in action in the eyes of the beloved.

TAURUS: Other people’s money and resources will be on your mind and/or money and resources you hold in common with another. Arrange meetings, times to talk specifically concerning these resources, stating both of your needs now and for the future. Reassess and rearrange but it must be done with deep listening, understanding and equanimity. We will begin entering a sharing economy. Knowing this you can better manage your need for power. Power with others works best.

GEMINI: Reassessing friendships and social interactions, future goals, hopes, wishes, dreams and aspirations are your currents of thought in the coming months and the new year ahead. Re-evaluating these keeps us in touch, sensitive to self and others, awake and aware. Whenever we feel tension and longing know that a new need and aspiration are calling to be recognized. Respect this. When desires are lifted up to the soul, they become spiritualized and are called aspirations. They tell us of the pathways to our future.

CANCER: Your life direction will come into focus along with who you want to be in the coming years. These are very important considerations. Sometimes we don’t really know what life has in store. And sometimes we can’t visualize anything in the future. What in your life are you striving toward? What things/events and values are most important to you? Do the environments you find yourself in, reflect you? Are you happy? Where is your garden?

LEO: Several times in our lives we have spiritual experiences that lead us to reassess life’s purpose and then, too, our purpose within life itself. We assess and reassess, we ponder, we refine and redefine; we ask if there is actual truth and justice found in life? There are, but it’s often hidden unless we quest beneath the surface of accepted reality. Ethics are important. What are your ethics? Remember at all times to radiate goodwill. It creates right human relations which creates peace itself.

VIRGO: Fears may be ready to set up housekeeping in your emotional mind. Inform them they are not welcome. Others can be of deep assistance if you share what’s bothering you. Fear can become addictive, looping over and over in our lower mind and bringing us to our knees (metaphorically). If there is lamentation and grief, that is allowed. But fear isn’t. It isn’t real and is based on mis-or-non-information. Gather the truth. It sets one free.

LIBRA: You ponder upon how others perceive you. That is a developmental stage. Realize you have leadership abilities. In the next many months, your thoughts will make you more aware of your true self-identity. Do not allow criticism to undermine your goodness. There may be a challenge between your love of self and your critical judgmental self. Someone else may activate this. Know that your childhood experiences were chosen by you for learning. You were and are loved.

SCORPIO: Previous financial situations not able to be tended to ‘til now will need your attention. With all bills and monetary interactions, check and recheck the amounts for there could be mistakes. It will be important to re-evaluate your budget and spending. I think you have many valuable items, which could be sold so you have more capital to work with and to pay bills and to have on hand preparedness supplies. You will begin to create that environment you’re impelled to build which is of comfort.

SAGITTARIUS: What is the status of your car? Does it need a tune-up and/or repairs? What is the status of the computer, phone systems and all the technology used in daily life? Do they need upgrading? Are there people you must contact, tasks to tend, bills and correspondences waiting for your attention? Whatever must be done, do it slowly, with care and attention and give yourself more time than usual. Have intentions to complete all past work. Work with patience and prudence in all the months ahead.

CAPRICORN: Daily work and agendas, interactions with co-workers will be the focus. Something from the past shows up and through cooperation and intentions for right relations you create a state of balance that surpasses all expectations. Home life on a daily basis may feel changed. A previous restrictive attitude of someone near you continues to be difficult. Eventually this must be faced lest something is lost forever. Schedules shift and change constantly. Love is all there is. It underlies all happenings. You are that love.

AQUARIUS: The following issues will be on your mind in the next many months. Your mother and you as mother (if you are, also as father); your relationship with your children, especially daughters; concern about your home – where and how you live and what the future will bring in terms of home, family, and the quality of nurturing you will give and receive. There will be conflicts felt amidst all the realities. Conflict’s heart is harmony. What you truly want may not be available. But something greater is. Definition and seeking helps it find you.

PISCES: It’s good to know there’s a difference between what makes you happy and what makes others happy. And then, what makes you joyful. Happiness and joy are not the same. Knowing this creates a radical shift of awareness within ourselves. It’s good to ask always what makes another happy, soothed, comforted, and cared for. When we realize these, we may at first have to sacrifice our own comfort. But should we tend to the other, joy replaces discomfort and then happiness is ours. This is Soul-centered work.

Risa – writer, editor, educator, teacher, psychological-spiritual counselor, mentor, astrologer & esotericist, Founder & Director of The Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute/College, a contemporary Wisdom School (center for spiritual discourse & study) for the Ageless Wisdom teachings. The foundations of the Teachings are the study & application of exoteric & esoteric Astrology, the Seven Rays, Theosophy, Esotericism, all religions, art, science & Raja Yoga meditation.,