Esoteric Astrology as news for week November 22 – 28, 2023


Gratitude – a Radiance of Solace to a World in Crisis

On Wednesday, November 22, the Sun enters Sagittarius, and we embark on weeks ahead filled with gratitude. Thursday, November 23, is Thanksgiving. Sagittarius is a most auspicious sign to be under during Thanksgiving. Its planetary ruler (Sagittarius flows through Jupiter before reaching earth) is Jupiter, the most benevolent, kind and loving of all the planets. 

The weeks from Thanksgiving through to the new year are weeks where we are reminded of generosity, of abundance, of sharing, where we gather family and friends. We are more charitable, kind and loving. We remember when gathering with family members that everyone is a character, playing their part and doing their best.

About Thanksgiving and Gratitude – every year there is some sort of movement to downplay Thanksgiving, to forgo it or to call it something else, the word “thanks” often missing. But Thanksgiving isn’t some historical event from long ago. Thanksgiving is a time set aside each year to give thanks for the past year’s “harvest of blessings.”

It’s a reminder to appreciate – to be glad, pleased, grateful, happy and content. It’s a time to praise and bless and it’s a day for graciousness, too. All of these are Jupiter’s virtues. It is also a day to ask the self what we are grateful for. Gratitude creates well-being and happiness. Gratitude releases us into a state of freedom and joy.  

The Wisdom teachings refer to Gratitude as a potent releasing agent. It is the hallmark of an enlightened Soul. Gratitude is scientific in nature. It salvages humanity, brings forth deep joy, lifts others up, and creates a steadfast orientation toward the Light of Life itself.  

Gratitude creates merit and is a virtue leading to forgiveness. Gratitude liberates us from karma and sets us free. The autumn season with its many festivals of Light invites us to embark on a journey of Gratitude together. When we offer Gratitude, there is a “radiance of solace, kindness and love that flows into the sorrow and suffering of the world.”  

Here again is the Tibetan’s quote on Gratitude: Gratitude, a scientific and occult releasing agent, is a service. Gratitude releases us from the past and lays open for us our future path leading to the new culture and civilization, the rising light of Aquarius, the Age of Friendship and Equality. The Hierarchy (inner world government) lays much emphasis upon gratitude.

ARIES: It’s most important to find times for reflection and contemplation because there’s such an onrush of activity, ideas and ideals flowing here, there, everywhere in this season. There’s a desire to travel, discovering new realities important to your well-being. Without pausing a bit, they will be missed. It’s also good to review what’s of value while observing what’s occurring in the world. A question – how are you aiding in building the new society and what do you envision for the future?

TAURUS: You continue to tend to the care and well-being of others. Sometimes you remember to care for yourself. You must remember that you are a valuable resource. If you are not tended to well enough, you cannot be a resource for others. Ideas and visions for the new era and what’s needed continue to appear. Their manifestation into form has been elusive. There is an esoteric equation for manifestation. We see the need, we call in the needed resources, we imagine the outflow of abundant resources. It’s an Aquarian triangle (and art) with Uranus at the center.

GEMINI: It’s most important to reflect upon what your relationships are based upon. Include all relationships but begin with your most close and intimate one(s). Consider what’s taken for granted, what’s understood and not understood, and what allows you to be most truthful. Is there talk about moving, relocating and rethinking resources? A new path comes forth and a new message within the relationship. Listen with patience, perseverance, poise and serenity. Poise allows creation to unfold.

CANCER: Your idea of a schedule quickly dissipates, and you find yourself with no routines or plans or even the ability to take control of daily events. Anything you’ve thought of doing simply shifts into states of chaos. Chaos calls for our creativity and seeking the next level of harmony. However, the harmony may not manifest for a while. The best thing to do is to read, study and in between prepare foods that you love for others. They will receive it as manna (goodness, angel food) from the heavens. You are that.

LEO: The past year has been rather serious for many, especially you – restructuring and disciplining us in confronting the past and bringing forth new ways of thinking.  This full moon festival, with its Sagittarian fire, calls you to a new study, possible journeys, recreation, children, pleasure, creativity, games, fun, enjoyment, archery and being with like-minded others. Is there a wound that has come into your awareness, a sadness, a loss? Do you need to communicate about it so the veils of sorrow can drop away? I will listen.

VIRGO: Family and parents, the foundations of your life, your childhood, beliefs learned while young and carried into the present time will be on your mind for the purpose of appraising, cleansing, clearing, and eliminating all that is no longer useful. Be aware that moodiness, brooding, and perhaps intense feelings will arise. Let them be your friends. Contemplate and evaluate these with intelligence, patience and careful observation. There’s a brilliance in them, like a jewel to be polished at the center of a lotus.

LIBRA: It’s good to be in touch with siblings, communicating with them, sharing news, family gossip, hopes, wishes, dreams, plans and parties. Participate with family in ways that everyone feels seen, recognized and of value. Do not permit anything (ideas, sorrows, pain, unforgivenesses, misunderstandings, etc.) from the past to obscure your connections. Allow nothing to be misconstrued. Communicate and make contact. This releases Love. Your family loves you with all their hearts and souls.

SCORPIO: The entire world’s in a state of crisis and reorientation, a condition you know well, for you experience reorientation continually. The entire world is in a Scorpio state, a burning ground of transformation, testing, of dying and regenerating, so that the new era can come forth. Your importance in this great shift is the fact that your knowledge, dedications, curiosities and research abilities become the core information source for humanity and the new culture and civilization. What are your present tasks? What are you using your resources for? What changes are you experiencing?

SAGITTARIUS: Not wanting to waste a moment of life’s energy or time, you have an opportunity now to redefine yourself, your self-identity, creativity and life purpose. You’re able to change your mind about who you (think you) are and how you see yourself. Be aware that your presence is very impactful to those around you. Issues and decisions you thought were concluded reappear for re-evaluation and reassessment. New rhythms, tempos and patterns are appearing. Just let the music play. This is Jupiter in Taurus (retrograde) resting in your heart.

CAPRICORN: You may feel you’re waiting in the wings for new realities to appear. It’s like planning a winter garden –arugula, kales, mustards, onions, wintergreens, thyme, oregano, parsley – envisioning spring for the first green shoots to appear. Everything on inner levels is being restructured. You feel this but it hasn’t manifested in your outer world. Everything appears in right timing. Be as quiet as needed to allow the roots, leaves, flowers and blooms of a new reality to anchor, grow, become strong. Later they will reshape your life with a new level of beauty.

AQUARIUS: In the weeks and months to come you discover your true friends, what groups support your endeavors and whom you can turn to for nurturance, needs and simple friendship. So many in humanity are mis-informed. Become a researcher (not a reactor) so you can provide humanity with true information. Then you become part of educating humanity. Assess your life’s journey so far. When traveling, for safety, follow all rules of the road. Whatever is occurring and wherever that is in your physical world is where you are needed.

PISCES: There have been thoughts on teaching, presenting the self to the public, writing more, making a small book or two. Perhaps a publishing company of the new art with astrology charts and games. It’s good to think of new endeavors, considering them without making final decisions. Acknowledgements and recognitions come forth unexpectedly. Careful of miscommunication to and with the public. Tend to previous tasks and continue to work with consistency. New tasks will appear. The Hierarchy looks on, offering guidance, direction and impressions.

Risa – writer, educator, teacher, psychological-spiritual counselor, mentor, astrologer & esotericist. Founder & Director of The Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute/College, a contemporary Wisdom School (center for spiritual discourse & study) for the Ageless Wisdom teachings. Foundations of the Teachings are the study & application of exoteric esoteric Astrology, the Seven Rays, Theosophy, Esotericism, all religions, art, science & Raja Yoga meditation.,  

Recognition of the unique value of every living being expresses itself in reverence for life, compassion for all, sympathy with the need of all individuals to find truth for themselves, and respect for all religious traditions.  ~The Esoteric & Theosophical Worldview