Esoteric Astrology as news for week November 2 – 8, 2022


Voting in Scorpio. Mars Retro – The Test! Let Choice Be Made

Voting day is Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2022. It will be a most unusual day. Uranus (change) in Taurus (stability) joins the Moon in Taurus (full moon) on voting day. Voting under a full moon, lunar eclipse (something in form and matter disappears; something new emerges) and Sun/Mercury in Scorpio – the people’s choice, the people’s voice coming forth.

Libra prepared us for Scorpio. Libra, the Choice “Let choice be made.” Now we are to vote and make our choices concerning how our country will be run. We must take a stand on one side or the other. The choices are 1. On the side of the Forces of Dark/Materialism, or 2. On the side of the Forces of Light. Knowing that not choosing is actually a choice.

Libra said to us, “Let choice be made.” Now in Scorpio we act upon our choice by voting. I urge everyone to vote. Everyone’s vote (voice, choice) is important. Let us be responsible and vigilant citizens.

Voting is part of responsible “discipleship” (Scorpio task). Our nation asks us to vote. We are given multiple candidates to choose from. Each election is a test for humanity. A test, from Scorpio and Mars (Scorpio’s ruler), to see if we can recognize which candidates are “Disciples” leading our country into the light, regenerating our land, resources and its people. It’s a very subtle and refined test of choice for each of us.

As the Forces of Darkness are very clever, we must remember to, “Beware of the darkness, it looks like the Light.”  We cannot perceive the Right Choice for our nation with emotions. We must choose with the heart which is not emotional. We must “hear” with the heart. The heart is shaped like a human ear. It listens deeply. But not if emotions, opinions, beliefs and reactions are polarizing us. Then we are blinded. Then the heart is still.

Libra told us last month, “To make Right choice, we align with the Will-to-Good which becomes Goodwill within us.” Then clarity and Right Choice comes forth.

ARIES: Be prepared for a feeling of testing, a continual sense of being watched, graded, guided and being prepared for further responsibility, especially in terms of tending to others’ finances and resources. Intimacy may be an issue, either you seek it or reject it. You need to study the Ancient Mysteries (the foundations are the study of astrology). Your questions are answered there.

TAURUS: You seek more than usual depth in relationship. At times you become silent and secretive, seeking your own counsel, seeking intimacy of spirit, following your own needs without considering the other. It’s best though to communicate with loved ones, informing them of your inner thoughts, hopes, wishes and dreams so you can both work together more efficiently. You think there’s no money. It’s all around you. Hidden in shadows.

GEMINI: As your mind ponders many things, you realize lots of work, at first not obvious, must be accomplished. If you look in corners, closets, under, over and above, in garages, storage units, your car(s), you’ll discover what needs to be eliminated so order and regeneration can come about. There’s special work to do with relationships, children, small animals and gardens, all needing play, color, communication, new intentions, and a loving re-commitment (from you).

CANCER: You feel worried and anxious at times about family members, concerned about their choices, abilities, resources and lives. There may be a family member in a state of transition. You worry about someone female, perhaps a daughter, mother, sister. You know at a moment’s notice you’ll travel anywhere to help. In the meantime, bake sugar cookies, pies, breads, dumplings and casseroles. You need soothing and gardening. And family needs to eat.

LEO: You need to head over to Cancer’s home and rest a while in their nurturing light. You need respite from the extreme amounts of work needing to be completed. Sometimes you don’t know why you’re doing this work. You need more of the arts in your life, theatre, dance, drama, paintings, museums. Relationships are either nebulous or too strict for words. Something hidden at home needs to be found and illumined. Lights under glass.

VIRGO: With Mercury, your personal messenger, traveling through a trinity of signs, your mind becomes extremely active, focusing first on your self-needs, then on relationships’ needs. Then a perceptive intensification and depth occurs about needs in general. Your words become very serious, almost mysterious. The internal comes to light, and all parts of yourself begin to cooperate, ruminate and become intimate with the truth in the heart that matters.

LIBRA: I see you have stepped away from some of the work you usually do. It’s important now to focus upon your values, past, present, future. To become more aware of not only the self but also the needs of another. Assess your financial picture – how you use money, how your money supports family and those in need, and how money emotionally supports your way of life. For the next month appreciate all that you have, all people and things small and large. Love emerges from gratitude.

SCORPIO: The veils are dropping between worlds. The purpose is so humanity can see more expanded realities. You are to be anthropologists, keenly observing life and events everywhere. Observing quietly with curiosity allows one to understand two polarities; the real and the unreal, what’s staged and what’s natural, what endeavors support the Forces of Dark and what is supporting the Forces of Light, what is building the new reality and what is not. You have this discerning ability.

SAGITTARIUS: You’ve been on a retreat from your usual daily life, plans, agendas and responsibilities. Did you eat well, take it easy, do personal research, work on private projects, ponder upon needs and the values that emerge from self-assessment? Also, a distance was created allowing you more perspective about how you’re living life, what pleases you, how to better be in relationships. You may meet someone important soon. Prepare for this encounter.

CAPRICORN: You don’t like to appear in the world without preparation. You like to assess goals, hopes, wishes and priorities in terms of what is appropriate to give to others. Many respect you though some are unable to admit it. At times, when greatness enters a group, there can be resistance. Why? People cannot absorb the light of knowledge streaming through the heart and mind of great people. You are a great person. Do focus on that which allows you to have a sense of joy and fulfillment.

AQUARIUS: Your creativity is vital at this time, and apparent to the world. Notice how well you’re completing tasks and displaying special abilities. For the next month ponder upon what your work and career need for future success. This is a time of assessing these things on inner levels. It’s not a good time to initiate new plans, but to consider them. If you must move, ponder upon what your daily domestic needs are. Write them down in a journal. Then they manifest more easily.

PISCES: Making contact so love and understanding are released is important to you. However, at times we encounter others who don’t understand this concept Compassion rules the life of Pisces. Everyone is not a Pisces. You often must stand alone. Focus upon study, reading, art, music, and ideas becoming ideals within. Create on paper (color, ink, drawing, painting, sculpture, etc.) your next endeavors. Include several geodesic domes and the idea of the Commons. A healing center and home for everyone.

Risa – writer, educator, teacher, psychological-spiritual counselor, mentor, astrologer & esotericist, Founder & Director of The Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute/College, a contemporary Wisdom School (center for spiritual discourse & study) for the Ageless Wisdom teachings. Foundations of the Teachings are the study & application of exoteric& esoteric Astrology, the Seven Rays & Raja Yoga meditation. Email: studies posted on our website. Astrological, esoteric, day-to-day news – art, literature, psychology, the cosmos, consciousness, philosophy, history, religion, economics, geography & cultural journalism. 

Recognition of the unique value of every living being expresses itself in reverence for life, compassion for all, sympathy with the need of all individuals to find truth for themselves, and respect for all religious traditions.  ~The Esoteric & Theosophical Worldview