Esoteric Astrology as news for week Nov. 28 – Dec. 4, 2018


Sagittarius – a Beam of Directed Focused Light

Every month the light distributed to Earth from each sign (Spiritual Hierarchies) is different, holding different tasks for the humanity’s evolution. Each sign also describes the connection between the Soul and personality. Each year within each human, the light grows from Aries to Pisces, from a “dim point of light within the circle of Life seeking where it can be “used” for divine expression (Aries) to a light that “Saves the World” (Pisces). In Pisces the light “reveals the Light of Life itself and ends forever the darkness of matter.”  

The light of each sign (Aries to Pisces) describes the Soul in relationship to the personality. Eventually the Soul, which is Light itself, completely encompasses the personality, becoming its director, its shield, and its protector. The Soul then “uses” the personality as a vehicle to bring light to matter, which in religious terms means the “redemption” (upliftment into the Light) of matter. From dark to light.

Sagittariusis a beam of directed, focused Light, revealing a greater light (the Soul, then Spirit) ahead (toward Capricorn) and illumining the Pathway to the Center of the Light. Always, Sag is on a quest following the “beam of light revealing the greater light ahead.” That is why the “archers” are great travelers, wanderers, philosophers, teachers, professors, truth-tellers, publishers – all armed with goals, aims and self-realized inner-truths. The wandering and wanderlust of Sagittarius is the outer manifestation of the inner spiritual seeking ever pushing Sagittarius, like an arrow, onward and upward. Outer pilgrimages bring into awareness the inner subjective worlds of Truth, Light, Love and the cosmic music of the spheres. 

ARIES: Finances and resources, personal and with others, are highlighted. Careful attention is needed along with concentration, efficiency, economy and strength. Accomplish these each day in a slow consistent rhythm. You may uncover more resources. So many things are hidden during retrogrades. Remember others who have much less. Share and tithe is to be a constant reminder. Tithing creates great abundance.

TAURUS: You want to move consistently into the future with new ideas and plans but there are so few who understand, few with your illumined vision, and even less with your force of will and stamina. Always you strive for poise during transition times while sending prayerful requests for able, intelligent and financial assistance in order to manifest all that is new into form and matter. Your prayers prepare the field. Maintain a winter garden.

GEMINI: Deep feelings, emerging from early life at home may be playing out in present relationships. Because of this, careful with thoughts, actions and communication. Careful that you don’t become part of the difficulty, or project your pain onto others. Don’t hide your vulnerability because everyone will be vulnerable, too. Showing yours eases barriers, allowing heart-felt communication and contact. You want love. Love comes from intentional contact.

CANCER: You may experience stress and over work as constant change occurs to everyone everywhere in your life. These daily changes reflect the pulse of humanity playing through your body. You need stabilization, an immediate sense of purpose and remaining within the safety of home. Make changes in small ways. When viewing the big picture stand with compassion and dispassion. Children bring both blessings and hard work.

LEO: It seems you need a retreat to bring forth creative freedom. This week should bring heightened sense of feeling separated from others, which you may enhance should your communication be harsh. You are able to be very intuitive so observe your thoughts carefully. Is daily life feeling like a transformation is about to occur? Are financial needs being served? A sudden revelation occurs which expands you into other worlds. Take us with you.

VIRGO: Small changes occur in your personal life, which in turn create big changes. Money may feel restricted, communication may be hidden (from whom, why, where?), there’s a desire to run away from home and a need for regeneration. It feels like seeds of the future, life-changing, are breaking through. You’re restless for emotional independence. Moving forward is slow. Allow inner spiritual intentions to hold you. Transformation arrives for a long visit.

LIBRA: You’re called to a past situation and then to a present-future one. The past holds and keeps you for a while in order for it to be liberated. The present/future creates optimism. However, is there are two sides working within you. One contains judgment, the other love. Both are risky. One keeps you spiritually lonely. The other shifts you into a loving community. Can you identify the two sides and where you’re positioned? Forgiveness is alchemical. All the past needs to be (forgiven).

SCORPIO: For about a year, you will participate in changes behind the scenes, internal changes that create your coming future. Change comes with a revelatory impact. Since you live within this field constantly, be aware of a need to serve others. Be aware of growing compassion and becoming, if you choose to be, a model for others. As Scorpio is the warrior of the zodiac, you’re prepared for the coming times where the death of the old finally occurs. Strength and courage will be needed.

SAGITTARIUS: You’re restless, yet duty-bound, responsible yet rebellious, seeking security yet craving freedom, pleased yet dissatisfied and stimulated within conflicts. You’re a paradox once again. Allow contradictions to work psychologically within. They create new insight, revelations. Don’t push them aside. They are the Harmony Through Conflict process Sag works through to bring new consciousness forth. A natural trajectory into the future.

CAPRICORN: Do you feel pulled between self needs and responsibility to family, relationship and work? Are you seeking freedom? Are your needs upsetting home, family and relationships? Are you able to communicate clearly what your needs are? Do you need new communication skills for others’ understanding? You are definitely on the “cross” of change. It’s imperative you learn how to communicate to others. So they can understand. Study and learn Compassionate Communication techniques (non-violent communication study).

AQUARIUS: Some Aquarians are experiencing great success. Some will be traveling the world soon seeking community. Both are experiencing love, honor and popularity, expanded social and work reputations, tending to financial responsibilities, developing new business or life plans. They’re climbing the ladder of success as they define it (some don’t), and doing more than they thought capable. And succeeding. Keep going, 

PISCES: You need flexibility in great amounts as interruptions and unexpected events occur in all parts of your life, geographically and in terms of your self-identity. You cannot prepare for what will happen. You can only soothe yourself with knowledge that what occurs is redesigning your life in ways you could never have designed yourself. You’re capable, sensitive, sensible and smart. And being looked after in all ways. Something important just occurred. 

Risa – writer, teacher, counselor, mentor, astrologer, esotericist. Founder & Director, The Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute a contemporary Wisdom School for the Ageless Wisdom teachings. The foundations of the Teachings are the study and application of Astrology  & the Seven Rays. Email: Web journal:  (under re-construction). Facebook: Risa D’Angeles & Risa’s Esoteric Astrology (2 FB pages). All FB messages are posted on NLN (website) – under Daily Studies (website under re-construction).Astrological, esoteric, day to day news – art, literature, psychology, history, religion, economics, geography & cultural journalism.