Esoteric Astrology as news for week May 4-11


Festivals: Cinco de Mayo, White Lotus Day, Mother’s Day & Taurus New Moon

In this second week of May we have multiple festivals and celebrations encompassing history, culture, the spiritual and the personal. Cinco de Mayo celebrates Mexico’s defeat of the French army during the Battle of Puebla (Batalla de Puebla) on May 5, 1862. It is not to be confused with Mexico’s Independence Day (Sept. 16, 1810, independence from Spain). Cinco de Mayo is Spanish for May 5. 

White Lotus Day (Saturday, May 8) celebrates the life of Helena Blavatsky, co-founder of Theosophy, the first level of occult (hidden) teachings offered to the west (the modern world) from the temples and monasteries of Tibet. The term theosophy, derived from the Greek theos (“god”) and sophia (“wisdom”), means “ageless or divine wisdom.” The roots of Theosophy can be traced back to ancient Gnosticism, Buddhism, Greek philosophy and medieval mysticism. Theosophy sees life as a united whole and encourages open-minded inquiry into all the world religions, philosophy, science, and the arts in order to understand the wisdom of the ages, respect the unity of all life, and help people explore spiritual self-transformation. The motto of the Theosophical Society is There is nothing (no religion or reality) higher than the truth, a most provocative statement in our present times of false narratives hiding the truth. 

Mother’s Day (Sunday, May 10) this year is under an Aries (all things new) moon. Aries fiery and energetic, red and rather wild, a sign of action and of self-identity. When considering our mothers and what gifts to offer, under Aries it’s good to describe in detail to our mothers our recognition that they are creative, intelligent, inquiring individuals who initiated so many things in our lives. Later in the day and evening, offer mother comfort too, as the moon in the afternoon will leave Aries (fire of identification) and enter Taurus (sign of beauty, luxury, contentment, well-being). We wish all our mothers (fathers who are mothers, too) a loving Mother’s Day. Mother represents the Mother of the World.

Tuesday, May 11, is Taurus new moon (21 degrees) festival. We support and thus strengthen the endeavors of the New Group of World Servers and people of Goodwill everywhere on new moon days. Join us, everyone, in this harmonious Taurus new moon festival. 

ARIES: Whatever you value as possible, whatever your aspirations – physical, emotional, mental, spiritual – you can move forward on bringing them into manifestation. The last year has been about hoping, wishing and planning. Now is the time to anchor ideas and collaborate with others. As you define your plans and goals, you will also define your values, and everyone will know where you stand. Business activities are important. Life seems more elaborate. Elaborate more.

TAURUS: In the shower usually, but also while being out and about a waterfall (precipitation) of thoughts and impressions flow into your mind, to then be instantly forgotten! They’re not lost, however. They’re embedding themselves into your imagination for later remembering and then application. Others see you as constantly changing, which you are. This is not under your control. New projects must come into form and matter for humanity’s welfare. Who else can understand these Uranian ideas?   

GEMINI: As a new self-awareness unfolds you discover there’s less ability to comply with old ways of being. Therefore, you begin to form new thoughts, new alliances and new realities. These are emerging from a precipitation of the new Aquarian Laws and Principles. You may move back and forth between the old and the new ‘til you’ve anchored the more inclusive Aquarian principles. Tend to the earth (Ray 3) around you. It’s your spiritual task to do so and will help in your new becoming.

CANCER: If you observe carefully, you’ll discover your mind is restructuring itself, gaining new dimensions, creating new understandings of self and others. What you feared before is being replaced with acceptance, giving you time to prepare for the future. You’re aware of accelerated change occurring in the world. No longer in resistance you now work with those changes. Cancers are gateways. Spirit comes into matter (mater, mother) through you. Align with this thought.

LEO: As the past continues to be present (which is preparing the future), think of it as a gift allowing you to remember, forgive and release many behaviors that, in retrospect, you may not be happy with. Here’s a way to redo and correct the past bringing love to all interactions. When an event/interaction is remembered that is unskillful and not displaying your heart, redo it by re-visualizing what should have occurred. Then it becomes skillful and a Healing in your heart occurs to everyone involved. The secret is our creative imaginations.

VIRGO: First read Leo for healing and release from past wounds inflicted upon others and yourself. Think about your relationship(s) and ask yourself how they’ve changed in the past seven years. In what ways did you bring change to them and in what ways have you been changed by encounters with others? A new seven-year cycle (of change) begins soon. You will not be who you were before.

LIBRA: Family life affects you (everyone) profoundly. Very deep changes within the family have occurred. You made choices many years ago that affected your interactions with the family. Are those choices still in effect? Your present creativity has its roots in your early childhood. Who was the artist then? Who is your family now? You reflect upon these thoughts both as a child and as an adult creating your own family. What from childhood would you change? What would you keep? Have you touched gratitude yet?

SCORPIO: The planet Neptune has brought a focus to family life, early childhood experiences and learnings, mother, nourishments and nurturance. What thoughts came forth concerning early family life? Did memories and/or wounds surface? What dissolved, what became larger than life, and how did these memories affect you? The past weeks have been difficult. Now there will be a drive toward relationship interactions. Do not be irritable, angry or impatient. Be constant, kind and patient. Like a Taurus, your shadow.

SAGITTARIUS: You have tremendous resources to share with others. If I write about giving, what do you immediately think about? I will write about giving because it’s the most powerful of all actions creating a magnetic force field directing us towards others. When giving to others in small ways and large, a great love encompasses us. We become free and liberated. Also, when we give, we are then given to so we can give and give even more. It takes a great selfless kind loving spirit to do this. Giving. Quite like your spirit in hiding.         

CAPRICORN: The ways you’ve handled money and resources has been more than good. A change may occur in our world in terms of the value and use of money and resources. It’s best to be very aware of monetary inflow and outflow so you can better save and prepare for an unusual future and easily adjust to the coming times in innovative, informed, and sustained ways that work towards a greater sense of community. Define and organize what you need now and in the future. Focus on these things daily, write them down. Suddenly one day they appear! 

AQUARIUS: The questions for Scorpio are also for you. They define the past weeks and coming times which will bring forth transformations of consciousness through noting what is wounding you now, what’s vulnerable, what issues you’re concerned with? What in your life needs care, healing and a little tenderness? What in your life now is almost too big to handle and what seems to no longer be available? Know that many in your life stand with you in times of sadness and trouble and when we feel the “dark night of the Soul.” We all love you.

PISCES: A life event or an aspiration for change may occur that bridges the past with the present/future creating within your goals, visions and a new and way to serve others. You need now and in coming weeks extra care, rest, tending and solitude. A wound slowly heals; something is taken away so that a greater, more loving Presence can surround you. Mantrams are a solace. Here’s one… The joy of the Divine Self is my strength for at the center of all Love I stand.

Risa – writer, teacher, counselor, mentor, astrologer, esotericist. Founder & Director of The Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School for the Ageless Wisdom teachings. The foundations of the Teachings are the study & application of Astrology & the Seven Rays. Email: Web journal: Daily studies post on our website. Astrological, esoteric, day to day news – art, literature, psychology, history, religion, economics, geography & cultural journalism. 

Recognition of the unique value of every living being expresses itself in reverence for life, compassion for all, sympathy with the need of all individuals to find truth for themselves, and respect for all religious traditions.  ~The Esoteric & Theosophical Worldview