Esoteric Astrology as news for week May 4 – 10


Mother –– our Life, Our Love, Our One & Only

Sunday, May 8, is Mother’s Day. Let us share with each other about our mothers. Mine was raised by her grandmother, who died when she was twelve, which left a deep wound in the heart of my mother. My mother’s mother was fourteen when my mother was born. My mother raised five children, of which I am the eldest. My mother was May Queen when she was fourteen. I was, too, when I was fourteen. My mother raised us in the Catholic faith for which I am ever grateful. She also honored all Jewish festivals. My mother is in heaven now. Every day I wait to see her again. I love her.

On Mother’s Day – honoring all mothers (fathers who are also mothers), the nurturing principle within all of humanity. Earth is humanity’s mother. With Leo moon on Mother’s Day, we are to recognize and praise the gifts of our mothers. As mothers impart love and intelligence to their children, so does (Mother) Earth attempt to teach us.

We remember the 4th Commandment (Aries Law) to “Honor thy Mother & Father.”

Many have forgotten this commandment (and the other nine given to humanity through Moses at the beginning of the Aries Age. As parents age they look to their children for love, care, guidance and companionship. Parent/child positions change. On this Leo moon day we offer our mothers the deepest gratitude and respect. Our heart overflowing with love for them.

For those whose mothers have died we recite the Mantram of Compassion, Om Mani Padme Hum. For those emotionally separated from their mothers, we recite the St. Francis of Assisi prayer which establishes goodwill, balance, harmony, understanding and right loving relations with mother. St. Francis, a Libra, is the saint of Right Human Relations.

“Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy.” Note: Sunday begins a week of unusual multiple retrogrades (Saturn, Venus, Jupiter). Life everywhere, turns inward. 

Music: There is a song at the end of Mama Mia (TV show), it expresses the love mothers have for their babies, their children & the love children have for their mothers. 

(Note: Mercury retrogrades Tuesday, May 10, at 5 degrees Gemini)

ARIES: As everything has transformed in a moment’s notice everywhere in our world, thoughts of resources, values, money and possessions, care for others, becomes the focus. You ponder on how to be creative, how to “make all things new” and how to assure your financial future. You are not afraid, but you know the future of the world is in question. You also know previous plans and agendas no longer apply.

TAURUS: There is a deep purposeful need to recreate all aspects of your life, including making yourself anew. Look at and assess your self-esteem, body image, question your health and availability (are you or are you not able to surge forward to secure the future)? You feel the fire of aspiration to have an environment in which you can use your intuitive power and purposeful use of Will. You will lead, everyone follows (except a few). You are the teacher.

GEMINI: You have many thoughts and unusual dreams about someone from the past. Your dreams also demonstrate a new life path is needed. At first the dreams are opaque but then you realize the dreams are the waters of Life calling you to be in a community where spirituality is the focus, purity is the rule and liberation the path. This is the pathway of the Server, the lover of humanity. And all of this is done in the garden.

CANCER: I have often written the words, “contact releases Love.” This is especially important for the moon ruled ones now and in the coming months. Groups, communities, friends and loved ones assist you in acquiring a greater sense of self-worth and identity, in recognizing your gifts and abilities. It’s best to be in small groups or one-on-one encounters. What groups would you like to belong to? Who are your friends? Are you always kind?

LEO: You are accomplished in the world of form and matter. Your sense of identity and pride in yourself have helped you succeed in being a bright star and leader. Now you begin a new cycle, several actually, where you move ahead with new agendas and public recognition. Remember, as a leader, to lead always with love. And remember, the first test for leaders is pride. Hold yours intact. Have pride in others first.

VIRGO: Things far away, people, cultures, art, beauty, interest you, especially now. Things metaphysical, having to do with justice, liberty, books, libraries, adventures, journeys and centers of study are significant to you. You want to enrich your mind, broaden your knowledge base, create new ways of thinking that outline a new future life. Hints as to how to proceed are in the visions you’re having. And dreams.

LIBRA: Look at all expenses especially those shared with others. Attempt to lessen the outlay for a while. Pay off loans and debts. There are hidden expenses you might be unaware of. Become more conscious of your finances, creating a monthly financial plan that includes planning for unexpected expenses. In some ways your life is a secret. Is it hidden from those close to you? There’s a longing within your heart. What is it?

SCORPIO: You can be the most stable of signs when it comes to partnerships and relationships. However, sometimes you’re hidden from your partner. Scorpios need a long time in order to trust another. But when trust does come, you are theirs forever. Partnerships are a fragile balancing act. Partnerships heal and sustain and transform. You realize you always must “do your part,” impeccably. Then love lasts beyond one’s lifetime.

SAGITTARIUS: Although it seems shrouded at times, you are inching slowly toward something (anything, you think!) that makes your work easier, more interesting and more significant. Often the present difficulties are not understood till much later when we realize how useful the tests were (are). What is occurring in our world is valuable now. Work with others a bit more playfully. Tend to someone close by. Love more.

CAPRICORN: A great depth of creativity will emerge from you in the coming weeks and months, and this continues for a long time to come. There is spontaneity of spirit at the root of your creativity and a deep aspiration to have fun, to play, to be light and free and to share this with others. You have moved from the crystal form to a diamond. Your imagination, originality, inspiration and ingenuity shine as bright as a star. You are the star shining on the mountaintop for all to see.

AQUARIUS: You sense the need for a new foundation, perhaps a home or a new awareness of self. You are very creative. The art that you create is a source of identity. You also must have solid things in form and matter. Although you are an air sign, it would be good to begin a garden. It would ground and stabilize you. Begin with pots of basil and tomato plants, oregano, parsley and dill. And marigolds for color. Nasturtiums too. A colorful salad indeed!

PISCES: When someone needs help, Pisces runs towards it. True healers choose different pathways of healing – nutrition, biochemistry, naturopathy, Ayurveda, acupuncture, homeopathy, medical astrology. Adopting new protocols beyond allopathic. To reclaim one’s inner terrain, study what is true healing, and what is not. It involves oxygen and the understanding of the blood, the life force. Ferrum Phos (oxygen carrier) is the homeopathic cell salt for Pisces – sign of the saving force for humanity.

Risa – writer, educator, teacher, psychological-spiritual counselor, mentor, astrologer & esotericist. Founder & Director, The Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute/College, a contemporary Wisdom School for the Ageless Wisdom teachings. The foundations of the Teachings are the study & application of exoteric & esoteric Astrology, the Seven Rays & Raja Yoga meditation.,  

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Recognition of the unique value of every living being expresses itself in reverence for life, compassion for all, sympathy with the need of all individuals to find truth for themselves, and respect for all religious traditions.  ~The Esoteric & Theosophical Worldview