Esoteric Astrology as news for week May 3 – 9, 2023


The Wesak Buddha Full Moon Festival

There is a valley lying at a rather high altitude in the Himalayan ranges in Tibet. With mountains on both sides, a stream running through it, the land is vast and wind-swept, once covered with ancient ice. It is a place of titanic forces.  Here at the moment of the full moon in May, the Wesak Festival, occurs (this year, Friday, May 5). The Wesak Valley is filled with pilgrims from around the world. Among those gathered is a group of great Beings, custodians of God’s plan for humanity, known as the “Knowers of Divinity.”

The Wesak Festival occurs under the full moonlight of Taurus (this year we also have a lunar eclipse, something in form disappears). Wesak (holy waters) is the great Eastern festival of the Buddha, expressing the wisdom, light and divine purpose of God. Buddha and his brother, the Christ (Pisces World Teacher) are present at the Wesak Festival. The Christ represents the Love of God.          

Wesak, a day of supreme spiritual impact, is not a celebration of the past. It is a real, present, living event, a sacred ceremony. Present with the Buddha (Wisdom) and the Christ (Love) is the united spiritual Hierarchy (inner spiritual government) and the Forces of Enlightenment, emanating from the heart of God. This energy flows outward into human consciousness, “illuminating the minds of men.” (men = Sanskrit for “thinkers.”)        

The energy flowing into the Earth at Wesak transmits divine principles of love and wisdom, of which the Buddha and the Christ, always in unison, represent. Together they evoke, awaken and pour forth a spiritual demand that the immediate future demonstrates what is deeply needed – that of active Peace on earth and Goodwill within all of humanity.

At the moment of the full moon the Buddha can be seen in the clouds above the valley. His energy body descends to a level close to the physical plane so that a blessing from the Lord of the World can easily pass through his aura, precipitating down to the Christ, the Hierarchy, Initiates, Disciples and into the hearts and minds of humanity everywhere. A doorway to another world thus opens for humanity. Everyone is invited to this festival. One’s acceptance is simply aspiration to participate.

When the Buddha was about to depart from Earth (500 BC), he said, “I am not the first Buddha who has come to Earth, nor am I the last. In due time another Teacher will appear, a Holy One. He will be called Maitreya, a name that means ‘filled with kindness.’” (That precipitation begins in 2025).

ARIES: The next three months sees you working in groups, then sliding behind veils and protecting yourself so you can once again at a later time reveal yourself to the world, offering new ideas, thoughts, agendas and above all a new identity. Be aware of flowing, flexible shifts both within and without. When summer comes you will communicate a new way of life, new values, new money and new ways to create the foundation of the new era and the next civilization.

TAURUS: More and more you become comfortable being in groups. In fact, they call to you and although you may be hidden and in a hermitage of sorts, you challenge yourself to say yes and to participate. There you learn a lot, become active with forward thinkers like yourself, help others set new goals for the future, change previous beliefs, and together set about creating ways for people to live more cooperatively and in community. You’ll be focused on biologic architecture for homes and buildings.

GEMINI: There are a lot of questions for Gemini, who is often of two minds. Will you travel or will you not? Will you expand your area of interests, studying all things new? There may be a wound surfacing or a state of disillusion. It is most important to seek right livelihood in areas that reflect your values. It’s also important to ask what your role is in the future is. If you ask yourself what you want it to be in the new era, then the answers begin to emerge. An entirely new person comes forth.

CANCER: You are integrating new ideas, new thoughts and realities. And this will continue. Through discussions with others  – teachers, mentors, farmers, those who till the land, astrologers or shamans – a different world opens up and it is both a surprise and a comfort. You realize others are interested in your life, your thoughts and beliefs and your perception of reality. The person you thought you were in the past is slowly evolving into a person you slowly getting to know. A new self-identity is forming.

LEO: The planets in the sky influence and affect daily life, especially our relationships.  The I/Thou relationship is particularly important now. Everything we encounter is a relationship. Relationships always expand us. At times they activate a deeply hidden wound. That is part of relationship’s purpose. From relationships we always encounter the concept of sharing. Always share. Then more is always available. On a practical level, update all legal papers (insurance health, etc.) and be sure finances are in order. Tend to these now before everything changes.

VIRGO: You may feel the need to study and bring a new vital future into everyday life. Study takes a focused mind, which is actually a type of meditation. Study to heal wounds, bring ideals into closer focus, and to set yourself upon the path you chose before coming into this lifetime. Notice if new revelatory ideas are being impressed upon your mind. This is Mercury, your ruler, nudging you into new pathways, new work, new levels of service. Should you respond, a new confidence surges forth, offering you new vitality, and a new happiness.

LIBRA: You wish to be relieved of a burden you are carrying. You wish for a bit of fun and romance and having a good time. These bring forth your creating self-expression. They make you happy and when you’re happy, people notice a sort of golden light emanating from you. You seek love and humor and the warmth of companionship. However, your greatest joy will be the way you express beauty through your talents and gifts. I sense a sadness, something’s hidden. What is it? Forgiveness heals.

SCORPIO: You are able to create a home wherever you are; inviting others to come into your inner sanctum (just a few, of course, you are careful and must trust them first). You seek to understand the values and foundations of your family, all that helped you grow. This knowledge creates a new foundation that comforts, nourishes. There may be a move, new dwellings to be constructed, perhaps a family reunion. There’s forgiveness, too, which adds to your well-being. Everything in the past will soon disappear.

SAGITTARIUS: Your intelligence and skill will increase in the coming months. You have a great attraction for new studies that builds the new knowledge needed to construct the new culture and civilization. As you learn you will teach others, expanding their knowledge and through this inviting them to be part of the new era, the new world being built. Walk through neighborhoods, becoming familiar with the architecture, gardens, fences, gates, flora, fauna and the people living there. Photograph, draw and paint aspects of these neighborhoods. Design a village, each neighborhood a community. Read Christopher Alexander’s works.

CAPRICORN: Your personal values, finances, and all that brings you comfort are assessed and reassessed. You feel more confident and productive and seek greater ways to bring your gifts forth. Your talents are part of your value system. Think about what these talents and values are and how they help bring forth the new era – one that is entirely different than any past times we’ve lived in. You give abundantly to others in all ways. This assures that great abundance is returned to you ten-fold. Giving is the true valued currency of our new times.

AQUARIUS: You have, in the past year, experienced great changes in your life. A new faith in the world and in yourself has expanded your reality, and previous challenging problems are being overcome. As new challenges arise, you are creating a definite image of yourself as successful. Make sure that as much as has been given that you also give to others in return. Do not overindulge, be aware of diet and exercise, allow your carefree self not to be care-less. Tend to health very carefully. And think about how you will help build the new world that’s coming. You are one of its leaders.

PISCES: You are often behind the scenes, being private and hidden so you can quietly contemplate the future which in many ways is still unformed. There is a new call now to be out and about. Your inner self seeks to give to those in need without being noticed, known or even thanked. You can do both – inner and outer presence simultaneously. Giving of the self allows one’s inner life to be purified and regenerated. Dreams become intuitive guidance. Do everything with gratitude. Write letters by hand. Study the art of calligraphy.

Risa – writer, educator, teacher, psychological-spiritual counselor, mentor, astrologer & esotericist. Founder & Director of The Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute/College, a contemporary Wisdom School (center for spiritual discourse & study) for the Ageless Wisdom teachings. Foundations of the Teachings are the study & application of exoteric & esoteric Astrology, the Seven Rays, Theosophy, Esotericism, all religions, art, science & Raja Yoga meditation.  Web journal: Daily studies posted our website. Astrological, esoteric, day-to-day news – art, literature, psychology, the cosmos, consciousness, philosophy, history, religion, economics, geography & cultural journalism. 

Recognition of the unique value of every living being expresses itself in reverence for life, compassion for all, sympathy with the need of all individuals to find truth for themselves, and respect for all religious traditions.  ~The Esoteric & Theosophical Worldview