Esoteric Astrology as news for week March 7-13


Seeking a Little Tenderness – Jupiter Retro in Scorpio

We have many planetary retrogrades this year – Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Vesta & Chiron. Retrograde planets turn us inward; we become reflective upon our lives, our blessings, our wants and needs.

This week Jupiter, planet of love & wisdom (Ray 2), of truth telling (with Sag), of justice and the expansion of everything everywhere, turns retrograde at 23.13 degrees Scorpio. Jupiter in Scorpio is bringing to light all the dark secrets humanity is presently drowning in.

Jupiter retrogrades for four months (March 8 to July 10). During this time, we are able to “see the big picture,” our perspectives and beliefs change, expand, and are uplifted. We are able to rise above separations. We develop new tools; consider new goals and new journeys (Jupiter rules Sag). We want to learn more, understand mysteries (Scorpio), solve problems, seek the psychology of a person, place or event. Inner and outer work is accomplished simultaneously.

Jupiter, a social planet, expands us outward. Scorpio and the retrograde take us inward. With Jupiter retrograde, our secret selves, all that’s been hidden from view, especially emotions, awaken, make themselves known. It’s a time for healing, for transformation (Pluto works with Scorpio), which comes through crisis. It’s quite a fascinating time. We may encounter issues with sex, money, death, rebirth and rock & roll.

Jupiter was last in Scorpio Oct. 2005 – Nov. 2006, Nov. 1993 to Dec. 1994, and from Nov. 1981 to Dec. 1982. What was occurring for everyone then? Now, with Jupiter again in Scorpio, something from that time appears again – for remembrance, adjustment, assessment, completion, or for just a little tenderness.

ARIES: It’s a time for intimacy, developing trust, understanding your psychological mechanisms, time for counseling, for marriage, and for tending to all debts. These are important months when your private world opens to you and you alone. You will assess intimacy, finances held in common, and vulnerability. Buried, hidden, secret situations come to life in order to be resolved. The outcome all of this is harmony and wholeness while reading mystery stories.

TAURUS: Partnerships grow and expand, become deeper, more successful, and happy, too. A beneficence that comes into all interactions. Everything feels like a blessing, and it is though often it’s hidden. You sense and feel a benediction, no matter what occurs. There are shared finances and assets conversations. A resource drops from the sky. This comes as a surprise. There’s a sharing of beliefs and interests. Freedom will be part of the dynamics of all intimate relationships.

GEMINI:  Be sure to maintain constancy with daily routines so that your health and well being are enhanced. Daily tasks, duties and responsibilities call for order and organization. Careful that you don’t overwork. Life prospers if your work entails serving others. A new job or position may be offered. You feel useful during these months. Do not allow any task to become monotonous. Imaginatively mix up your day. Take up an ancient yet well-known study.

CANCER: Having fun is most important, allowing ease to express yourself. Each day, pursue your own creative interests. Realize you’re unique with much to share. A dream you’ve carried for a long time comes true. The arts are important, children, too. As you go through each day you feel confident, supported by everyone. And then your imagination comes into play. A new partnership may be formed.

LEO: Home is most important. It’s your foundation, your nest, your family, how you live each day, anchor emotions, seek comfort, have protection (for self and other kingdoms) and take refuge. Something will grow and expand in your home. A new garden is a good idea. Perhaps you will expand real estate holdings, or expand rooms, the garden or even your family. Careful not to over extend. And balance home and professional life. Resources appear.

VIRGO: Deep and wide philosophical issues will begin to cross your mind then take up lots of your mind, thoughts, ideas, conversations. New and interesting conversations increase your curiosity. You may take long solitary walks through neighborhoods, down streets, in new towns. Not too far away, but away enough that new things are seen. You may choose to raise bees, gather honey and seed wildflowers in meadows here and there and everywhere.

LIBRA:  All of your values may change, as you assess personal resources finances and possessions. You see the benefits of your tireless work each day and earning power. You find you want more of everything creating a greater opportunity to give and share more. Something may be bought and/or sold. You assess self-worth, you attract abundance, you choose not to overspend. You help someone who loves you. Someone misses you.

SCORPIO: Cheerfulness and optimism appear and they noticeably improve how you feel and act out in the world. You are expansive, exuberant and more self-confidence than is usual. You feel relaxed and fortunate and, truly, you are! You greet each day with the knowledge that no matter the circumstances, all is good, every moment, every day. When problems occur you ease into them, tend to them with equanimity and, poof! They disappear!

SAGITTARIUS: You asked what planet has been affecting you lately. Among many others, it’s Jupiter, in your 12th house of Pisces, sign of compassion, empathy, and deep sensitivity. Know that this is good. There’s an angelic level of protection when Jupiter is in one’s 12th house with a feeling of being guided (pushed at times), directed and rewarded. Intuition comes more easily, charity, too. This is very beneficial. Faith happens.

CAPRICORN: Over the next months, you may find yourself networking, a bit, creating friendship, new acquaintances, researching clubs, groups and organizations. Perhaps you will consider creating a group of friends that meets together, shares knowledge, interest, food, cooking, creating together. You feel hopeful these days, resources increase, you look into things alternative. There’s a feeling of joy permeating your days & nights.

AQUARIUS: There will be more recognition concerning your service to the world, the work you do that enhances people’s lives. You may consider how you want your career to advance. You may consider new opportunities, new jobs, education, something influential, professional and pleasurable. You feel freedom, have integrity and are honest and these take you to places of reward. You are worthy of recognition. Take a bow!

PISCES: Goals, travel, journeys, new horizons, new people, places and events. These call to your curiosity, your sense of adventure. There may be a greater opportunity to teach. Education comes through possible travel. Stress, felt before, lessens, priorities take on new meaning. You become more and more creative. You think about writing a book, publishing. New doors open. The Temple doors.

Risa – writer, teacher, counselor, mentor, astrologer, esotericist. Founder & Director, The Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School for the Ageless Wisdom teachings. The foundations of the Teachings are the study & application of Astrology  & the Seven Rays. Email: Web journal: Facebook: Risa D’Angeles & Risa’s Esoteric Astrology (2 FB pages). All FB messages are posted on NLN (website) – under Daily Studies. Astrological, esoteric, day to day news – art, literature, psychology, history, religion, economics, geography & cultural journalism.