Esoteric Astrology as news for week June 9-16


Messengers, Shavuot (Laws), Flag Day (Art)

Risa – We are in the midst of Gemini and Mercury, Gemini’s ruler. Both are messengers. Gemini and Mercury are about communication, talking, sharing, being here and there, using thought, study, ideas, reasoning and logic to connect with each other. If we look at paintings of Mercury we see wings on his feet. Mercury flies high like the birds, receiving messages from the gods, building the Rainbow Bridge to the Soul. In indigenous teachings, birds are messengers. There is a language of birds. In the book, The Genius of Birds, author Jennifer Ackerman writes, “Birds exhibit technical, social, musical, artistic, spatial, inventive, adaptive intelligence. Some birds count, use tools, converse with humans, carry messages.” All Gemini/Mercury traits.

Sunday is Shavuot, occurring during a Virgo quarter moon. Shavuot is a Hebrew festival marking the anniversary of the day God gave Moses the 10 Commandments (Aries Laws) and Torah (Five Books of Moses), Jewish Laws. We know the Torah as the Old Testament; the Books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. Moses was given these “laws” during the change in the Ages – from Taurus to Aries. Taurus was the Age of Desire (and slavery for the Jewish people). Aries was the Age of Laws. Thus the “laws” given by G-d to His people as they walked in the desert towards freedom.

Tuesday is Flag Day. Flags, an unrecognized art form, represent the spirit of the people. In the U.S. flag, the 13 stripes (red & white) represent the first 13 British colonies that declared independence from Great Britain. The 50 stars represent the 50 states in the union. Our present flag was created by 17-year old Robert G. Heft (Sun/Venus in Capricorn, Mercury in Aquarius) as a high school class project. He received a B- for his work! Question. If we were each a nation what would our flag look like?

ARIES: Whereas your main gift has been instinct, intuition, a higher super-human level of awareness emerges. Providing you with greater inner strength and new faith. There’s a surprise as you become more sensitive, easygoing, compassionate, concerned for others. As you consider spiritual ideals a greater belief in yourself appears. Your true identity deepens. You might also experience Divine Discontent.

TAURUS: Idealism adaptability and flexibility are part of your calm nature. These virtues further develop in coming years. As you attempt to always maintain stability, you might discover you’ve lost the ability to seek out the arts, things different and unusual. You must allow them in again. You are to be around and develop all the arts for you are the Art of Living itself.

GEMINI: What does your intuition tell you about current world trends in business, the arts, humanity, education, politics? In coming years, you will develop a deep creativity and vision leading you to the arts. Work on maintaining clear direction and goals. You have a calling in life that must not be lost. Allow no misconceptions concerning self-worth to be nurtured. You are perfect.

CANCER: It’s important to know and then be practical with goals. It’s good to consider what you believe and why. To ask what is the Truth. Know there is One Truth. It’s hidden. It would be good to study different religions, enter a seminary, becoming a minister or pastor, pursue philosophical or artistic fields. Travel beckons, too. Each day compassion becomes your teacher.

LEO: Are you experiencing spiritual longing, deep sensitivity, mysteries and unusual warrior dreams? Things from the past, a relationship, love, a person – seem to be important once again. However, perhaps you choose not to contact or connect with them. Know that where before the boundaries were blurred, you both have grown. Boundaries are intact now. Careful with money. Give it, don’t loan it. Love more.

VIRGO: So often Virgo gives more than they’re able to receive. And wounds then happen. Virgo seeks a partner, one linked to them psychically. They see potential, instead of reality at times, seeing others as they wish them to be, not as they are. Sometimes Virgos want to save or be saved (from themselves). These are all developmental stages. They can be confusing and difficult (for a time). Everything’s perfect.

LIBRA: Daily work, plans, schedules and agendas become so fluid you may not know where you are at times. All routines seem to float out the door, replaced by chaos, confusion and a sense of helplessness. Know that when chaos appears, it’s a seeking of harmony. Rearrange everything in your environments. Tend to health methodically. Talk to your plants. The devas live there. They bring a new order into your life.

SCORPIO: When people use the word drama it’s usually disparaging, judgmental. However, some signs truly have dramatic things occurring. We actually have little choice in the matter of our lives and behaviors, in how people react and respond to us. Those experiencing drama in their lives are living life deeply, fully, creatively and with passion. For Scorpio, that time is now and always.

SAGITTARIUS: As a child was family life complex? Were (are) you sensitive, free-spirited, idealistic, philosophical? You are still those ways, yes? Do you long for a new home and sense of place? Do you alternate between being social while also seeking solitude? Do you at times isolate yourself? Is family challenging? Do you have many dreams? Remain poised. A new path with accompanying challenges will appear soon enough.

CAPRICORN: Visualize all that you want to be and do, your future, the interior and exterior of new environments, gardens, inside and outside rooms, design and art room and most of all the kitchen(s). Imagine in detail. Visualization and imagination create a magnetic field around you and what you envision (if it is yours) gradually appears. Then you can decide true wants/needs. We become what we deeply imagine, we express what we can create, we encourage what we love. Love.

AQUARIUS: It’s important to be balanced about money – not too strict, not too lax. It’s important to know your values, especially the value of yourself and your work. Do not believe others who undervalue your worth. Follow your intuition and instincts concerning use of resources. Know you too are a valuable resource. Value others and their work. Be generous. Care for yourself. Following these practical rules makes you happy.

PISCES: A great sensitivity has come upon Pisces. You live in a dream of knowing and wanting. Others sometimes see you through their own projections. This can be difficult. Reality for you isn’t what reality is for others. Moods come and go. Begin painting, drawing, dancing and writing. Neptune has returned home with friends Chiron (wound/healing), Ceres (nurture) and South Node (the past). Rest more in the sunshine.

Risa, writer, founder & director Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School studying the Ageless Wisdom teachings. Foundation of the Teachings is Esoteric Astrology. Email: journal: Facebook: Risa’s Esoteric Astrology for daily messages.