Esoteric Astrology as news for week June 30 – July 6


Hiding Away Under a Shell

When summer begins and for 30 days thereafter, the Sun is in Cancer, sign of mother, family, home, the embryonic waters nurturing new life. Cancer, its light flowing through the moon, nurtures the masses of humanity. In our very earliest incarnations on Earth everyone entered planet Earth under the sign of Cancer.

Cancer therefore has a deep and abiding connection with the human race. Cancer is called the Gate Into Matter – the doorway through which humans (from the spirit world) appear on Earth. Cancer guards and guides all of humanity. Cancer people (Sun, Moon, Ascendant) intuitively understand the common everyday person’s basic wants, needs and motivations.

Cancer rules (oversees, protects) home, (the parent who is the) mother, family, tribes, birth, childbirth, the sea, women (in general), instincts, inherited tendencies, domestic life, cooks, kitchens, nurturing, gestation, protectiveness, baskets, the sea, the demarcation line between water and land, moody feelings and all places of refuge and repose. Cancer receives and distributes Ray 3 (new ideas) and Ray 7 (taking root, anchoring in the world, the great sea of life). Cancers are very intelligent.

Cancer is the Light within the form—awaiting the Light of the Soul. Cancer lives half on earth and half in the water. Often Cancer hides away under its shell, silently waiting for the environment to be safe and trusting. Cancer rules our treasures, our private life, conception, heredity and one’s spiritual security (ashram or sangha).

Cancer is always seeking home as a refuge. Cancer has unrealized gifts buried deep within. Cancer’s gifts of nurturing and nourishment are profound and mysterious, always being offered. What Cancers don’t realize is they need nurturing and nourishment, too. From all of us. The United States of America is Cancer Sun. Let us cherish her.

ARIES: How is your town, your walk-abouts, neighborhood and communications. How is your car? Does it need to be replaced? What is the status of your communication systems? Do they need upgrades? Are there people you must contact, tasks to tend, bills and correspondences waiting for your attention? Whatever must be done, do it slowly, with care and attention and give yourself more time than usual. Have intentions to complete all pending work. Then tend to your environment making it a place of comfort and refuge.

TAURUS: Previous financial situations not able to be tended to till now will need your attention. With all bills and monetary interactions, check and recheck the amounts for there could be mistakes. It will be important to re-evaluate your budget and spending. I think you have many valuable items, which could be sold so you have more capital to work with and in order to purchase preparedness supplies. And create that environment you’re impelled to build.

GEMINI: You ponder upon how others perceive you. The better question is how you perceive yourself. Realize you have leadership abilities. In the next weeks and months your thoughts will focus on self-identity and self as valuable. Do not allow criticism to undermine your goodness. There may be a challenge between your love of self and your judgmental lower critical self. Someone else may activate this. Know that your childhood experiences were chosen by you for learning. Earth is our school. It is where we learn through suffering that of love and compassion.

CANCER: Fears may be ready to set up housekeeping in your emotional mind. Inform them they are not welcome. Others can assist you if you talk about what’s bothering you. Fear can become addictive, looping over and over in your lower mind and bringing you to your knees metaphorically. If there is lamentation and grief, that is allowed. But fear isn’t. It isn’t real and is based on non-information. There is a Bach Flower remedy for fear.

LEO: Reassessing friendships and social interactions, future goals, hopes, wishes and aspirations are your currents of thought in the coming weeks. Re-evaluating these keeps us in touch and aware. Whenever we feel tension and longing it means a new need, wish, desire and aspiration are calling to us. Respect this. When desires are spiritualized, they become aspirations. They tell us of the pathways to our future.

VIRGO: Your life direction will come into focus along with the new person you want to be in the coming years. These are very important considerations. Sometimes we don’t really know what life has in store for us. And sometimes we can’t visualize anything in the present or future. What in your life are you striving toward? What things/events are most important for you? Do the environments you find yourself in, reflect you? Do you always offer Goodwill?

LIBRA: Several times in our lives we have spiritual experiences that lead us to reassess life’s purpose and our purpose within life itself. We refine and redefine; we ask if there is actual love and justice in life. The answer is yes, but it’s often hidden unless we quest beneath the surface of accepted reality. Ethics become important. What are your ethics? Do you know what they are? Remember at all times to radiate the Will to Good.

SCORPIO: Other people’s money and resources will be on your mind and/or money and resources you hold in common with another. Arrange a meeting specifically concerning these resources stating what everyone’s needs are presently and for the future. You will reassess and rearrange but it must be done with equanimity. Think about the sharing economy. Knowing this you can better manage your need for power. Power with (others) works better than power over.

SAGITTARIUS: Remembering all previous relationships you assess what was good, what was gained, what worked, what didn’t and how your belief systems (patterns learned when you were small) affected the outcomes. Something special is or will be occurring that changes your perspective. Perhaps it’s that you understand how love works and that it’s not about the other loving you. It’s about your intentions and ability to see that love underlies all events, all peoples in our world. Especially in your life.

CAPRICORN: Daily work and agendas, interactions with others you work with may be a focus. Something from the past shows up and through intentions for right relations you create a state of cooperation that surpasses all hopes and expectations. Home life on a daily basis may begin to change. A previous restrictive attitude of someone near continues to be difficult. Eventually this must be faced lest something is lost forever. Pray for them. Pray for the good and for loving relations.

AQUARIUS: It’s good to know there’s a difference between what makes you happy and what makes others happy. They are not the same. It is a radical shift within ourselves when we ask what makes another happy, being curious about them, asking what soothes and comforts them. They then feel cared for. When we at first ask these questions we may feel we’ve sacrificed our own comfort. But should we tend with care to the other, joy replaces discomfort and the happiness is ours. This is Soul work.

PISCES: The following issues will be on your mind in the next weeks. Your mother and you as mother (if you are); your relationship with your children, especially daughters; concern about your home – where and how you live and what the future will bring in terms of home, family, community, and the quality of nurturing you can offer and will receive. There will be conflicts felt amidst all these realities. What you truly want may not be available. But something greater is. And it will find you.

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