Esoteric Astrology as news for week June 23 – 29


Summer Wedding

Summer 2021 began this year on the night of June 20 and early morning June 21, when the Sun entered the sign of Cancer, the Forth Gate opening for Hercules. After the Sun stations high in the sky for three days at the Tropic of Cancer, many celebrations occur over the solstice period. In Masonry and Christianity, June 24 is called Midsummer’s Day. It is also St. John the Baptist Day. John, a hermit and the cousin of Jesus, was born six months before Jesus. Like the New Group of World Servers, John’s role was to “prepare the Way for the Messiah.” When Christ came to the River Jordon for baptism (2nd Initiation), John recognized Him. Symbolically John’s light was replaced by the Light of the Messiah whose Light signifies spiritually, the bright light of summer. 

A Wedding. At solstice and the days that follow, the devic kingdom (angels that build form), having completed their work for the year, now prepare for a golden wedding celebration (Midsummer wedding, Midsummer Night’s Dream by Shakespeare) in nature. It is a celebration of love, and it also takes place within our bodies, hearts and minds. How does this occur? Each month, at new and full moon times, a seed of lighted awareness, like a spark of light is deposited into our body. At summer solstice, the sparks of light in the pituitary (sun seeds) and pineal (moon seeds), gather in the third ventricle which is called the “marriage bed.” Here (during the days of solstice) the sparks of light create an etheric fire and the result is a new wisdom, a mental luminosity becomes available. The mind is illumined with light and one enters the Raincloud of Knowable Things. This continues all summer in the minds of disciples.

Note: Mercury in Aquarius is now moving forward (though in its retrograde shadow till July 8). And Thursday is the full moon, Cancer solar festival. The Soul, speaking the most nurturing and loving of words, says to the personality, I, the Soul, will build a lighted house within you (personality) and therein I will dwell. And the personality calms itself and is comforted. 

ARIES: Opportunities are presented along with challenges. You find the courage to meet each one because of your nature – fiery, willing, enthusiastic. This year and for many more, you will experience vast changes, radical shifts, a state of impermanence that, in the end, will constitute unusual creative endeavors and ways of being based on new archetypes. Keep moving, pausing for rest here and there when needed. 

TAURUS: You’re the lucky one this year. You drew the lucky card and all that you’ve wished for begins to appear. Know however, this includes lots of work, much pondering, thinking and study, detailed planning, and waiting for right timing (astrological) to occur. Your good judgment has others seeking your advice and insight. You may travel this year for information, comfort and beauty. And perhaps a wedding. Plan now. 

GEMINI: Notice if (and when) much of the past, including people and events, begins to slip away. This is not good, bad or something to be frightened about. It means you’re traveling onward; your life itself is clearing any limitations and hindrances. A healing is occurring and patterns of thought no longer useful are being released. “Healing,” the Tibetan writes, “allows for the Soul to be free.” You need to be free. 

CANCER: Summer belongs to you. Are you communicating with friends and neighbors? Do not be involved in gossip. It’s good to be somewhat secluded or helping others in need. Be aware of power struggles with others. There’s a projection from you of being in charge and it’s possible you’re not listening to others’ communication. This creates separation and misunderstandings. You must ask yourself what’s most important in relating to others. Be restorative with others.

LEO: As work comes with more responsibilities, you will notice how strong and courageous you are, able to assume multiple tasks with skill and agility. Many people seek your help, trusting your constancy, sense of rightness and patience. Simultaneously, you’re harboring secret thoughts, hopes, wishes and dreams. It’s important to take time away from the world. Step into the shadows. What do you see and feel there? Who will join you?

VIRGO: Take time to consider what you would like for the future. Create a picture/photo journal depicting how you want your life to be. Begin before your birthday so that when it arrives you have a clear idea of your new coming year. Don’t be predictable. Be groundbreaking, inventive and original. Use nothing from the past – no beliefs or plans – to create your possible future. The past needs to be transcended completely. So a new future can present itself that you yourself create.

LIBRA: You need to run away at times to places far away. You need to travel, have many adventures, find new people to communicate with, see new art and artifacts, bathe in warm blue pools at midnight. You need environments and communications to be more harmonious. You need a new garden to work in. You need to think the impossible. Know that ideas become ideals and slip into form and matter when we visualize. You need change, a feeling of being submerged in a completely new reality. What do you think you need?

SCORPIO: As daily life changes, and continues to, all relationships begin to shift and change. This includes all the ways you can think relationships (interactions, partnerships) can improve and expand. Daily life becomes different and unusual. What’s unusual eventually becomes the usual, but it will take a bit of time. The past, showing up on your doorstep, arrives in order to eventually disappear again. Perhaps for the last time. We hope.

SAGITTARIUS: You need the same things Libra needs, but more so. Something of fantasy may come and stay a while. You may not know what it is. It will have two faces. Don’t be confused. Be spontaneous, curious yet cautious. Careful with money. The usual warning, but more so, again. As home feels like it’s dissolving away, your creative expression takes on Aquarian tones, work becomes ever more expanded. You can do all of this with poise and equanimity. And joy. Joy is a choice. You seem to need community now. 

CAPRICORN: Here are the energies for Caps as they enter the summer months: A shift in self-identity, something precious being found, small joys in daily life, new thinking, refining tasks and communication, a change at/of home, pursuing the Art of Living, little gardening tasks, summer walks in different neighborhoods, an ice cream maker, nurturing intimate relationships, enlivened through travel, bringing forth balance through Right Relations in the world. And finally, and most important, having an interlude of rest.

AQUARIUS: You’re interacting and making contact with many different groups of people. This is your spiritual task. To be an acquaintance to everyone, gathering and dispersing information about the future endeavors of humanity. The Hierarchy looks down on Earth seeking to find who carries the “light” within. You carry that light. Therefore, you’re sent here and there to disperse that light. Rest a while sometimes. Play more. Share. Visualize. What you need eventually appears.

PISCES: New and different worlds are becoming acquainted with you along with new and different experiences. An unexpected endeavor is being introduced and considered. An impression from above. Follow this path and do the work needed each day. It will eventually heal hurts and separations. A depth of communication is available at this time. Use this opportunity to make contact with all (people, kingdoms, events) that you value. If some cannot be contacted, visualize the two of you, heart to heart. Love happens then. 

Risa – writer, teacher, counselor, mentor, astrologer, esotericist. Founder & Director… The Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School for the Ageless Wisdom teachings. The foundations of the Teachings are the study & application of Astrology & the Seven Rays. Email: Web journal: Daily studies post on our website. Astrological, esoteric, day to day news – art, literature, psychology, the cosmos, consciousness, philosophy, history, religion, economics, geography & cultural journalism. 

Recognition of the unique value of every living being expresses itself in reverence for life, compassion for all, sympathy with the need of all individuals to find truth for themselves, and respect for all religious traditions.  ~The Esoteric & Theosophical Worldview