Esoteric Astrology as news for week June 22 – 28


Midsummer Night’s Dream – wedding between the Heaven & Earth

A wedding in the fairy (deva) plant nature kingdom. The devas (fairies, builders of nature) complete their work, for the year – the creation and building of all things in nature – at summer solstice. All of nature comes to a rest and the devas celebrate a wedding feast. It occurs three days after the Sun enters Cancer and it’s called Midsummer. Shakespeare wrote about this time in his play Midsummer Night’s Dream. In Christian rituals this third day is celebrated as St. John’s Day. On the third day after the solstice, the Light of the Sun is completely different. There is a merging of the Light of the heavens (Sun) and the Light of the Earth.  

Simultaneously, during the solstice and the three days after, a “wedding” also takes place in the minds of humanity. The essence and light substance from the previous year’s 12 full moons also come together, producing a new light and illumination and direction for humanity for the upcoming new year.

Midsummer Night occurs on June 24, three days after the Sun enters the sign Cancer, the gate where Spirit enters matter. It takes the Sun three days to reorient itself to a new direction (south or north) – three days at Summer Solstice and three days at Winter Solstice. On the third day after the Sun reaches the Tropic of Cancer and enters the sign of Cancer, the Sun begins to move southward and light in our northern hemisphere begins to subtly wane.

It is a paradox. At the height of summer, the shadow of autumn and winter is also present. At summer solstice, we begin the “dark half of the year.” This diminishing light continues ‘til Winter Solstice, when the Sun reaches the Tropic of Capricorn, and the light begins to move northward once again.

Everything in our world is about Light. Astrology and the Wisdom Teachings are all about light, color and energy. We don’t understand light. So, everything is a mystery.  

On Midsummer Day, at noon, let us visualize ourselves gathering in the Ashram garden under the light of the noon day sun with the nature kingdom and the devas. We can all celebrate the “wedding” together! Love, Risa (read more on Midsummer on Night Light News/Daily Studies –

ARIES: During this halfway mark of the year, you have cultivated enough inner strength and energy to meet all the expectations and demands of work, both self-imposed and from others. You have developed new abilities which may seem unusual – detail, order, and organization. These you may also demand from others, as well. But be careful. They don’t have your same astrological chart. Everyone comes forth with their strengths and abilities at different times.

TAURUS: It’s time to be practical and grounded, anchored and present. It’s time to come home now, from either far away or to simply focus on where you live in order to bring order and organization to your environments. It’s been a long, long time (years?) since you’ve been able to assess needs in your personal life. Since you’ve been looking outward, saving the world and tending to others, things at home could be quite in need of attention. Seeking assistance is both sensible and practical.

GEMINI: Consider yourself seriously for a while. Allow yourself to think of all the things you need in all aspects of your life. Consider your values and resources. Consider the state of your home and family, your relationships and money, your communication and sense of well-being. Are all these as they should be? And do you bring comfort, calmness, nurturance and ease to others? Assess these questions quietly over time. Allow all feelings to be acknowledged should they appear. Each feeling holds a message.

CANCER: You always wonder, what is the truth of the matter in all situations? You are very intuitive. And so it’s good to assess and glean the truth from your feelings and senses. Then it is good to share with others what it is you feel and sense about everything, even themselves. When we speak the truth, a clarity results, a trust is able to enter every relationship. When speaking the truth, we must be neutral, ask questions, be kind and courteous. Truth sets everyone free.

LEO: Leos, when coming from the heart can be very loving. This is the best way to be a leader. Leos always apply their creative endeavors to daily life. I have a question. Would you like to be doing something different in your life where you are out and about in the wilds? Doing something that serves the animal (bird or fish) kingdom, offering food, shelter, medicine and comfort? What is of comfort to you? Each one of us aligns with and nurtures one kingdom in particular. Which kingdom is for you?

VIRGO: You seem to have new levels of vital and sustaining energy. Perhaps it’s under the summer sun. You’re active with a new level of self-confidence. You seem happy and enthusiastic (filled with God) and busy with various tasks. Does it seem there’s no time for relaxation? When you’re not working night and day, count your resources and blessings. Should any concerns arise, remember the statement, “Don’t’ worry, be happy.” The “happy” helps bring the resources closer to you.

LIBRA: As you allow for more time for contemplation, recreation, play and rest, a spiritual essence begins to slowly permeate your daily life. This is good. It helps alleviate judgments and criticisms you may be carrying since childhood. Those judgments pervade your present life and although you may think you’re happy, if judgments about others persist, they are eventually projected upon all those around you. Even the best of relationships is affected. There is such a thing as forgiveness. It releases us in the same way truth does. Forgiveness offers us freedom.

SCORPIO: What changes, variations, fluctuations and adjustments (they may feel like revolutions) are appearing in your daily life? What expansion is also simultaneously occurring? What new direction is being taken along with your new sense of self-identity? All these equal a shift in focus and activities. Everything’s changing for you. It’s not just your perception. Things you’ve waited for eventually appear. Now all you have to do is begin to organize it all without feeling overwhelmed. In time, with your participation, all will fall into place.

SAGITTARIUS: Remember to also do your work with composure and inner poise, exhibiting no pressure toward self or others. You are being called to create and exhibit Right Relations with everyone, balancing leadership with friendship, keeping the two seperate with finesse, elegance, grace and skill. This is quite a job. You most likely already display all of this. Now more is called for. In all areas of life bring forth Goodwill. Then you pass all the tests of discipleship.

CAPRICORN: Many days, weeks and months of work reach a summit. If you look back on the autumn of last year, you began a new endeavor or something new was brought to light in your creative life. Now it has reached a point of manifestation, of being seen in the world. Perhaps this is you – always in a state of creative transformation and transfiguration. There are perhaps plans concerning travel, somewhere far away, experiencing another culture, foods, people. There’s a place for you as you meet the needs of another.

AQUARIUS: Tend to money carefully. Put money away for future needs. Here is how to use one’s money: Tithe first. Save second. Pay bills third. Pay for things needed fourth. Always tithe first. Why? This assures you a constant supply in terms of your life needs. When we give, more is returned to us. This is a universal law. Humanity has yet to learn this law of tithing. The new materialism is the sharing society. You can be a leader for humanity in this endeavor. In the meantime, carefully tend and care for your health.

PISCES: You find the need to shift and change your usual daily agendas. What you have done in the past is less and less of interest. You shift between work and rest. Focus more on the rest aspect. Both can be felt as extremes. It’s important to find the way in between, the point of poise. This can be felt as a “razor’s edge.” And it is. A crossroads is coming up. A decision, too. You need sensitive handling. Tend to yourself, your health, your money, values and resources with tender loving care.

Risa – writer, educator, teacher, psychological-spiritual counselor, mentor, astrologer & esotericist. Founder & Director of The Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute/College, a contemporary Wisdom School for the Ageless Wisdom teachings. The foundations of the Teachings are the study & application of exoteric & esoteric Astrology, the Seven Rays & Raja Yoga meditation., Daily studies posted on our website. Astrological, esoteric, day-to-day news – art, literature, psychology, the cosmos, consciousness, philosophy, history, religion, economics, geography & cultural journalism.