Esoteric Astrology as news for week June 15 – 21


Five Lights at Dawn, Father’s Day, Summer Begins!

After the strawberry full moon of June 14, and from now till the end of June a most impressive and unusual line up of planets can be seen – all showing up before dawn. Led by Mercury, the messenger, at dawn each morning, a “planetary parade” appears, in the sky – five planets all in their correct order from the Sun! Mercury (the last to appear, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Four – Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn – have appeared in the morning sky the past several months. But now we see the collective, including Mercury, grouped together. Before they expand out into the night sky, look for them in the southeast, just before sunrise.

At the end of the month the five will be joined by the crescent new moon (June 24 – St. John’s Feast Day, Midsummer Night’s Dream), the first new moon of the summer. The new moon will appear between Venus and Mars. It is a spectacular, before-dawn array of planets – Moon, Mercury (messenger), Venus (unifier), Mars (action!), Jupiter (love/wisdom), Saturn (law maker). Mind marries wisdom. Love happens!

We are in our last week of Gemini. Sunday, June 19, is Father’s Day, celebrating and recognizing the father’s live giving role. Tuesday, June 21 the Sun enters Cancer and summer begins. It’s summer solstice, and the three months of summer begin in our northern latitudes. In our southern latitudes, autumn begins.

During the summer months, in fields & flowering meadows, Uriel, the Archangel of Beauty and Light, teaches his students. From their studies with this Archangel of Wisdom, their minds are illumined with spiritual vision. Uriel stands at the Star Gate of Cancer. His robes are silvery blue, like the robes of Mary. Uriel guards us during the months of summer and invites us into his Temple Garden. (more on summer next week and in the meantime, continue to plant radishes!)  

ARIES – Something new concerning family, property, real estate, home materializes in the coming year. You may buy or sell, create family property, move, form community, create a collective. It is good to look forward to various and different ways of living in these times of change. The old ways will no longer serve us. Something about family develops, increases, expands. You find yourself at times staying closer to home, no more here and there. Family becomes everything (again).

TAURUS: In the coming year, travel becomes a source of transformation. You may enter school, take up a new study, publish or begin a long adventure. Everything close by becomes interesting, even destinations others consider common. At times you consider your neighborhood is as far as you need to go. Doing walk-abouts with deep reflection. The exotic is not always comfortable. A new journey of the mind is what you seek. Call forth daily, new symbols and archetypes of thoughts and thinking

GEMINI: You have entered into a state of deep contemplation, a spiritual place, an inward looking. This inner reality seeks your attention with the idea of you remaining behind the scenes in a state of retreat. Are there demands facing you concerning work? Are people seeking your advice, inviting you here and there to be part of their vision? Can you do all these simultaneously? I think yes. Gemini is multi-talented, multi-faceted. Love comes in many guises.

CANCER: This is your birthday month. Happy Birthday, moon child. Mercury will be helping you reflect upon the past year in preparation for events to occur in your new birthday year. Review all actions, choices made, things produced, brought to flower, people spoken with, promises made, dreams that did (or did not) come true. Consider what was happy then and what would be joyful in the coming year. Notice the different words – happy and joyful. The new year brings new endeavors. What would you like to occur?

LEO: New people, new confidence, new groups, new leadership roles – all eventually beckon to you, extending offers, requests and invitations. Friendships blossom and you find yourself mingling and networking, interacting and sharing. Are you avoiding anyone? Step into their world, learn who they are, what they like, want and most of all, need. Hopes, wishes and dreams fill your mind and heart. Create a Hope, Wishes and Dreams journal. Don’t lose it!

VIRGO: The area of life called working together, joint resources, in-depth encounters and relationships become full of opportunities, sources of pleasure and even refuge, both personal and worldly. Something deep and profound occurs with someone close. It’s important to consider creating or expanding your professional work. Ask loved ones for assistance. They can be of great benefit if you are gentle, kind and grateful. Be focused, determined and analytical with finances.

LIBRA: The most realistic time in our lives is actually each moment. Most moments quietly slip by as we get lost in seeking what we don’t have, wondering when difficulties will end or when the rainbow will (which is enough) eventually appear. However, should we be aware of each moment, the moments begin to feel like blessings. Magical. This conscious perception of time allows us to be more authentic, spontaneous and free. For the next year, careful with diet, eating only what vitalizes and is touched by the Sun.

SCORPIO: Daily life of service and interactions with others close to us are important to focus on. The surprise is a new creative talent then comes forth from within, a creativity greater than previously experienced. It will make you explore all areas of the arts. This builds a new sense of identity. Careful of illusion if entering a new love affair. You might find yourself with many tasks to perform this summer. Protect your hands and arms with gloves. Check the car, too.

SAGITTARIUS: New ideas, thoughts and thinking accelerate, life moves into the fast lane, new people enter your life, and you seek the world of art, music and culture. You become part of the cultural creatives, the new group on the earth. People notice you’ve become more optimistic. That dark night of the soul approach is exhausting. Certain situations at home seek detailed attention, tending and organizing. Give everything not used in the past months away. Someone else needs them. Your daily life is then free.

CAPRICORN: Perhaps in the past you felt the need for more self-confidence. In the coming year, self-confidence, self-reliance, and the ability to know more of yourself and your abilities will emerge and expand. They will fill you with self-assurance, poise, dignity and grace. And a new level of artistic endeavor, too! Wherever you find yourself, that’s where you’re to be. Whatever you’re called to do, act with the highest intentions. Then the world around you becomes a blessing.

AQUARIUS: Tend carefully to your health now and in the coming weeks. Do all that’s needed in natural ways. Do not exhaust yourself. New archetypes (patterns) concerning money and values appear for the rest of the year. Afterward, looking back on how you made, used and worked with money and what your values were, you see the changes made. It’s most important to create strategic plans for budgeting, accounts, savings, tracking all finances in detail. Should you consider investing, land, gold and silver are lasting and true resources.

PISCES: For a long time, you’ve adhered to one particular path, following those you love with fervor. Love came first, always. Truly a sterling ethic and value. Now, however, something’s changing. Too much is uncomfortable. You seek to realize what makes you happy and filled with joy. You’ll need courage to face the truth, courage to set yourself on the path (a journey) toward happiness. A mantram for you at this time and in the coming year is, “May reality govern my every thought and truth be the master of my life.” And in the meantime, plant radishes!

Risa – writer, educator, teacher, psychological-spiritual counselor, mentor, astrologer & esotericist. Founder & Director of The Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute/College, a contemporary Wisdom School for the Ageless Wisdom teachings. The foundations of the Teachings are the study & application of exoteric & esoteric Astrology, the Seven Rays & Raja Yoga meditation., Daily studies posted on our website. Astrological, esoteric, day-to-day news – art, literature, psychology, the cosmos, consciousness, philosophy, history, religion, economics, geography & cultural journalism. 

Recognition of the unique value of every living being expresses itself in reverence for life, compassion for all, sympathy with the need of all individuals to find truth for themselves, and respect for all religious traditions.  –The Esoteric & Theosophical Worldview