Suddenly Flowers Blossomed on the Mountaintop!
It’s already June and almost summer! Time this year seems to have accelerated! This is what occurs when an Age is an air sign, which Aquarius is. Aquarius is the element air.
In the sky, Sun is in Gemini, Venus is at home in Taurus, and Mercury retrograde (also in Taurus) stations direct on Friday (26 Taurus). Saturday, Saturn begins its five-month retrograde (25.15 Aquarius) till autumn, October 18. Mercury direct and Saturn retrograde. We communicate more freely while assessing the Rule of Law and the Law of Economy (both being diminished by Forces of Materialism).
It is important to note, only humanity itself can restore the Rule of Law and the Right Use of Resources. There are at present very few real leaders of moral character. So, humanity must assume leadership in restoring morals, ethics and truth. Concerning the Rule of Law – laws govern all aspects of heaven and earth, laws hold creation intact and in harmony,
Saturday evening, the festival of Shavuot begins. This is the festival commemorating the giving of the Great Aries Laws (Torah), the Ten Commandments to Moses on Mt. Sinai when the Hebrew people were walking from Taurus (Egypt, slavery) to Aries (freedom under the Rule of Law). The giving (revelation) of the Ten Commandments is one of the more famous, fundamental, momentous and significant events in humanity’s recorded history.
Shavuot, a two-day celebration, means weeks (seven), the anticipatory counting of seven weeks from Passover to Shavuot. On Passover, the Hebrew people were freed from enslavement (desire, Age of Taurus in Egypt). On Shavuot, the people were given the Torah (Ten Commandments, Laws ruling the Aries Age) and they became a nation committed to serving, no longer their desires or the Pharaoh, but to serving God.
Shavuot is also the Feast of First Fruits (ancient wheat harvest in Israel), celebrated by lighting candles, remaining awake all night to learn the Torah, reading of the Ten Commandments in synagogue, feasting on dairy – milk, cheese, etc. The Torah is compared to milk by King Solomon, who wrote, “Like honey and milk (Israel, land of milk & honey, Exodus 3:8), it lies under your tongue.” (Song of Songs). Homes are filled with greenery during this festival. In the Jewish Bible exegesis, “Mount Sinai suddenly blossomed with flowers, anticipating the giving of the Torah on its summit.”
ARIES: The month ahead sees you as a hard worker, working towards and within your values. If you don’t actually know your values, then observe yourself – actions, focus, communication. Note you’re faster than usual, as Mars has entered your sign. Take extra care with what you love. Note everyday what you value. Note your desires, your ambition, expectations, your impatience or impulsiveness. Your senses are more alive. You may need to eat more. You are veiled with the rays of Taurus.
TAURUS: As Aries takes on your qualities, you take on the dynamic qualities of Aries and the meditative qualities of Pisces. You still have Vulcan’s ability to make gold out of iron (the personality). You have so many abilities, you can share a few, yes? Notice being more energetic, active, forceful and even, at times, aggressive (shocking!). For a moment or two it’s OK for you to be overly assertive. Rarely are you this way. You move between action and reflection, work and rest, self-observation and observing the world. You are the alchemist.
GEMINI: It’s your birthday month and you have become more of a Pisces. Meaning? More sensitive, more reluctant to push the river, a sense that confidence has taken a different path. You’re working more in secret, can be blamed for things you didn’t do, there’s stronger instincts and intuition that the past is somehow merging with the present and everything becomes more private. Dreams (day & night) appear, imagination becomes creative. Music (more of it), please.
CANCER: It’s most important to think about cooperation and how you impact a group. With all your emerging thoughts and ideas, you may be inclined to talk louder over others, attempt to dominate everyone and everything. Perhaps not outwardly, but internally and in your thinking. It’s best to think and work cooperatively, with team effort towards the goal of Goodwill. It’s also important to focus on preparing daily agendas, schedules, plans and goals. They become your context and protection.
LEO: You are the leader, the one everyone looks to, hopes to be, learns from, emulates, wants to be like. (Be grateful.) Your accomplishments are recognized. This pleases you. I have written before that for a Leo to evolve others must see, recognize and praise their efforts, gifts, abilities. Praise is how (especially) Leos can more fully identify themselves as creative, saying, “I AM because I create (and you see it).” All of this occurs. You also may have thoughts of travel. Follow up on this idea. It’s an indication of things to come.
VIRGO: Boldness sweeps over you, a hunger for expansion, a journey, an adventure, a restlessness that won’t accept no for an answer. Your mind and heart do need expansion and actually, new experiences, too. All the energy you’re feeling will propel you into travel, new studies, new interests, new books and people, along with clear thoughts and opinions. This may lead to dialogues and discussions. Allow yourself to shine forth and share what you know. You know so much!
LIBRA: Do keep these words in your mind and heart for the entire year… to love more. Careful with projecting suppressed anger (from long ago to present) toward others, especially those close to your heart. You may be unaware of this. The issues are joint money and resources, conflicts and crisis concerning different values. You can no longer keep hidden that which you turn away from. This is both subtle and overt. Careful of consequences. Begin with knowing your true needs. Then love them (and others) more. Life moves easily from then on.
SCORPIO: Everything may become challenging, especially interactions with co-workers, partners or intimates. Should you encounter conflict, it’s a reflection of the need for more awareness, more growth and harmony. This is why conflicts occur. Conflict contains information. If you struggle long enough a new level of harmony emerges. Be as dynamic, truthful, and cooperative as possible. Everything will be conflictual, then it resolves, then there’s rapprochement, then there’s harmony, then there’s love. Help someone in the meantime.
SAGITTARIUS: Interesting new (more) energy is available affecting daily routines, work schedules, workloads. When not working focus on health – exercise, diet, walking, running, yoga, etc. You must have a daily regime of physical activity or frustration, restlessness, mental and emotional distortions result. It may be difficult working with others. Harmony slips in and out of your work world. Be aware of this. Don’t dispute anything. Recite silent Ohms. Laughter is the best form of meditation.
CAPRICORN: Questions. Do you have lots of energy with an equal need for contemplation and rest? Are you beginning a new level of creativity of creativity? Tend to loved ones, especially your partner (first). Have no expectations as to results at first. Later, you will experience more play, pleasure, fun and more sleep. It looks like you need some new things for the home. Something new and beautiful. What is it? Is your home comfortable? Or does it need more comfort? You need comfort, too.
AQUARIUS: Note how you feel more instinctive, protective and have the need for deep security. Are events occurring concerning family, home, homemaking, repairs? Are you thinking about family matters? Are you far away? Moodiness, restlessness can occur, so you construct a shell over your daily life. If past issues emerge, talk with someone who loves you and listens deeply. Always you are asking, “Where is my home?” You are from the future. That means your home is different than others’ homes.
PISCES: Work slowly on goals and believe in their outcomes. Create more efficiency in daily life. Consider professional needs. It’s soon time to share with everyone your ideas, plans, projections, wants and needs. Communications may be somewhat difficult. Allow this to occur, step back, observe impatience and/or impulsiveness. This is Mars at work, pushing things forward. Tend to hands and feet with care. Sew and draw, garden and paint. Use your mind to make beauty and order. Neptune continues its journey through Pisces.
Risa – writer, educator, teacher, psychological-spiritual counselor, mentor, astrologer & esotericist. Founder & Director of The Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute/College, a contemporary Wisdom School for the Ageless Wisdom teachings. The foundations of the Teachings are the study & application of exoteric & esoteric Astrology, the Seven Rays & Raja Yoga meditation. Email:, Daily studies posted on our website. Astrological, esoteric, day-to-day news – art, literature, psychology, the cosmos, consciousness, philosophy, history, religion, economics, geography & cultural journalism.
Recognition of the unique value of every living being expresses itself in reverence for life, compassion for all, sympathy with the need of all individuals to find truth for themselves, and respect for all religious traditions. –The Esoteric & Theosophical Worldview