Esoteric Astrology as news for week July 3 – 9, 2019


We the People of the United States (our tasks)

Thursday, July 4 is the 243rd birthday of the United States. Founded under the liberating sign of Cancer & Rays 3 & 7, it is from the United States that the light of intelligence, freedom and new rhythms are anchored for the world. Cancer and her Rays create a mass movement towards liberty, freedom and a release from the past, producing the illuminating Light of the mind (Ray 3, Intelligence in Action) and influence the demand for freedom. Astrology tells us the timing (when) of events and why events occur (giving us understanding of their purpose). Just prior to the U.S. birthday we had a new moon solar eclipse (Tuesday). Eclipses bring an end to both inner (solar eclipses) and outer (lunar eclipses) realities. Eclipses remove obstacles to the new incoming energies. 

The world (all endeavors of humanity including our material possessions, finances, basic supplies, social realities, etc.) as we have known it is rapidly disappearing (evolving, moving upward toward, ascending). So the new era (Aquarius) can emerge. This new era is based on what we are able (through visualization and imagination) to create. Many of us are being “impressed” (from the Hierarchy) with visions that create the first stages of the new era. These form the foundation of the new Materiality based upon spiritual principles. 

Humanity is also being impressed with an urge for community (of which Findhorn, Ray 7, was/is the template). There are seers everywhere assisting humanity in understanding the reality behind the present chaos and breakdown, informing us of what’s to come and how to prepare. 

Each year at its birthday, the spiritual task of the United States is highlighted – to “stand in the light & lead humanity towards and within that Light.” And so, Cancer (sign the U.S was birthed) says to the world, “I will build a Lighted House & therein dwell.” The United States Light of the world is to be radiated through the love and intelligence of its people. What is every sign’s task?

ARIES: Your task in the upcoming times is to ponder deeply upon and help initiate the new culture and civilization; create communities that sustain large groups of people; and gather groups of like-minds together to follow the initiating steps you will have created. You will then hand the tasks over to those who can build and sustain your ideas. You must understand the importance of this work. You are, on spiritual levels, Mercury, Ray 4.

TAURUS: What others (only a few) have initiated in creating the new world, you are to study, refine and essentially stabilize. You will know when to present and offer these ideas to the larger world of mass humanity – after you have experimented with them yourself and within your small group. You are to sustain the new reality and prepare for seven generations to come. You are Vulcan, Ray 1, fashioning humanity’s personality into a chalice of gold.

GEMINI: You are to learn the new era information that is astrology and life-giving principles for the new age – ideas most are unaware of yet. Humanity, in the very near future, will be searching for them. You – brilliant, mercurial and always curious – are to be the first to incorporate these principles into your life and then write about and distribute them. You are to summon patience, intelligence, scientific thought and love. You are Venus, Ray 5 – intelligent love radiating unity.

CANCER: You are to nurture the new ideas, use your Ray 3 resources to back the research needed. You are to also tend to those on the front lines of bringing the new information forth. Through you, a new culture and civilization comes forth. You are to open the gates where new impressions for a new sharing economy come through. The entire world is to be your family. You are Neptune, Ray 6, the dissolver, refiner and the nurturer.

LEO: You are to become creative with the new information, seeking ways that assist the “kingdoms.” You are the leader, a king or queen. People listen to you because you hold magnetism from the heart of the Sun. The new sustaining projects you assume will create greater self-identity but only if you lovingly offer your gifts to the group called humanity, the world disciple. You are the Sun, Ray 2 of Love/Wisdom.

VIRGO: Gestating and hidden within you is always a new state of consciousness. You are to study gardens, edible and medicinal ones. And concentrate on the new materiality emerging. It will be your task to organize in detail the new cooperative structures for humanity. The time is not yet. But soon. Therefore, study what the new laws and principles are and grow your own garden. You, Ceres, are the moon hiding Vulcan, Ray 1.

LIBRA: You are to bring forth justice, which allows Lady Justice (holding the scales and blindfolded) to see. You will work with Gemini and Cancer creating new resources for the economic stability humanity will need after the old economic structures dissolve. You are to help humanity understand their new identity and create new relationships where none existed. You lead in establishing Right Human Relations. You are Uranus, Ray 7 where the new culture and civilization originates.

SCORPIO: Your task is to pass the nine tests of Mars; to realize you’re in a constant cycle of life, death, regeneration, and transformation. You’re to become the disciple and study the Ancient Wisdom teachings (its foundation is astrology). You then can prepare the Pathway of Light for the upcoming changes that will at first distress and then regenerate suffering humanity. You will be one of the teachers during the upcoming upheaval. You are Mars, Ray 6, riding a white horse.

SAGITTARIUS: You are to “lead the way” by offering new goals to humanity, goals that move us toward a sharing society and no longer a society where every individual is recreating their own wheel. You’re to study ancient philosophies preparing to be the professor to those seeking new ways of thinking that create the new culture and civilization. You need education in these things yourself. How will you learn? You are Earth, Ray 3, emitting Divine Intelligence.

CAPRICORN: You know how to climb mountains. The Constitution of Man (graph) is a mountain. Biblically, it’s Jacob’s Ladder where Jacob saw angels climbing up (toward Spirit) and down (into matter). Humanity has been in matter for eighteen million years and it’s time to begin the ascent out of matter toward Spirit. You will teach humanity the appropriate shoes to climb the mountain, become the Initiate (after discipleship) and how to reach for the Sun. You are a unicorn working with Saturn Ray 3.

AQUARIUS: Your tasks, future oriented yet for right here right now, are many. You are to build us a spaceship and geodesic domes, and aqua culture environments to grow fish and vegetables. You are to create community, the natural, balanced organic garden environments for the future. Places where humanity will need to live. You are to gather bicycles for everyone, create an Aquarian radio show and offer yourself as everyone’s friend. You are Jupiter, Ray 2 of Love/Wisdom.

PISCES: You are to build the temples of learning where everyone can re-learn humanity’s true history; understand prayer and meditation; place to grow children naturally. A place of study locating the stars in the heavens. You are to teach the little ones, the big ones, too, and create festivals uniting the ages, religions and cultures, teaching through the study of the stars, planets and Sun. You are to work with Aquarius until the communities are built. You are to offer the Mantram of Direction (Great Invocation) to everyone. You are Pluto, Ray 1 of Will, Purpose & Power. 

Risa – writer, teacher, counselor, mentor, astrologer, esotericist Founder & Director, The Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School for the Ageless Wisdom teachings. The foundations of the Teachings are the study & application of Astrology & the Seven Rays. Email: . Web journal:  (under re-construction). Facebook: Risa D’Angeles & Risa’s Esoteric Astrology (2 FB pages). All FB messages are posted on NLN (website) – under Daily Studies (website under re-construction). Astrological, esoteric, day to day news – art, literature, psychology, history, religion, economics, geography & cultural journalism.