Esoteric Astrology as news for week July 24 – 30, 2024


Leo’s Creative Gifts & the Aquarian Summer Salon


We rejoice when the Sun enters Leo, sign of the heart of all that matters, sign of the intelligent heart and the heart of intelligence. Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac, the 2nd fire sign (after Aries). Concerning the heart chakra – in Leo, the energy that has been in the solar plexus (emotional upheaval, separative thinking) has the opportunity to lift itself up to the heart. This reorients the energy in the body from a downward spiral into more and more matter to an upward spiral of balance, harmony and equilibrium.

The heart is the central balancing point in the body, in between the lower instincts and the higher intuition. When we are focused in the heart, we are able to step upon the Evolutionary Arc which is the path that leads back to heaven, to spirit.  

There is a royal star in Leo called Regulus, the Star of the Magi, the star of Magic called Magha. It is the star of the White Magician whose task is to anchor into the world new rhythms and archetypes that lead humanity to the new era of love, knowledge and freedom.

There is a task for humanity during Leo. We are to focus on our talents, abilities, gifts and aspirations, recognize them and further cultivate them. They are part of our creative identity (I know myself by recognizing my talents and gifts and what I create) and they are and will be needed and called forth to build the new Aquarian culture and civilization. The questions for each of us during Leo are: 1. What is in my heart? 2. What are my talents, gifts and abilities? 3. How can I cultivate them further? And during Leo, the identity of I am a creator and I identify myself as one. I am regal, I am noble, I am creative!

Upcoming Aquarian Salon – The next Aquarian Salon, with the summer signs (Cancer, Leo, Virgo), is this Sunday, July 27, 2024, 10 a.m. (Pacific time). The Theme is The Mother. Everyone is invited. It’s an international conversation on art, astrology, the wisdom teachings, with a gallery and a salon. Info: Telegram:



ARIES: Last week’s full moon Cancer solar festival light created a challenge between home and profession, bringing that duality to light. It calls you to unify and synthesize how you value both realms. Because there are opposite tasks involved for each, one can feel the difficulty of being pulled in two different directions. However, this doesn’t need to be. Things visualized and planned for eventually emerge into a synthesis and integration. Both then seem like a splendid harvest. As you lead, do it with love, or leadership fails.

TAURUS: You’re emerging as a great and important teacher, (Last week’s) Cancer/Capricorn full moon is said to be a time when the true teacher is recognized and thus gratitude is given. The Dalai Lama has said we are to rejoice in the Teacher (and the Teachings). A question – What teachers blessed you with their knowledge, wisdom, love and goodness? Thank them (even if it’s internally). You are to become greater than they. The student is always to surpass the teacher – one of the student’s spiritual tasks.

GEMINI: You are to be sensitive to impressions from higher cosmic realms so you can be introduced to and begin to understand more and more the ancient mysteries. They are embedded in these astrological and esoteric writings. What concerned you prior to the Cancer full moon is now forgotten. Venus, your Soul ruler asks you to list  all that you value (things, events, people, behaviors, facts, experiences, etc.). As you see your values in words a greater identity comes forth. Tend to your money and resources with intelligence.

CANCER: To figure out what’s truly important to us, we often have to observe our daily routines. This takes great observational skills. When one is training to be a Montessori teacher, the first task ix observation – in a zoo, on a park bench, in a nursery with babies. Observation is the first level of training for everything. Questions. What are you doing that’s routine each day, this week and month? How do you decide what you accomplish each day? Are your days and nights nurturing for you? Do you provide yourself with the same nurturance, safety and security you provide for others? Careful with communication. You may not be able to hear yourself.

LEO: Happy Birthday, Leo. It’s the beginning of Sun in Leo. You above all should have a month-long birthday party. Will you have a birthday party this year? Do allow yourself time away from work and responsibilities. Allow yourself interesting study that increases your imagination. You must have time for free play (which you like and need). It creates a soothing respite, offers a sense of comfort and care that sometimes you seek from others (which they are unable to provide). Work in several weeks becomes quite intense. Prepare yourself now with a time of rest and relaxation. Nurture and nourish yourself. Don’t become weary.

VIRGO: So much functions internally within you, and to most this is an unknown factor of Virgo. And so much about you is creative. Perhaps you also don’t quite recognize this. Virgo’s ability to order, organize and tend to things in detail are really fine creative talents. Virgos have great discernment, too. They hold within themselves so many gifts, but they are so often veiled by a sense of subtle expectations, criticisms and that everything must be perfect. Here is a secret. Everything already IS perfect. It’s a state of magic to believe that. Ponder on this statement. Let it permeate your heart and mind. More magic then happens!

LIBRA: So much is in flux, shifting about, changing as you stand with less and less knowable direction. What is shifting is a new state of self-identity, one that calls you to nourish yourself and others more. As you change and merge into a new self-awareness, as your home life transforms (perhaps into greater beauty, order, organization?) the structure of your mind, beliefs, and thinking will change, too. What seemed like obstacles appearing in daily life slowly dissipate and melt away. Whatever you justify doing, if kindness is not involved, this too will dissolve and melt away. Question. Who loves you the most?

SCORPIO: Are there subtle and ongoing questions on inner levels concerning resources, money and finances and what is available now and in the future? This, at times, causes deep anxiety. It’s good to communicate about these things to those who can listen. Communicating expands our awareness and calms reactions to what seems like continual change. Soon you will feel the need for travel which always offers a hopeful philosophy of life. Plan now for that travel. Not in August (Mercury retro!) but before or after. In the meantime, paring down all expenses allows for emerging new and unusual resources to appear.  

SAGITTARIUS: It’s good to follow the advice about communication and finances given to Scorpio. This is an important time when you think deeply on how you would want to improve or expand upon any (perhaps all) aspects of how you are in relationships. At times you’re very dedicated, often open and enthusiastic. At other times you can drop down to a middlin’ and static state of being. From heights of achievement and authority to a lack of confidence. These are normal behaviors for everyone. An ebb and flow occurring. Do not pressure yourself in any way. Balance always comes in time.

CAPRICORN: Careful driving, communicating and doing things that demand a clear and focused mind. You are entering a state where your mind and thinking are being refined. At first and at times, veils seem to drop over your eyes. Then your mind feels confused and in other worlds. These are symptoms of mental and emotional refinement. However, you also need to care for yourself, health wise, with a planned regimen of scheduled eating (always breakfast with protein), vitamins and minerals, hydrogenated water, and a diet that is mostly gluten and sugar free. Make this type of food for the entire family. It’s easy to do. These are your new directions.

AQUARIUS: All things cultural call out the best in you, they capture your creative spirit, provide new confidence and realizations and true identity that you are an artist. All that you do brings forth for others new and different perspectives. Many of us don’t realize or understand our great gifts or how we influence others by simply following our hopes, dreams and visions, likes, wants and wishes. Question: What are all of yours? On a practical level, begin and continue to be very disciplined with money, resources and finances. A mantram to help you sleep – I have all that I need. Everything I need comes to me in right timing. I am grateful.

PISCES: Home is the best place to concentrate on health and well-being. Focus on preparing the correct foods your body needs, tend to your body’s comforts and accomplish the daily tasks of nourishment and nurturance. Over time, these protect the body. With Saturn and Neptune both in Pisces, your nervous system needs routine, rhythm and structure, as well as a specific and well- defined enclosed space. If sensitive to sounds, take extra magnesium and calcium. Pisces need the deepest care of all the signs. You may be going home again. Learn this time about your heritage.

Risa – writer, educator, teacher, psychological-spiritual counselor, mentor, astrologer & esotericist. Founder & Director of The Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute/College, a contemporary Wisdom School (center for spiritual discourse & study) for the Ageless Wisdom teachings. The foundations of the Teachings are the study & application of exoteric & esoteric Astrology, the Seven Rays, Theosophy, Esotericism, all religions, art, science & Raja Yoga meditation., Astrological, esoteric, day–to-day news – art, literature, psychology, the cosmos, consciousness, philosophy, history, religion, economics, geography & cultural journalism. 

Recognition of the unique value of every living being expresses itself in reverence for life, compassion for all, sympathy with the need of all individuals to find truth for themselves, and respect for all religious traditions.  ~The Esoteric & Theosophical Worldview