Esoteric Astrology as news for week July 17 – 23, 2024


The Kali Yuga – a Time of Darkness & Destruction

On February 18, 3102 BC (at the death of Krishna, the world teacher), a time of Lawlessness began on our earth. It was the beginning of the Kali (dark) Yuga (age) and this is the age in which we are presently living.

There are four Hindu cyclic ages (satya, treta, dwarpa and kali) of time. Each Age offers humanity less and less light. We began with the Golden Age – 100% light (truth). We are now in the Kali Age – only ¼ light (truth) is available.

In the Hindu scriptures an ox exemplifies the four cycles. His legs symbolize the light (truth) available. As each Age unfolds one less leg (truth) is available, ‘til during the Kali Age, he’s wobbling on one leg, about to fall. This is where we are now.  

Living in the Kali Age means we are living in ¾ darkness with barely any light (1/4) to see our way. Three-fourths darkness is ignorance, deceit, illusion and the destruction of the Rule of Law. All events presently occurring informs us we are living in darkness. The event in Butler, Pennsylvania, this past Saturday (July 13) and all previous lies, polarizations, rage, vitriol and dark rhetoric, are examples of life during the Kali Yuga.

A great war, called the Kurukshetra war occurred after Krishna died. This war (the Kurukshetra war) is still raging today. It depicts a struggle between cousins, two rival families (humanity itself). It is the story of Krishna, the Teacher, and Arjuna, his student. One morning Krishna awoke Arjuna and told him that a war in his family had begun and he had to choose which side he would fight on. Arjuna had to cultivate discernment to know which side of the war stood for light and which for the darkness. They both looked the same. Both had magicians working their magic. Arjuna’s ability to discern and choose sides was a test.

This story is about our present times as we stand in between Pisces (belief) and Aquarius (true knowledge), and in the Kali Yuga’s darkness. It is a time in which humanity must choose between the dark (deception) or the light (pathway ahead), illusion or truth. This is humanity’s test.

Humanity is now on the burning ground (time to awaken). Astrology always plays its part in earth dramas. At the time of the horrific Pennsylvania event, two planets were aligning in the sky – that of Mars (bullet, projectile) and Uranus (sudden event) in Taurus (sign of enlightenment). Mars/Uranus changes the way we see things, creating a life-changing event that affects humanity’s sense of well-being (Taurus). The winds of change have arrived. And in the sound of the winds the choice can be heard.  

ARIES: Your focus needs to be on home and family. A new reality must occur there, and you are called to bring this about. You must have as tools loving intelligence and intelligent love. You might also take the reins in the kitchen, nurturing others through food. Aries cooks need everything fast and quick or interest and energy are easily lost. Don’t give up. Make contact with family far away. Build, tend to and fix a gate.

TAURUS: You’ll have family memories especially about mother. Perhaps your memory will serve as a way to better appreciate your origins. You may also recognize that although you’re still influenced by childhood patterns a new sense of self-liberation is also occurring. You may find yourself preparing to travel, now or later, in a car or plane going somewhere far away, perhaps seeking a new geography and way of life. Keep searching.

GEMINI: Are you needing to make financial decisions? Although, you already know what you’ve done in the past, new ideas are coming forth on how to use resources more wisely and for a future goal. An interesting idea is a visualizing journal. Write down that each day you make one thousand dollars. Each day spend half of that amount. What would you spend it on? As a Montessori teacher I taught the children to tithe. There is much suffering in the world of humanity. We are to tithe 10% of our money to those in need. It magnifies 10-fold given from the heart. Then it’s returned to us.

CANCER: Furthering our self-esteem is something to consider every now and then. Questions: What would further your self-awareness and self-esteem? Do you need new clothes and shoes? A new style? Does your home environment need cleaning, clearing and reorganizing to initiate a new phase of life? When our environments are ordered we create a fertile field where spirit enters matter more easily. During this month the gate is open for this. Plant flowers. Happy Birthday, too.

LEO: You may enter into a sort of solitude, a place of refuge, even perhaps a religious environment. Thoughts of forgiveness come to mind and then a deep realization of your need for closer contacts with others. A seed is being planted within your heart, the heart of the matter, concerning goodwill toward others. This may be already in your heart but not always in your actions. Allow yourself a little phase of moodiness and non-discipline. Then be willing to activate Love/Wisdom. It comes from an open heart.

VIRGO: Are you busy with notions, ideas, concepts, and designs impressing your mind with possibilities? The present transit of Mars/Uranus filled your mind with new thoughts. Remember to balance your mind’s activity with physical activity. After your long daily walks, consider a change in appearance – clothes, hair, shoes. Don’t forget the apparel no one sees. Find the finest, the most well-made, the best and most comfortable. This is a part of your new, well-dressed creative self.

LIBRA: There’s much to do behind the scenes. Take each day and accomplish one difficult task at a time. A most important first task is your focus on self-healing. As you take each one in hand, eventually everything will be completed, and you will feel pride of accomplishment. You’re so busy; travel may be an unavailable luxury. However, should you take to the roads, gather information, photograph, write about what you see, experience, discover and the foods you eat. Everyone’s interested. Share with them. Someone especially looks for you.

SCORPIO: Deep within where no one really sees or understands, you have a constant deep and perennial question. You wonder where and what your purpose and place is. Perhaps you had them once before. Perhaps they shifted and you’re afloat in an ocean of questions. As you observe others they seem to know something you don’t know. Is there someone in your life who listens well? Now is the time to speak with them. It’s also a good time to travel and absorb new ideas and cultures. Your answers are there.

SAGITTARIUS: Careful with spending as you could assume an unusual high debt or overspend very easily. On the other hand, you may finally choose to be more practical concerning how to use money and resources. When you do turn to practicality, a lifetime after lifetime lesson will have been approached and learned. At first, we simply overdo things. Then we pull back, and then finally we learn how to balance and harmonize all that we have. You’re in between, edging carefully toward harmony.

CAPRICORN: Your life’s focus, as you most likely realize, is on those close to you. They influence you and you them in terms of health and well-being. It’s most important to continue to bring forth nurturance, kindness and care but within a practical discipline. You’re also to ask for this in return – from everyone in your life including children, family and especially friends. Sometimes others don’t know how to nurture. Well, then, you are to teach them. One more task, yes?

AQUARIUS: Your life is most likely very unusual with a unique sort of reality and different ways of doing things. You hear a different drummer, you’ve taken the road less traveled, which is courageous to some, but for you, from the future, it’s your only choice. While freedom is your priority, friendships give significant meaning to your life. They’re your resource and when giving to them, you’re nurtured in return. It’s good to nurture this thought. Goodness creates your light.

PISCES: Ask yourself what plans make the most sense concerning your future work, place of livingness, comfort, care and safety. Your answers are important. Visualize them. You will experience much change in the coming month, meeting and seeing different people and places. In the meantime, you need a daily environment that includes stability, beauty, a garden with a warm pool which helps with regeneration. Careful with all communication, interactions and relationships. Always remember the Will to Good and the Will to Love always radiates Goodwill.

Risa – writer, educator, teacher, psychological-spiritual counselor, mentor, astrologer & esotericist. Founder & Director of The Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute/College, a contemporary Wisdom School (center for spiritual discourse & study) for the Ageless Wisdom teachings. The foundations of the Teachings are the study & application of exoteric & esoteric Astrology, the Seven Rays, Theosophy, Esotericism, all religions, art, science & Raja Yoga meditation., Astrological, esoteric, day–to-day news – art, literature, psychology, the cosmos, consciousness, philosophy, history, religion, economics, geography & cultural journalism. 

Recognition of the unique value of every living being expresses itself in reverence for life, compassion for all, sympathy with the need of all individuals to find truth for themselves, and respect for all religious traditions.  ~The Esoteric & Theosophical Worldview