Esoteric Astrology as news for week July 15 – 21, 2020


Invitation to Join the New Group of World Servers

We have a new moon early Monday during our last week of Cancer (the Soul as a lighthouse), “building a lighted house of direction within the personality.”

On Wednesday, the light from the heart of Leo begins to shine on Earth. At new moon festivals and meditations, we uphold and strengthen the hands and endeavors of the New Group of World Servers (NGWS). What is this Group? Composed of men and women of Goodwill everywhere who work for equality, opportunity, justice, inclusiveness and right relationships, the NGWS functions in every field of human endeavor in all parts of the world. 

Often the servers are unrecognized, working behind the scenes, assisting in the welfare of all living beings, understanding their interrelationships. The NGWS functions within the esoteric equation that the Will to Good creates Goodwill and Right Relations that brings about true peace into our world. The NGWS, through activities, prayer, meditation and visualization, creates the “thoughtform of solutions to world problems.” People of Goodwill are invited to join us.

At new and full moon times (moon is a timing mechanism), the focus is the Sun’s light (reflected by the moon). We align with the Sun’s light which helps anchor the seeds of the new culture and civilization (Aquarius) into the world. With our creative imagination, we gather together in the Ashram Garden, stand at the temple and recite this mantram (prayer) together. “We know O Lord of Life & Love about the needs of humanity. Touch our hearts anew with Love, so we may Love & Give.”

We are Hercules, each of us. Each month a new labor, a new service to offer. Under Cancer, we are to be the Light of the world which nurtures and nourishes all forms and creatures of life. 

ARIES: The new moon influences both your home and profession. The opportunity is to unify and synthesize the two. Full moons are times of initiating new things, realities and plans. At the dark of the moon, new seeds are planted. At new moon time, their first leaves appear. Full moon times we gather and harvest. Visualize during this new moon time a synthesis between home and professional life. So you are no longer pulled in two directions. You needn’t be. Recalculate, imagine, synthesize.

TAURUS: You are emerging as a teacher, whether or not you accept, understand, or are aware of this. The Cancer new moon helps you recognize your teaching abilities and, when accepted and understood, new and needed goals arise. Remember previous teachers who taught you with kindness, goodness and knowledge. Thank them. Then go forward and become greater than they were. The student is always to surpass the teacher – this is a student’s spiritual task.

GEMINI: I remind you to read all the astrological signs each week along with the book Labors of Hercules. To learn the mysteries and the Ageless Wisdom teachings embedded within each sign. Make a list of what you value in these teachings and what you value in your daily life – from objects to people to behaviors to intelligence to facts. These help you understand yourself better. As you identify your values, a greater sense of yourself as valuable comes forth. Remember also to tithe to those in need. 

CANCER: Whatever you’re doing this week and month, observe yourself carefully. This will help define what your present state of self-identity is. Observe your actions, interactions, choices, thoughts and the people you interact with. Be sure also to provide yourself with adequate foods, nurturance, safety and security. Sometimes you forget. You always nurture and provide for others. Now you must learn how to provide for yourself too, in greater measure. 

LEO: Allow yourself to stray from responsibilities and daily work duties. Allow yourself time for reverie. You are more internal than usual, and your creative imagination needs to meander about so new areas so an expansion of creativity can appear. Reverie soothes, creates a sense of comfort and care that at times you seek from others (something they are often unable to provide). Relationships from the past are on your mind, too. Who, what, where, when? You remember a fire burning in the night.

VIRGO: You are realizing that within you is an untapped level of creativity. Virgo’s fine art of order, organization and detail are very specialized creative acts. It is important to realize that your many abilities and talents were developed in past lifetimes. They quietly appear in daily life. Make conscious note of them. Are you a collector? That calls upon great creative discernment. Allow yourself to be more and more defined as having a fine-tuned artistic nature. 

LIBRA: Over the years, your home situation has brought you many changes and transformations. You sought solidity and stability (and a couch) for many years. Now you have them. It was important to have a permanent and structured foundation and, although you hoped for this as a child, something always seemed to dissolve it away. Life is different these days. Happiness is now yours to keep. Comfort, safety and beauty, too. What from your childhood prepared you for this? 

SCORPIO: There’s an ongoing question concerning your home, where you belong, how to prepare for the future. You have searched many different places, seeking a clue, adding pieces of the puzzle to your search. Careful study and communication, along with more travel may be needed. You’re used to this. It’s just another step. Travel creates a new philosophy and way of life for you. Traveling in the outer world allows for an inner journey as well. To the heart of the matter.  

SAGITTARIUS: This is an important time when you ponder deeply upon your values, wanting to improve, expand upon and restructure different aspects of your life. It’s important first to acknowledge all your creative gifts. One gift is your dedication. You carry an enthusiasm and joyfulness that, to others, seems like an adventure. Enthusiasm (filled with God) takes us to great heights of achievement. One thing to remember – everything has its own timing. Also, there’s something you are to help with and share. What is it?

CAPRICORN: All things colorful, cultural, bright and shiny bring out the best in you, inspiring your creative spirit, building your confidence so that you begin to define yourself as an artist. Whatever you do stimulates new and different perspectives in others. You are an influencer, and most influential when following dreams, visions, wants and wishes. Always write these down in a special star-filled notebook. You will work hard in the coming months. So rest more. And keep writing.

AQUARIUS: You may decide home is the best place to be to concentrate on health, comfort and preparing foods your body needs. Home is also the best place for observations in the wild. Tend to daily tasks that nurture and soothe. Sometimes (often), your nervous system needs a quiet enclosure, for Aquarians, like bolts of lightning, can be a quiver of nervous energy. If loud sounds are affecting you take extra Vitamin C, B complex, magnesium, calcium and Aconite Napellis (homeopathic remedy – it grounds electrical Uranian energy). 

PISCES: You carry a vision of the future. Recently you’ve been presented with the impression to be at home. To accept and recognize you are in the right place at this time. Call upon happiness and joy to be your companions. Choose them daily. They offer a soothing and comforting care to your being. Pisces people need the deepest tending of all. Careful with foods. Begin each morning with fresh vegetable juices. Eat lightly. You are being prepared for a future spiritual task. 

Risa – writer, teacher, counselor, mentor, astrologer, esotericist. Founder & Director ofThe Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School for the Ageless Wisdom teachings. The foundations of the Teachings are the study & application of Astrology  & the Seven Rays. Email: Web journal: Facebook: Risa D’Angeles & Risa’s Esoteric Astrology (2 FB pages). All FB messages are posted on NLN (website) – under Daily Studies. Astrological, esoteric, day to day news – art, literature, psychology, history, religion, economics, geography & cultural journalism. 

Recognition of the unique value of every living being expresses itself in reverence for life, compassion for all, sympathy with the need of all individuals to find truth for themselves, and respect for all religious traditions.  – The Esoteric & Theosophical Worldview