Esoteric Astrology as news for week January 8 – 14, 2025


Lunar Nodes of Destiny Change – Past, Present & Future

In astrology, there are two symbols in an astrology chart called the North and South Nodes, Lunar Nodes or Nodes of Destiny. In Vedic astrology they are the head or tail of the dragon. The lunar nodes are two points in the sky that represent the two halves of a person’s karmic journey (past and present/future).

The nodes help us understand our present and past lives.

To the ancients (and esoteric astrologers), the north node represents the direction of a soul’s evolution, and the south node represents past life patterns, talents and gifts. In the astrology chart, the nodal symbols are opposite each other. Oppositions means an integration occurs.

The nodes (neither planets nor signs) are points in space, where the Moon crosses the Sun’s path. Every 18 months, the nodes change signs. It is an evolutionary (growth) change. At age 18 or 19, the nodes return to their original position in the sky at the time of the person’s birth. This is a cause for celebration among families who understand astrology. The return of the lunar nodes to a young person’s chart means they are entering early adulthood. It is time for a party!

The North Node represents gifts, talents and abilities being developed in our present lifetime. The South Node represents gifts and talents we gather from past lifetimes.

Each talent gathered (re-cultivated, remembered) creates a steppingstone. Eventually, many steppingstones are formed, leading to our North Node (present/future path, tasks, dharma). This occurs in our early to mid-40s. At the North Node there is a door that opens and behind that door are the talents to be developed. It is a new path, and we can be most uncomfortable encountering it. The South Node has provided us with all that we need to face and actually open this door. The Nodes are part of the Path of Evolution, our moving forward into our life purpose and destiny.

ARIES: The focus of intention and aspiration will be on communication (how) and values (what are your values and how do you value intelligence)? Communication and values are linked. The more we value self and others, the more ability we have to communicate with kindness and benevolence. It would be good to consider yourself a World Server. One who has intentions for and always comes from Goodwill that creates compassion and Right Relations. A new identity has been forming. It’s almost complete.

TAURUS: You deeply influence others. There’s a magnetic appeal and charm radiating from you that many are attracted to. You’re like a light in the darkness, a harmony calming chaos, a love that is transfiguring when it shows forth. When there’s a problem, when the general state of affairs is disrupted, it’s to Taurus that all eyes turn for direction and understanding. New projects need initiating. However, before doing so, your body, heart and mind need a deep healing time of rest.

GEMINI:: Jupiter is retrograde in Gemini now. A most important placement for you. And so, questions. What and whom are the main objects of your affection? What calls forth your interests, creative talents and activities? You are a communications leader. Answers to these questions are important for your identity. A good leader always is curious about, promotes and strengthens the interests of others. This produces within them a love. You are to activate and accelerate love within those around you. Define your new daily goals for health and well-being. Write more.

CANCER: Some group or groups are very vital to your sense of self and well-being now. They provide an environment, an atmosphere, an ambience and a social milieu leading to opportunities where hopes, dreams and wishes can be shared. Over time, new people may come into your life or perhaps community projects will emerge, with tasks only you can successfully perform. Within these realities, determine your ideals, hopes, wishes and dreams. And move towards them with a one-pointed focused mind. Do not ignore friends. They are silver and gold.

LEO: You may encounter various aspects of life that include contracts, superiors, parents, officials, leadership and work responsibilities. While interacting with important people your leadership skills are recognized and applauded. Many things hoped for come into focus. If parents are alive, be very aware of their needs. If they are no longer in physical form, recite Ohm Mani Padme Hum (Tibetan Mantram of Compassion) in recognition of their care for you. Do not disregard rules, laws, orders, your credit or a mountain far away that beckons.

VIRGO: Reality appears in ways different than before. Your perception has been altered, becoming more refined. This continues through the coming months. Let confusion create attention and become a potential for growth. Begin to define new daily structures for health. Be aware of the quality of your communication. Virgos talk continuously in order to understand and integrate their thoughts. Try a bit of silence. See what it tells you. Listen to the sounds of nature. Paint the bird kingdom.

LIBRA: You have many secret talents hidden behind your smile. Libra is always alluring, magnetic and charming. Charm captivates people. There’s a secret to Libra. Behind the charm is a power which shows itself as discipline, responsibility, and a deep seriousness sometimes misunderstood as sadness, unhappiness or gloom. Libra always seeks ways to bring harmony forth. A restructuring of Libra’s self-identity has been occurring. Conserving strength through rest and relaxation begins to heal what hurts. Forgiveness helps.

SCORPIO: Who are your allies, intimates and friends? Do you have partners and/or competitors? Are you considering a change of environment due to a shift in interests, a call, a new state of values? What are others requesting of you? Do you have the strength for this, or must you gather different friends and acquaintances? Through daily life demands, you find yourself developing emotional poise and making certain important life decisions. You are always the warrior, ready for battle, always prepared.

SAGITTARIUS: So much work to do, so many things to create, fulfill, so many demands, everyone depending on you for things great and small, here and there, that your mental health and necessities of life could fall by the wayside. At times you sense the past all around you, in the ethers, the air, the shadows. It can be exhausting without reprieve. Everything must improve – from surroundings to people to daily work methods to nourishment to a state of stability – a central concern. Let everything fall away. Be still.

CAPRICORN: Although it’s half over, it’s your birthday month. We hope(d) for you a festival, friends and frivolity, cakes and cupcakes, games, parties and intelligent conversation and to celebrate more than one day, a month perhaps to prepare for your new year. Birthdays don’t occur until we contact our protecting angels, presenting them with a coming-year job description of our needs and ending our birth day with gratitude. Happy Birthday. After the festivities, solitude and retreat in community are best.

AQUARIUS: Everything for a while concerns home and family, children, property and foundations, parents and elders, things creating and nurturing things that make up your life. The foundations referred to concern achievements at work. Think in practical ways how to improve all environments you find yourself in. Pay attention to what sustains, comforts and soothes you. And what allows you to be creative? Home keeps changing.

PISCES: You need communication that is spacious, thoughtful, kind and giving. You need a reality that sustains a home and brings comfort. You need environments that invite your knowledge and wisdom to come forth. Should you find yourself with people and places that do not provide these or with people who do not understand you, what will you do? Can you change your environment? There’s no more proving yourself, no more offering and giving of self to those who cannot see, understand, hear, or receive. You’re called elsewhere.

Risa – writer, editor, educator, teacher, psychological-spiritual counselor, mentor, astrologer & esotericist. Founder & Director of The Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute/College, a contemporary Wisdom School (center for spiritual discourse & study) for the Ageless Wisdom teachings. Foundations of the Teachings are the study & application of exoteric & esoteric Astrology, the Seven Rays, Theosophy, Esotericism, all religions, art, science & Raja Yoga meditation. Astrological, esoteric, day-to-day news, art, literature, psychology, the cosmos, consciousness, philosophy, history, religion, economics, geography & cultural journalism. 

Recognition of the unique value of every living being expresses itself in reverence for life, compassion for all, sympathy with the need of all individuals to find truth for themselves, and respect for all religious traditions.  ~The Esoteric & Theosophical Worldview 



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