Esoteric Astrology as news for week January 4 – 10, 2023


Blessings on the Doorways – May Peace Enter Here

Here we are at the beginning of the new year 2023. So many possibilities ahead and the best is yet to come! 2023 began with Mercury (thinking, talking) and Mars (action) retrograde. Our thinking, talking, interactions and actions may have seemed different these past weeks including how we brought in the new year. Retrogrades create deep wells of inner musings. Goals for the new year most likely will be waylaid, intercepted or simply won’t happen. Retrogrades are magical mystery tours.

From January 4 (Capricorn, 5 (Aquarius) and 6 (Pisces) we continue our walk with the Astrologer Magi Kings to Epiphany – when the world was informed the ancient biblical prophecy of a Messiah was fulfilled; the Savior/world teacher for the Piscean Age had been born in Bethlehem (House of Bread). This was a revelation for humanity at that time. That occurred more than 2000 years ago.

The new prophecy for Epiphany in the 20th century is that the World Teacher, who always makes an appearance at the beginning of a new age, will assess the timing of His precipitation to Earth in the year 2025. That is 3 years from now!

That’s quite a revelation beforehand!

On January 6 all 12 signs offer their gifts to the Lord, to the world and to humanity. Interestingly, Epiphany is also the first full moon of 2023. It’s the solar Festival of Capricorn (16.22 degrees). Epiphany is the time when we mark our doors with a blessing from the Three Kings using their names (Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar) – +20+C+M+B+23+ – the letters also abbreviate the Latin phrase Christus mansionem benedicat, “May Christ bless the house.” The beginning and ending numbers are the year, 2023. The crosses represent Spirit anchored in matter. Marking the lintels of doorways is an ancient European practice with overtones of ancient magic (protection of the house). However, the symbols are now used throughout the world and usually represent a traditional Epiphany prayer and blessing.

The Blessing While Marking the Doorways. “Peace be with this home (or place of work) and with all who live & enter here.”

We also make a French Three Kings cake on Epiphany, hiding in the batter a roasted almond representing the holy child. Whoever gets the almond bakes next year’s King cake. Here is a lovely traditional French Galette des Rois (Three Kings Cake). Note, purchase puff pastry made of butter only.

ARIES: Your work in the world will be overshadowed by promptings and impressions from above, asking you to initiate new ideas and new possibilities, creating new probabilities that bring forth new outcomes not reflecting the past. You will have to meet important people, become one yourself. You will need to act with humility while attaining goals. Develop what is necessary to solidify this task. Only you can do this. Your task in the new era.

TAURUS: It’s important to contact people far way concerning future plans, actions, agendas, and matters of a legal nature. The outer aspects of these interactions hide a deep spiritual purpose. With strength and calmness speak the truth of your aims and purposes; listen carefully to the other(s). There’s a seed of enlightenment in their words. Be not afraid to ask for all that is needed. Read Matthew 7:7.

GEMINI: You hold within yourself secret talents. Whether you know of them or not isn’t important. Still, they need to be called forth by you with inner intention. You can ask that they emerge, and you recognize them. Do not be secretive about resources. However, you must protect them. Pay all debts on all levels – physical, emotional, mental, spiritual. You and another may need to travel somewhere to discover information. Or offering help. Where would that be?

CANCER: There’s a spiritual task you’re being asked to provide. This is a request from Jupiter, the planet central to the Aquarian Age and distributing Love/Wisdom, Ray 2. You are to provide more love to your groups and to the communities you interact with. You are to be wise and dispense and circulate truth that contains pure reason and wisdom to those around you. Not gossip, not opinion, not another’s point of view, not judgments or criticisms, but the truth within your heart. This great task will safeguard you.

LEO: In your work and responsibilities, are you the communicator and messenger to co-workers and colleagues? Leo is the sign of love in the heart of matter. But sometimes that love is obscured by hurts, sadness, distractions and imperfect interactions in relationships. Sometimes we turn away from people, bestowing our love to pets, gardens, climbing rocks, fashions, style, new creations. It might be good to think of all the people you’ve known. Lovingly say to them, “Hello, my friend, hello.” There will be a response.

VIRGO: It’s a special time for you to ponder upon what real avocations you want to pursue, what talents, gifts and skills you possess that can be brought to those avocations. It’s also good at this time, this new year, to think back on how you’ve cared for loved ones and what you want to do for the future in terms of serving humanity, one person at a time. I see you in a garden, vines of morning glories, yellow roses and green hops climbing a tall gate. Create this. For the summer.

LIBRA: You’re thinking about family and friends, love and relationships and your present needs. Friends are sometimes Libra’s family. You attempt to deepen contacts with friends in order to have an intact family and greater sense of foundation. The retrogrades may bring up childhood wounds. We cannot heal or understand until wounds surface. You have the strength to face them, the wisdom to understand and the love, latent and in potential, to heal. In emotional crisis, take Ignatia Amara, the homeopath that soothes & settles grief.

SCORPIO: You need to enter into more interchanges with those intelligent and as interesting as you. You need these interchanges of ideas and beliefs so you can grow and expand with new values, experimenting with new plans for the future. A new foundation of thought needs to deepen your mind to meet the challenges of the new sciences of the new era. Stay focused, have purposeful intent, set goals. Study all the information on plasma. Do you know what that is?

SAGITTARIUS: In observing and understanding how your sense of identity has expanded, look to your values. Compare today’s values with your values 14 then 21 years ago. You’ll realize you’ve deepened into greater responsibility and climbed to a level of success. You now ask, “What’s next?” Some Sags wonder if they care anymore. Both are real developmental levels. To the first Sag, “stand in the Light” for your journey has been long and arduous. To the second Sag you’re stepping into the unknown. Remain there for a while.

CAPRICORN: You communicate these days with humor yet also with great depth of feeling. Don’t worry if people step back. Your strong life-force is apparent to many. It’s filled with the fire of intention and conviction. It’s as if God were speaking through you. Do you know Capricorn’s glyph is almost the signature of God? The future will ask that you organize things, display leadership, and impress (give to) others with ideas that become ideals within them. You do this already. Yes, but now more so. Avoid those who resist.

AQUARIUS: You’re going to enter into an internal state for a while, interacting and investigating things deep within; things confidential, religious, goal oriented and personal. Do not feel caught up in limitations, obstructions or feelings of not being enough. You’ve worked hard on overcoming these thoughts. Place yourself first in the coming days so that you can maintain good to vibrant health and begin to thrive more. Be disciplined each day with regular & rhythmic exercise. Someone far away calls to you. Respond with love.

PISCES: Careful telling people about future hopes, wishes and dreams. People may cast them in stone and/or they will not be understood. Careful with your time each day. Plan early in the days what your actions will be. Outline a time schedule. Use discipline – the first step toward working under the Will of God. Jupiter is influencing everyone’s identity, ideas and communication. Speak softly, vibrantly and always with love (another discipline). It will soothe disappointments and stabilize all endeavors and create a bright road into the future.