Esoteric Astrology as news for week January 17 – 23, 2024


At the Edge of the Unknown – Pluto Enters Aquarius


Saturday, January 20 this year, 2024, is an astrologically significant day, on to be alert, aware and mindful. There is a major shift in energies. Both the Sun and Pluto, working together in the heavens, leaves the earth sign of Capricorn and enters the air sign of Aquarius. It is an important day and potent moments in time (between 5:56 a.m. and 4:50 p.m. Pacific time). In between the moon shifts into Gemini!

Pluto’s transit through the signs is variable and long lasting in its effect. Pluto moving out of Capricorn and  into Aquarius is a transforming moment in time. Pluto has been in Capricorn for the last 15 years (since 2008, financial crisis). Pluto will be in Aquarius, for 20 years (‘til 2043), traverse the sign of humanity, calling humanity to freedom, independence, self-determination and sovereignty. Aquarius is the sign of the “water bearer” pouring forth the “waters of life for thirsty humanity.” Humanity’s “thirst” is for freedom and for true self-identity.  

After breaking down the old structures no longer needed in Capricorn, Pluto in Aquarius will slowly begin to rebuild humanity’s state of hope and livingness. Pluto in an air sign air will bring great transformational changes to the minds of humanity. Pluto entering Aquarius is the biggest astrological news discussed in astrological circles.

Pluto in Capricorn saw the push for everyone to assume and recite the same narrative. In Aquarius humanity will cultivate individuality, uniqueness, breaking away from standardized control (entrainment). New communities and collaborative efforts will rise up, responding to the needs of humanity as a whole. Aquarius is the sign of serving humanity, serving one another in the Spirit of Goodwill. As Aquarius is an air sign, humanity will come to one of its purposes – to think more.

We stand on the edge of the unknown. Pluto in Aquarius will offer humanity great opportunities, and our intuition and imagination will expand (Jupiter). A new creativity and the new arts will appear. Which brings me to the subject of the Aquarian Salon (January 20, 2024, 10am Pacific time). The theme is Intuition and the Raincloud of Knowable Things. Join me and a host of others from around the world for a discussion on art and the wisdom teachings in our January Aquarian Salon. Aquarian Salon link is found on my website, Zoom meeting ID: 839 0016 8325, Meeting code – gam


ARIES: Notice you begin to seek a state of perfection, first at work and then with partnerships and relationships, ‘til finally you find you’re tense and critical about everything and everyone. Be aware of your anxiety and try to uplift your state of mind. Do what makes you happy. Venus is in Sagittarius. It’s time to research, consider travel, a pilgrimage, a new restaurant, the art of archery or simply riding a horse. Then you are in harmony with the stars.

TAURUS: You may find your attention directed toward the still unknowable future. Over some time now, you have become detached and are somewhere far away. Concern yourself with the kingdoms around you. They need your care. If it’s gardening, plan on a garden of colorful flowers of white and gold, and figure out what roses to choose when bare roots are available. For the animal kingdom, tend to their health, teeth, fur, fins, or wings. Their devotion serves us as they learn how to be human. The humans, by the way, need you, too.

GEMINI: Some of us, feeling we have little safety or constancy, seek security and hope at home, wanting it to fulfill our every deep and needful longings. Is this your experience, Gem? It’s good, therefore, to tend to the home environment – from cleaning and refurbishing to decorating, adding features to create more safety and security. Our care and attention to what surrounds allows a golden creative light to shine upon us. It is a ray from Venus and a ray from the Sun. I suggest you get down on your knees and begin scrubbing.

CANCER: Concerned about money you attempt to clear bills and debts quickly. Pay bills as they arrive. Then you worry less and are free and can concentrate on other things like communication, casual social interactions and your spring garden. Meanwhile, you’re curious about others and how they are doing. Contact siblings, old school mates, neighbors, by phone, mail, text or emails. You’re seeking and learning. The times you know are changing.

LEO: Finances and resources will take a turn upward and although you can be practical, you may seek unusual luxury items that enhance your self-esteem. Should lots of money find you, research how to maintain its value – by investing in gold and silver, for example. You will want to manage your resources in these unusual times in unexpected ways as the traditional financial path is quickly crumbling. Remember to tithe to those in need, including the animal kingdom.

VIRGO: You may be looking in the mirror wondering how you’re seen by others. You may consider a change in appearance from hair to clothes to shoes. You want to be attractive. Go beyond attractive and seek to be stylish, elegant and just a bit on the edge. Altering how we look alters how we feel about ourselves. Wear more colors, consider clothes with words on the fabric. Tend to tasks put off for a rainy day. It’s a happy time for you. The time you have waited for is arriving! 

LIBRA: There are several messages attempting to get through to you and they affect your future. These messages are possibly coming through dreams. Have pen and paper at your bedside should you awaken in the night (how are you sleeping?) with shadows of dreams or impressions. The dream process contains messages, symbols and is helping to ease out the past. You need to be prepared and ready for your next spiritual task. Do you recollect yourself as an artist long ago?

SCORPIO: It’s important to use all your focus and attention on your health. This must become your primary responsibility. You can be around others, but be sure it’s with like-minded people who, like you, also focus on health and have high objectives. Stand equal with everyone, including superiors. You have an authority that others recognize. Do not control others, as you would not have them control you. Tend to yourself, your health and needs with daily discipline

SAGITTARIUS: Have you been feeling your work is less than desirable? Are you sliding dangerously into boredom? Has it been difficult to meet financial, emotional, psychological or intellectual needs? Many of the archers are wondering how to feel freedom and have fulfillment. You also want fame and fortune. All our desires and aspirations are embryonic stages of what eventually will actually come to be. Life moves slower than your fiery thoughts. So what do you suppose you might develop along the way?

CAPRICORN: Your mind will soon be asking solemn questions about the meaning of life – and your life in particular. Simultaneously you’ll be meeting new people. Continue with your writings, your creative endeavors. Offer them to the world.  This exercise on a daily level creates a magnetic field around you and what you need, and one day the two fields unite based upon your constant attention. Ponder these words – community, gardens, greenhouses.

AQUARIUS: Notice if you feel certain levels of pressure. These are small psychological signposts that your emotional life is changing and shifting. Perhaps to include more kindness. Eventually a state of forgiveness becomes important. There may be some sort of windfall of money or resources. Make sure you research what’s best to do with your finances. Something’s occurring with the American dollar. Don’t simply do as you’ve done before with money. A new reality is emerging.

PISCES: Your need for order, organization, beauty and harmony in relationships and your surroundings is most important. Order assists us in clear thinking and making difficult decisions. When the environment is clear and relationships are harmonious, you feel freedom, and life and events unfold easily and smoothly. You are very sensitive to deep psychological situations. A challenge presents itself. Focus on your needs. If you always give yourself away, soon you will disappear. Don’t. We need you.


Risa – writer, educator, teacher, psychological-spiritual counselor, mentor, astrologer & esotericist. Founder & Director of The Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute/College, a contemporary Wisdom School (center for spiritual discourse & study) for the Ageless Wisdom teachings. Foundations of the Teachings are the study & application of exoteric & esoteric Astrology, the Seven Rays, Theosophy, Esotericism, all religions, art, science & Raja Yoga meditation., studies posted on FB & Night Light News website. Astrological, esoteric, day-t- day news – art, literature, psychology, the cosmos, consciousness, philosophy, history, religion, economics, geography & cultural journalism. 

Recognition of the unique value of every living being expresses itself in reverence for life, compassion for all, sympathy with the need of all individuals to find truth for themselves, and respect for all religious traditions.  ~The Esoteric & Theosophical Worldview.