Esoteric Astrology as news for week Jan. 26 – Feb. 1


We Are All Aquarians Now

This is a continuation of last week’s introduction to the North and South Nodes – Taurus/Scorpio. With North Node in Taurus…for the next 18 months, desires, appetites, earthly indulgences will increase. We will focus on agriculture, land rights, land stewardship, land ownership and a return to family farms. A suggestion here. Not to do it alone (Leo). Form neighborhood & community farms and work together (Aquarius). 

Aquarius is about humanity gathering together forming community cooperatives. With Uranus in Taurus, we will build all that is new. Taurus is the sign of building and stabilization. We will want to cultivate stores of food and items useful for possible breakdowns. We strive and strategize to bring forth future safety and freedom.

As we strategize, build our stores of food and equipment, form communities of friends and safeguarding measures, the South Node in Scorpio will display our shadows; past deeds that need reorienting from darkness to light. All mysteries, secrets, power plays, cruel thoughts, actions and habits, all manipulations at all levels of humanity will be brought to light. 

It is a vast drama of purification being played out now. We will be asked to re-do, re-invent, create, work together, have Goodwill and then forgive. We will be asked to change our thinking, to shed old ways, to let go and we may find ourselves often in grief.

All this is good. We are in between two ages (Pisces/Aquarius). The past is swiftly being swept away as the new is barely appearing over the horizon. We are all Aquarians now. Everyone’s rising sign is Aquarius. The Earth has entered Aquarius and we are now in a new era under new laws & principles. The nodes, South Node (past to be redeemed), North Node Taurus (stabilizing the new) will be assisting us in this transition for the next 18 months.

We are in the Aquarian Labour of Hercules. Hercules was asked to clean a city of poisons that were making humanity ill, causing death. Hercules diverted a river so that its purifying waters would flow through and cleanse and purify the town. Thus, he saved the town and its people. Aquarius – the purifying “waters of life poured forth for thirsty humanity.”

ARIES: You will initiate what is needed to be gathered, put away and put aside. You will sense you’ve become a stabilizing Taurus. You may feel hungry most of the time. Be sure to alleviate hunger with snacks of fresh veggies (carrots, celery), nuts, seeds, dates. You will learn the difference between abundance and accumulation of things not needed. You will learn about sharing too, a good virtue for Aries to cultivate. When we share, we always have enough.

TAURUS: So many things about yourself will be re-identified, re-worked. How you see yourself, how others see you, including your body, emotions, mind, identifications, values, personas. So many things change! The turbulence all around us will accelerate and your discomfort grows exponentially. You will need to find comfort in things strange and unusual (to you). Patterns of intimacy may change, too. You will be asked to stretch in directions previously resisted. Your mantra becomes adaptation.

GEMINI: There is often a delight when one knows one can rest like at the end of a long tiring day. The last two years have been a whirlwind of information, so much not the most uplifting. In the next 18 months it’s time to dream, envision, find light in the shadows, quelling any anxiety, banishing all negative criticism. Seek to work with others more, begin to recognize their gifts and praise them. You will find pleasure in the simplest of tasks, eliminating anything that does not contain joy.

CANCER: Friendships, community, hopes wishes and dreams of the future will be on your mind in the coming months. You will emerge a bit more out from under your shell, peeking out to see what’s occurring in the world. You will be called to participate in groups and to share more of your authentic self. Anything less will not be useful. Everything you thought was fun and pleasurable goes through a mysterious transformation. A new creativity urges you onto new depths of self-identity. Observe this quiet shift.

LEO: In the present times of change and transition, talents and gifts, abilities & skills that everyone possesses will be called forth with Leo, the Lion, leading the pack. Why? Because Leo is the leader & Leo is the opposite of Aquarius and Aquarius is the new era created with all of our talents and gifts. For Aquarius to come forth it calls its shadow (Leo) to come forth, too. The two are one. Aquarius needs its partner Leo to bring forth the new era’s changes. What gifts will you bring to the creation of the new era?

VIRGO: It’s time for an adventure, a journey, new goals, new study and a seeking of new knowledge. It’s time to compile all those journals into a book (or several) and think about publishing (self-publishing, newsletter, blog, etc.). It’s time to assess what wisdom you’ve gathered over the years and present this wisdom to others. Small talk doesn’t work well for you. Philosophical thoughts, goals and big ideals make more sense. You will go beyond your neighborhood into far, far reaches not experienced before.

LIBRA: Sharing, partnerships, cooperation, teamwork and collaboration are keynotes of the next 18 months. You will want to share with others everything you have. This creates new bonds of friendship. Think survival for everyone.  Your resources are limitless when you enter into the concept of sharing. Patterns of want are banished by what you offer and give to those in need. I had a dream about Libra the other night. You found the courage to forgive. You were clear and bright. And then your sorrows lessened.

SCORPIO: New people, new friends, new intimacies, new loves, all appear in your life. All partnerships and interactions with others deepen in intensity until you feel your heart will burst with great love and affection. There will be intentions to commit to new ideas, dreams and ways of living. You will eliminate old realities that do not harmonize with new values. Your needs will be secondary to others’ needs. This will be your gift to everyone. Liberation for you is in constant from the heart ceaseless giving.

SAGITTARIUS: You will plan out daily agendas and maintaining a detailed schedule becomes important to your well-being. Routine ensures that your life flows in harmony with sunrise, noon and sunset. Productivity is in the details, in order and organization. You find that you’re talking a lot, listening to your words so you can understand your thinking. Managing time is a delicate business. Be gentle. Delegate tasks to others, tend to health and wellness, offer yourself hours and days of rest. You’ve earned it.

CAPRICORN: It is simply time to have more fun. What would that mean to you? Being the reliable, hardworking, accomplished and responsible one with sturdy shoes always climbing the ladder of success is always your task. However, you’re being given a respite now. It’s time for you to waste time, letting yourself do nothing for a while. That may be difficult. Give yourself time to recognize what you’ve outgrown knowing the landscape has changed. A new direction is showing itself. Allow yourself to gently drift towards it.

AQUARIUS: In the next 18 months you will seek a new foundation. This will be in the form of a home, land, ancestry, history, creating a home base of safety and comfort. Family becomes most important, either one’s biological or spiritual family or creating a family of your own. You will seek to redesign or craft a home you want to come home to. You want shelter and protection, a place of refuge and quiet intimacy. You want to feel a sense of ownership. In the new era this is transferred to living in community. That’s the Aquarian way. You understand this more than most.

PISCES: Your inner wisdom becomes more and more accessible. It is a place you can trust now. You have gathered much knowledge over the years. All that knowledge has turned into flower-like lotuses in the mind. They provide revelations and epiphanies when needed. You now have wings to fly. They also help you float over the waters of life. You will stumble less and less, walk more clearly towards your goals. It is time to recognize your own authority. You move between earth and the sky. In the quiet of each moment, you find balance. The lotuses unfold.

Risa – writer, educator, teacher, psychological-spiritual counselor, mentor, astrologer & esotericist. Founder & Director of The Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute/College, a contemporary Wisdom School for the Ageless Wisdom teachings. The foundations of the Teachings are the study & application of exoteric & esoteric Astrology, the Seven Rays & Raja Yoga meditation.  

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