Esoteric Astrology as news for week February 22 – 28, 2023


Two Fishes with a Silver Cord


We are under the light of Pisces until March 20, when Sun enters Aries and Spring begins. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, containing within itself all eleven previous signs. Pisces carries in its waters the seeds of Aries, when all things new begin for the new year. During Pisces, the past year is available for recollection and review. Pisces gathers the past year and all previous eleven signs and offers them to the fires of Aries to create something new. The cycle of livingness is always unbroken.

The symbol of Pisces is the two fishes, one facing up, the other facing down. Bound together by a silver cord, they swim together between worlds – representing innate duality of creation. The two worlds – soul and personality, spirit and matter, light and dark, good and evil, God and human.

Pisces rules the lymph system, and the Pisces biochemic cell salt is Ferrum Phos, providing oxygen to the blood stream providing a vital force that sustains life. Pisces is called the World Savior. Cell Salts (tissue salts, mineral salts, twelve biochemic remedies) are called the Cell Salts of Salvation – biochemistry that restores balance and harmony to the body system. A noteworthy book to read during Pisces and into the new era is The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation by Carey and Perry.

More on Lent – 40 days and 40 nights of purification and preparation for Spring. Lent offers us time to eliminate old patterns and create new rhythms. It’s good to consider cultivating a sense of giving (gifting) during Lent. Giving to those in need. Giving creates a divine circulatory flow of energies. What is given is returned 10-fold. All actions, intentions and dedications generate an energy field of Goodwill.

What do we give? Not necessarily things but the gifts of praise, recognition, deep listening, thoughts of Goodwill, prayers and blessings for others. And choosing kindness always. All acts of generosity and kindness create an energetic field of light that radiates outward to all the kingdoms around us. When thinking of offering money consider those deeply in need. The Right Use of Money is a major test for humanity at this time. This is part of the First Initiation for humanity – the Initiation in Bethlehem, House of Bread.

ARIES: With Sun in Pisces you may be dreaming more, feel more intuitive, a bit more sensitive, inspired and insightful. Study, prayer and retreats are worthy activities for you at this time. They will allow more gentleness and compassion to emerge – qualities and virtues needed when with an Aquarian group, when asked to be the leader and invited to visit the future. The new era is Aquarius, which Aries are called to initiate.

TAURUS: You have one task – to focus on health, tend to the oxygenation of cells, take more calcium, magnesium, NAC and chlorella. Do not let your body to become cold. You must use knowledge and discipline to care for yourself. As life in the new era becomes more changeable you will also have to weigh what’s best – to be out and about, leading everyone into the future, or remain at home caring for your physical body to bring it back to perfect health. Stay out of cities and big box stores.

GEMINI: Something beneficent, benevolent and bountiful happens between you and the cosmos, between you and the heavens. You’re inspired, encouraged and guided internally by the stars. With careful study, years of preparation, and viewing the past in terms of your great and wonderful gifts, pathways open, choices and commitments are made, and abundance settles into your mind and heart. These are interesting times for you. Study Pythagoras.

CANCER: A new and different study has been introduced to our world and if you are up to date on it you could be quite fascinated. It’s about the electric universe. It could make you feel generous and for the first time in a long time, you feel at home here on earth. It’s a new exploration into physics, time and a reality that was unknown to you. Now it’s presenting itself and you in turn will seek to participate fully. This changes your inner life. You are happy. Joyful, too.

LEO: Observe yourself now and in the days to come becoming more insightful, discerning, perceptive, observant and wise. Observe that you are more intuitive and enlightened in terms of others, especially those you work with. Someone or something or perhaps some words you hear or read will assist you to shift into a deeper awareness of spiritual realities. This comes through money, resources, intimacy and/or dreams. In between, tend to taxes.

VIRGO: You will want to relate better and more with others, especially those close to you. They will then begin to bloom and flourish, increase, thrive and prosper, along with you. Like a garden under Spring’s sunlight. Over time, you become a greater support to others, offering guidance and direction where needed. Maintain harmony, challenge nothing and no one. Offer compassionate understanding instead. It will nourish your heart and then the hearts of others. People notice.

LIBRA: Think about what you want to be doing daily… what job, career, occupation, work, vocation, artistry, you truly and deeply need to pursue. If you don’t know, ask yourself what that may be. The true information will subtly appear. Talk to everyone about your hopes, wishes and dreams. In the coming year, if you rest more, your health improves, you become stronger and more resistant to illness. Have a salad with each meal, add apples and dates. I think you need a canary or a fish or two.

SCORPIO: Don’t go down the road of regular investments thinking you’re lucky and the economy will improve soon. The monetary situation is shifting in our country and world. For up-to-date economics, read Catherine Austin Fitts’s Solari report. Don’t take risks with your money and resources. Know that crypto currency is not the new economy. Don’t speculate. Invest in land, homes, greenhouses and bio shelters. Use your resources to create these environments. Work together with others. Study communities that are off the grid.

SAGITTARIUS: So many different ideas flow through your mind. Perhaps you’re thinking of moving near or far away. Perhaps it’s time to return home. You always want a place near a body of water or a mountain, or both. There is a benevolence occurring in your home and family life now. Interest in genealogy, your family tree, relatives and loved ones may take center stage. This nourishes you ‘til the next phase of personal development appears.

CAPRICORN: Notice in the coming months your thinking becomes happy, optimistic and life questions and behaviors of others begin to make sense. You always act with intentions for Goodwill which bring grace and goodness to all interactions. You realize everyone’s doing their very best and often see to and help others who have lost their way. Begin writing (journaling, blogging) in earnest. You may write a book, actually. You have important observations and things to say.

AQUARIUS: This coming year will be one of challenges and hard work. This is so your vital life force can be ready for the new era of Aquarius unfolding. It will also be lucrative for you and money and resources will be available based on need. All resources should be used for your well-being. Share also with those in need, using resources to help others. You don’t want to owe money to anyone. Have cash on hand, gas in the car (no electrical vehicles, they are not sustainable), food and medicines on hand. The times to come contain serious situations to be considered.

PISCES: Good fortune, sunshine, blessings, grace and beauty will follow you this year. Hopefully all the days for the rest of your life. A new self-confidence and new sense of self-identity will also surface and later, flourish. There is a shift in the road ahead for you in terms of work. You become more international. In the meantime, maintain all responsibilities and obligations, tithe generously and consistently, and stand in the sun three times a day each day. The devas wait for you to join them.