Esoteric Astrology as news for week Feb. 6-12, 2019


Losar (Tibetanལོ་གསར: lo-gsar; “new year”) – a festival

Losar, (Tibetan word for “new year”) is an ancient new year’s festival predating Buddhism and celebrated in Tibet, Bhutan, Nepal and India. It begins on the first day of the lunisolar Tibetan calendar (February 5) and lasts for 15 days. Like Chinese New Year, 2019 is the year of the yin (female) earth pig or boar. Losar is a fragment of the winter-incense-burning custom of the ancient Bon religion (8th century) when the people of Tibet gathered at a spring and made offerings to Naga (water spirits), a ritual of gratitude to the water element/spirits. 

At Dharamshala (Dalai Lama’s palace in India) during Losar, the Dalai Lama consults the Oracle, a trained medium, able to communicate with spirits, see the past, present & future. The Oracle is responsible for the health, healing and protection of the Dalai Lama. 

The rite of the Oracle, mediating between two worlds, is ancient, and involves detailed preparation of evocative (calling in) invocations (responses), fanfare, dance, sounds, drums, horns, mudras and mantras to invoke the Oracle (non-physical spiritual Being in the Buddhic field). The sounds and movements allow a spiritual Being to temporarily enter the physical mind/body of the medium providing wise and insightful counsel, prophetic predictions, precognition of the future – a form of divination.

In Tibetan homes for Losar, flowers decorate the rooms, walls are painted with sun, moon and the wheel of life symbols. Cedar and juniper branches burn for incense. Debts are settled, quarrels resolved, new clothes acquired, and special foods (kapse – sweet bread, shaped into twists) and drink (chang, barley beer) are offered. In the fields, peach trees are beginning to bloom. Before the measurement of time, the people knew it was Losar when the peach trees budded. Tashi Delek, (Tibetan for happy new year), everyone

ARIES: Recognizing the vital and initiating work you are to bring forth, it’s time to learn how to participate in groups with intelligent and heart-felt cooperation. You are to help fashion part of the new era, culture and civilization. Are you aware of this?  Are you conscious of the needs of humanity? You’re called to awaken again for the time when those who plan and lead boldly, take risks and see into the future. Working with both heart and mind, you will be summoned. Prepare.

TAURUS: The architecture of your participation in life is changing. Previously you dreamed big dreams, pondered many realities, not concerned if anything took shape. Now you’re competently leading boards and groups, preparing the components of the new world era. Taurus has an enlightened mind that can see humanity’s present/future needs. You know in a breakdown phase, seeds of the new must be sowed. You’re synthesizing all realities so others can understand.

GEMINI: Many forces are at work in your life. As a Gemini you always attempt to resolve polarities – higher/lower, here/there, light/dark, self/others, Soul/personality. This is a vital and difficult task accomplished by the proper cultivation of the mind principle (calming the emotions) and the right course of study that allows no illusions, distortions, confusions or maya. So you can walk the Path with others. Aquarius calls you to develop all seven levels of your mind. The Soul is on the mental plane.

CANCER: Always we feel some form of conflict. Know that conflict and chaos are useful. They give us the ability to observe tensions and to express hurts, needs and fears. For some there is a great battle going on between the Soul and personality. The Soul calls us to Right Relations, Right Action and Right Service. Sometimes, many times we don’t know what these words mean. Ask the Soul. The answers will be released into your mind. When asking, we always receive.

LEO: Relationships are vitally important at this time. So often you feel disconnected to anything or anyone. You’re in a place of balancing and choosing, an interlude state. Your inner beliefs about relationships and how you function in them are being modified so that you can display Right Relationships while still expressing your unique creativity. Allow opposing forces to flow through you. A greater awareness then emerges. Love flows unobstructed once more. Love is your gift.

VIRGO: New revelations stream into your mind concerning how to order and organize daily life. How we function in daily life prepares us for the new dimensions and structures slowly emerging in the new Aquarian era. Receive with devotion and acceptance all new ideas impressed upon your mind. Be aware if pain or remembrances or weariness occurs. As you ponder upon these things, your perspectives shift, change and are uplifted.  

LIBRA: Although, under the veil of Libra’s charm, you are a strong and powerful force, a greater level of Love/Wisdom must begin expressing itself through you. It begins with acceptance and gratitude for everyone and everything (small and great, childhood to present) that has occurred in your life. Here is your new mantram to recite unceasingly, “Love expresses itself through me always and Wisdom follows.” Then your life and relationships proceed with protective love and healing care.

SCORPIO: Notice times of solitude when you think things great and small. Create an environment that nurtures in all ways the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of yourself. Be in touch with the kingdoms – mineral, plant, animal, human, Soul. Love must be combined with your great intelligence. This will form a foundation for the new life emerging all around you. It begins where you live. Later you’ll be asked to explain this time to others.

SAGITTARIUS: You should have a very good year. Especially if you blend two realities – your personality and Soul.  This produces harmony for a time. Then the Soul leaves and Divine Will enters and your personality harmonizes with Will. Not easy. Will is a fire. Your career rises and falls and sometimes makes a big splash! In these ups and downs, always be thoughtful. Or you will lose much. Remember each day that “wisdom is knowledge gained through experience and implemented by love.” Ponderable thought.

CAPRICORN: Whatever it is you hope for, radiate it with Love from your Ajna (third eye) center. This is where a diamond light of direction streams forth. Then new life takes root expressed as harmony, beauty and peace (a process). Your love eases any disharmony and conflict whenever it arises. You remember that Harmony always attempts to emerge through Conflict and Chaos, yes? Harmony is the shadow of the object.

AQUARIUS: This year you have great energy and potential. As new sources of income and ways of living are sought be sure to control impatience. If you’re not aware, you could be thought of as thoughtless toward others. Remember to be courteous and kind, show sympathy to those who have less than you. A new self-identity continues to emerge. Be sure it includes goodness, generosity and love. We experience that which we offer others.

PISCES: You have begun the arduous task of observing, noting and understanding feelings, thoughts, aspirations, actions and vulnerabilities. Much of your life has been treading the pathway of service and sacrifice. A new beneficent cycle has begun, expanding your courage and strength of character. This may not be acceptable to some. Maintain privacy, walk away from disharmony, don’t believe criticism. The stars protect you.

Risa – writer, teacher, counselor, mentor, astrologer, esotericist Founder & Director… The Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute – a contemporary Wisdom School for the Ageless Wisdom teachings. The foundations of the Teachings are the study & application of Astrology  & the Seven Rays.
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