Esoteric Astrology as news for week Feb. 16 – 22


Pluto Return – from dark to the Light of Day

What we have been experiencing in both our country and our world – upheavals, disorder, disruptions, mayhem, turmoil, confusion, chasms of power and wealth, polarizations, shadow puppets, transformations and transfigurations – all of this shattering conflict and chaos – has to do with the planet Pluto whose task is to bring all the hidden darkness (abuse, unequal power dynamics, black magic manipulations, globalist agendas of control, government crimes against humanity, misuse of money, lies, etc., etc.) into the light of day. Pluto itself is the symbol and archetype for death, destruction and transformation so a new living life-wave can break through the chains of darkness hindering humanity’s move forward.

Pluto completes one circle around the earth every 248 years. On February 21/22, 2022, Pluto in the sky will be directly on Pluto in the United States natal astrology chart. This is called Pluto return. We know about Saturn returns, which can be quite difficult. A Pluto return is a metamorphic change in the fabric of a country, an event or a person. This Pluto event will be the first time since the founding of the United States, a country based on freedom and liberty.

We are seeing everywhere major interruptions, collapse and breakdowns of all that we know. This is the result of Pluto’s effects, especially here in the United States. Called a Pluto return, this is creating the most important radical shift and change any person or nation can experience in their lifetime. The outcome is total and complete transformation.

Pluto, in its task of altering life as we know it, is being assisted in these changes by the shift in the Ages, from Pisces to Aquarius. The Earth’s new rising sign is now Aquarius, the “light that shines on earth and across the seas… cleansing with its healing rays, all that must be purified until the dark is gone.” 

Aquarius and Pluto are working together to bring about an entirely new world order (original esoteric phrase). The outcome is and will be world shattering, drastic, pervasive, ground-breaking, innovative, radical, revolutionary, and essentially the death of all old forms, its impact affecting us well into the future. So we can emerge, a phoenix out of the ashes of darkness and into the Light of Day.

ARIES: Right communication comes from right observation, being a dispassionate yet curious onlooker. You think about friendships, warm comforting food, harmonious surroundings and kind people with shared thoughts. You seek peace-loving friendships, inclusive intelligent conversations, bubbly things to drink. And you consider whether you should participate in invitations or not. You think of sitting by the fire at home, reading a book, family all around. You choose your heart’s desire.

TAURUS: You’re out and about in the world. Everyone sees you as attractive, charming, responsible, a leader, someone intelligent, kind and in charge. People like you. You rub shoulders with those in power, in the know, highly positioned. You negotiate through social interactions with great subtlety. You’re affectionate and happy seeing new opportunities arise. You’re successful due to your artistic talents. People’s heads turn as you walk by. Remember what’s real and what’s not. You’re real.

GEMINI: You need to expand beyond the routine, beyond the daily news. People worldwide, of different disciplines, education, culture and backgrounds need to hear what you have to say. You are the dispenser of new information. It’s important to seek out the arts and entertainments. What are they? You’re to be part of creating the new era. Group work becomes vital, stabilizing your talents & gifts. Maintain health with focused intent for you are to build, with others, the new culture & civilization.

CANCER: You seek a certain intensity and truth telling in all encounters, even casual interactions. Anything superficial obstructs your thinking. You consider what this vulnerable state of limitation means. You do not want to feel betrayal. You want to feel and express your ever moving forward intelligent nature. And you seek this in return with others. You begin to see beauty in everything. And seek to serve those in need. You are the nurturer in times of war and peace. The spirit of revolution sets it seal upon you.

LEO: Relationships seem to anchor your very life force. You can live and work and be alone. However, at this time close interactions, intimacy and harmony with another is more important. You seek, in ways great and small, ways toward balance and peace. There is great responsibility and many tasks around these will be asked of you in the coming times. It is important to cooperate with others, creating new ways of living, community ways.  Relationships need to call upon a state of grace so love can be fully expressed.

VIRGO: You want to be practical and helpful (not always but mostly). You want to learn how to best serve those close to you, especially a partner. You don’t want to be overly loving, just thoughtful, present, mindful and available. When discovering harmony and order you realize that opportunities such as these are often fleeting. Know that you can design all relationships that are filled with everything everyone needs. This is the workings of one who is directed by the Soul. You are the Soul.

LIBRA: This is a time where you radiate a caring magnetic attractiveness. The outcome of this could be new friends, new ideas, new groups or a vivifying of a present relationship. It could be that everyone listens to your ideas with great attentiveness and wants to imitate you. When you are more loving you are then, in turn, more loved and appreciated. An expansive creative self-expression is about to come forth. You know what is right, what is good, what is fair and what is just. You radiate success and good cheer.

SCORPIO: You may feel as if you simply cannot leave hearth, home, family, garden, or pets, even a goldfish (Pisces influence). You ponder upon the past, feel nostalgic, a bit sad at times, remembering past loves, opportunities not taken, places unvisited. This gives you the impetus to change your environment a bit. Perhaps you are called home. This shift and change reflects a new aesthetic of peacemaking and stability. You sense what is most important and what is not. You sing and the hills answer.

SAGITTARIUS: It seems you want more or new or different friends. You want to have companionship and you want to be a companion to someone in love in return. You want to know everyone in the neighborhood. You want them to speak with you and you with them. You want to know the names of winter plants, flowers and birds. You need communication, no conflict, diplomacy, cheerfulness and wit. Begin your communication with the devas. The rest follows.

CAPRICORN: During this time there is a feeling of contentment, a sense that everything’s in place, everything is as it should be. Every now and then there is restlessness, small thoughts that ask what makes you happy, what is happiness? Amidst the simple pleasures you’ve created, you want a sharing to occur, with friends, intimates, and most of all family. Love is stable. There is comfort. There is something in your life that cannot be said in words -– a waterfall, a thrush, a running brook. A forgiveness.

AQUARIUS: Do you deny yourself things? Do you step back from what you desire, aspire toward, love? If so, let this drop away for several weeks, attempt to place yourself at the center and reach out to what is comforting, restful, kind, caring, warm and merciful. Allow yourself to loosen up a bit, letting some of your protective shields to drop away. You will be safe. Dress up a bit, making yourself more attractive than usual. Think of yourself as a listener and one who has developed cooperation. A new thought for one who comes from the future.

PISCES: Parts of you have migrated into a private deeply internal place, creating a sort of hibernation, taking cover like a bear entering a cave for the winter. Other parts of you are out and about attempting to be merry. Simply know and allow both actions to be. Don’t think something’s wrong. You’re learning how to share and accept, be aware of and work with many levels and realities at once. At times there’s a sense of longing, a wistfulness. Things end. You sigh.

Risa – writer, educator, teacher, psychological-spiritual counselor, mentor, astrologer & esotericist. Founder & Director, The Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute/College, a contemporary Wisdom School for the Ageless Wisdom teachings. The foundations of the Teachings are the study & application of exoteric & esoteric Astrology, the Seven Rays & Raja Yoga meditation. Web journal: Daily studies posted on our website. Astrological, esoteric, day to day news – art, literature, psychology, the cosmos, consciousness, philosophy, history, religion, economics, geography & cultural journalism. 

Recognition of the unique value of every living being expresses itself in reverence for life, compassion for all, sympathy with the need of all individuals to find truth for themselves, and respect for all religious traditions.  ~The Esoteric & Theosophical Worldview