Esoteric Astrology as news for week December 4 – 10, 2024


Mars Retrograde – Slowing Down, Internal Jedi Training

As I wrote last week, the coming weeks and months, well into May 2025 will be very challenging for humanity. The present, continuing and upcoming retrogrades and transits (movement of planets), phenomenal in their power, force, strength and multiplicity have long-range, enduring effects on humanity and all our endeavors. Mars will now be joining Mercury in its retrograde motion. Mars stations retrograde in Leo this Friday, December 6 (‘til February 23, 2025).  

Mars is our activity, our moving forward. With Mars retrograde our activity is withdrawn; we turn in towards ourselves. Mars retrograde has a specific flow and rhythm, a frequency and an inner intensity. The retrograde of Mars allows for rest, rejuvenation, retreat and reflection. We slow down and pick up lost pieces, consider our past actions, and put everything back together again. It’s an inward journey with the retrogrades, and in Mars retro we consider our self-image, our strength, courage, worthiness, our pride.  

Mars retrograde is Jedi training, the hero’s journey, meeting our inner hero/heroine. We learn heroes also have restraint. Most important, Mars retrograde is a time to stop, think and discern before taking action.  

With Mars in Leo the following questions are offered for contemplation (and answers). “What are my talents and gifts? What is my creativity? What would I like to create? What happens to time when I am creative? What is my creative identity?”

During the Mars in Leo retrograde we are asked to consider what our creative gifts are, to cultivate and refine them. Each and every one of our gifts is needed to create the new culture and civilization, the new era of Aquarius.

Mars will retrograde out of Leo and into Cancer January 6, 2025 (Epiphany), retrograding back to 17 degrees Cancer, stationing direct February 23, 2025. By then Mars will have been retrograde for seven (7) weeks! That is a long time for our natural moving forward energies to be at rest!

Retrogrades are upside down, inside out, alchemical, magical times! And during these times, if we remain curious, we all become wizards and white magicians.

ARIES: The focus is truly your creativity, your passions, your loves and all that you pursue for pleasure. At first it will be all about your creative self-identity. Then in January the focus will be on home and things domestic. Notice what you are doing, thinking and feeling while becoming more and more introspective. Create a Retrograde Journal, writing what occurs each day, internally and externally. Don’t push any limits, don’t kill the buddha on the road either. That last line is a spiritual metaphor.

TAURUS: You will ask yourself what constitutes home, emotional security and your foundations of livingness? Simultaneously, assess your many environments asking what needs cleaning, clearing, eliminating? As well as what in the past with family, parents and early childhood needs integrating? Anything unresolved in those areas will appear for the purpose of review, understanding and healing. You may be in touch with people, friends, neighborhoods from the past. Everyone happy to see you.

GEMINI: Be very aware and mindful of all communications. Think before speaking. There may be, could be, will be possible misunderstandings and delays in communications, messages lost or not seen. This can be a point of irritation for you but choose to not let it be. Slow down all activities and all thinking. Do not interpret or judge or criticize anyone or anything (events) that may occur. Cultivate patience, a calm emotional field and discernment. And overall be kind. Careful with money in February.

CANCER: Center your thoughts on finances and the resources to bring balance to all monies going in and going out. Ask for assistance if needed. Assess spending and make necessary changes. Adjust dreams, wishes and aspirations so you can manage resources more adequately. Contemplate what long term security means and plan on acting on this in the spring. Force nothing, don’t act impulsively on desires or they will backfire. Tithe generously and see every moment with the eyes and heart of gratitude (a magical resource).

LEO: Self-identity is the focus. An interiority into the self is emphasized. It is a time of questioning about yourself in relationship to others and a new way of working in the world (again with others). These are your tasks – be heartfelt in communications, review your health and well-being and create a consistent exercise regime. Sometimes fire and air signs can’t maintain a regular regimen. However, it’s vital to your present and future tasks, upcoming demands and essential to health and longevity. And to your creativity.

VIRGO: In many ways you’re becoming more like Pisces, integrating your shadow self. This is not disheartening. It’s rather special having Pisces’ compassionate characteristics. The watery realms of Pisces can be difficult at times. Sometimes you stumble along, knowing only the present moment is real. Even with all these seeming and new physical obstructions, seeing differently as you do, you are still “serving the world.” Your protector is the elephant god Ganesh. Pray to him to remove all hindrances and obstacles.

LIBRA: You find yourself in a new world, side-by-side with your groups of friends. Perhaps this new reality is visiting the many Christmas markets in Europe, the best are in Germany. While traveling, either locally or somewhere in the world with friends, you will notice the New Group of World Servers. They are usually hidden, but your eyes and sensibilities will discern them. These are the people of Goodwill that you have been searching for. Note, we search for what we have already become.

SCORPIO: So many things are ending, culminating and/or visibly disappearing. Long-held hopes and wishes are being fulfilled, but then falling away. This can be discomforting. As you study new information, especially about herbs, flowers, roots, foods and gardening, you will understand more how to safeguard and sustain yourself and family in times of change. Know the devas in the gardens love you. They offer a high vibrational yet subtle healing aura. Spend more time outside than inside. And observe if your professional life and public image is to your liking.

SAGITTARIUS: In the next year, as your horizons expand, you will enter new arenas of thought, new groups and endeavors and discover new friends who love you. Notice your continual wonder about lands and waters and mountains and people far, far away. The unusual and culturally different places and people are of interest to you. You’re ready for a new reality. See the next year as a philosophical adventure, a pilgrim’s journey, containing new rhythms and realities. You still have relationship wounds hidden away. Warm waters, alkaline and hydrogen waters and intentions for forgiveness help in their healing.

CAPRICORN: Consider, gather, summon and then act upon values that make you feel empowered. In the next many months your values may expand, shift and change. Be aware of this. You like to be practical, down to earth and to help others. Use your money to empower both yourself and to assist others. Be aware of impatience and impulsiveness with spending. Use resources with deep respect and with gratitude. And to serve those in need. The past is over. New messages need to be spoken.

AQUARIUS: Good yet unusual and unexpected events occur in the next months. As realities shift and change in the world, it’s important to create deeper roots where you live and with those you love and care for. Use resources wisely. Grow a vegetable garden, even if in pots. Build a greenhouse. Prepare for a different future. Ask one’s partner and/or friends about goals, dreams, wishes, hopes and fears. Come from the heart, always. You are fierce and independent, always and sometimes. Slow down and rest a bit.

PISCES: In all things, especially food, diet, health, exercise there must be a constancy, evenness and regularity. A daily rhythm needs to be created. This will be a challenge. The chaos in our world can create tension and fear, unevenness and chaos in our emotional fields. Know that anything in excess over time creates a health situation. Ask if your daily work serves you. Over time, your spiritual courage will change either the work you do or your perceptions about work. When you speak (write) people listen. The whiteboard has the word “teach” on it. Is this message for you?

Risa – writer, editor, educator, teacher, psychological-spiritual counselor, mentor, astrologer & esotericist, Founder & Director of The Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute/College, a contemporary Wisdom School (center for spiritual discourse & study) for the Ageless Wisdom teachings. The foundations of the Teachings are the study & application of exoteric & esoteric Astrology, the Seven Rays, Theosophy, Esotericism, all religions, art, science & Raja Yoga meditation.,