Esoteric Astrology as news for week August 9 – 15, 2017


Topsy-Turvy World – Mercury Retrogrades in Virgo

Mercury in Virgo turns (stationary) retrograde Saturday, August 12, at 6 p.m. (West Coast time) and lasts three weeks (until September 5). For five days, as September begins, Mercury retrogrades back to Leo. Mercury retrogrades from 11 degrees Virgo back to 28 degrees Leo. Where are these degrees in everyone’s charts? That area of life is affected.

To understand how to use retrogrades, we use “re” words. Redo, review, re-visit, re-frame, re-think, re-examine, re-evaluate. Which we do with all ideas, thoughts, plans, studies and agendas created since Mercury’s last retro, (April). We look back, re-assess, refine, while also resting and recuperating from a mind exhausted with too many facts.  

Let’s review our (non) actions during retrogrades. We don’t create new plans or projects, purchase important items (cars, houses, appliances, clothes, gifts, etc.), contracts aren’t signed, agreements aren’t made, money isn’t borrowed or loaned and we don’t expect clear communication or many aware drivers. We know everything’s overlooked, messages aren’t received, details are neglected, keys are misplaced, information’s off-center, minds constantly change, thoughts turn inward, and questions aren’t answered. In other words, possible havoc everywhere with everyone.

During Mercury retro, we display Virgo tendencies, becoming internally analytical, mentally organized, discriminating, detailed and practical. However, none of this externalizes because our minds are inwardly reorganizing, evaluating and reflecting.

How do we respond? We consider Mercury retro an experiment everyone is participating in. It’s a magical mystery time to observe with intelligence, knowledge and, above all, humor.

ARIES: Everything concerning daily life is re-evaluated. Review daily plans, surrounding environments and those around you on a daily basis. Assess in what way you want to shift, change and adapt to make life more orderly and pleasant. You realize you must think differently from now on how to bring forth more beauty and perfection. Careful communication is needed with coworkers. Also assess the state of your health, diet, exercise and how you awaken each day.

TAURUS: Interesting situations and communication may occur with lovers, children, and your own sense of creativity. Issues not yet resolved in relationships will reappear. Try to listen to the core message of all communications. Don’t react or defend. These destroy. Instead, learn to listen carefully. The unresolved issues must be dealt with or there will be a dissolving and dissolution of important connections soon in the future. Assess everything with care.

GEMINI: Everything about home, family, early life, mother, real estate, things domestic, comes into focus and will need careful evaluation and assessments. Make no important decisions unless an emergency occurs. Remember everyone in the family is experiencing the present astrological transits. And everyone is experiencing them differently. Use your Gemini mind and heart to observe and discern the differences. You remember to be non-judgmental, non-critical and loving (your purpose).

CANCER: Cancer (sign of the crab) always circles a situation, entering the center from every direction. They do not walk a direct line to anything for they are always wary of prey. Thus, they have a very developed intuition. In the next three weeks that intuition will take on a different tone and focus. Care needs to be taken with communication, thinking, writing and driving. Something from the past reappears. Be aware of forgetfulness. In the meantime, you make home beautiful

LEO: Do not create any shifts or waves in your financial picture. No loans (given or applied for), for example. Take this time to review finances, create new budgets (to be applied after three weeks), assess the flow of money (what’s coming in, what’s going out), the hows and whys of these transactions and review if everything monetary is proceeding as planned. Include a review of precious metals, your values. And tithe.

VIRGO: Are you feeling somewhat distant and unable to communicate feelings? Are others saying you’re difficult and distant? During this time, you’re very internally focused, assessing all aspects of yourself – who you are, why you are, what your values are, your everyday actions, who you’re with and why. You review previous choices asking if they reflect your present values, wants, hopes and needs. Hold on. Things change within the month.

LIBRA: Thoughts, ideas, beliefs, decisions and issues not tended to for a long time appear in the present seeking attention and needing re-assessment. Much of your communication may not be heard or understood by others. Therefore, try to be very clear when communicating, speak slowly, listen well. Be non-judgmental, call forth compassion, retreat for a while. This retrograde for you is a time of deep quiet, prayer and understanding forgiveness.

SCORPIO: With friends and in groups all plans may be delayed, changed or not happen at all. Those close to you may seem distant (remember everyone’s internal during retrogrades), quiet or confused. Friends, places, ideas from the past make contact and you consider returning somewhere, to a place, a group or to friendships from long ago. Allow no heartache or anguish from the past to remain in your heart. Visualize, instead, warm tropical waters.

SAGITTARIUS: Notice if there is sensitivity (extra) around these subjects: money, partnerships, join resources/finances (something from the past?), speaking with superiors, thinking about career choices, communicating with co-workers, being misunderstood while in public, your life path, your future. It seems like every subject is sensitive. During Leo, we stand in the burning grounds, tested. Say over and over, “Don’t worry. Be happy.” Know that you’re perfect.

CAPRICORN: Rest a bit for the next four weeks, make no promises or important decisions, refrain from the following – signing anything into permanence (it won’t be), making travel plans, traveling long distances. Realize thinking, communications, interactions and especially (people) tending to your money (watch carefully) are internally focused so outer orderly realities won’t make sense. It will be a crazy, mixed up, topsy-turvy time. Only you will know why. Don’t be lonely. Or sad. Continue to do the Alan Watts meditation of laughing all the time.

AQUARIUS: You want to be practical with money and resources. After the retrograde travel would be good. For now, consider new goals concerning money and resources, reaffirm what is of value to you. Eliminate what is no longer useful or what you haven’t used, touched or looked at in the past several months. Use this retrograde time of Mercury in Virgo to research, order, organize and visualize new ways of living, building community and finding your like-minded companions. Consider all dreams as practical.

PISCES: Maintain clear a communication with partners, intimates and those close to you. All relationships may enter into a phase of misunderstanding, perhaps disappointments, criticisms, over-reactions, mixed messages and perhaps the need to call upon mediation, for understanding to occur. Pisces also at this time must begin to assess the value of their own thoughts, decisions and needs and discriminate between the self and their beloved’s. A difficult task, but necessary. A new home might be necessary.

Risa – writer, teacher, mentor, counselor, astrologer, esotericist. Founder/director – Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute. Email – Website – FB – Risa D’Angeles & Risa’s Esoteric Astrology. Note – all FB posts are also on NLN – under Daily Studies.