Esoteric Astrology as news for week August 14 – 20, 2024


Burning Ground, Leo Full Moon & a Convention!

Leo Sun – under Leo humanity stands on what is called the “burning ground.” The triple fires of the Sun (Will, Love, Intelligence, spiritual, heart and rays of the Sun) creating challenges, tests and trials for humanity. The purpose of the burning ground is to awaken humanity from its deep slumber, from unconscious to being conscious, awake and aware. It is a long, long, journey (many lifetimes).

There are severe times of testing for humanity that occur cyclically. And we are in one of those times now, especially in the United States (the new Jerusalem) and in the world, as the United States is the first and only country where the experiment of freedom is occurring. What happens in the United States affects all nations and peoples of the world, because the spiritual task of the United States is to “stand in the Light (true light) and lead humanity worldwide within and towards that Light.”

The major test the United States citizens are experiencing has to do with the upcoming November 2024 election. On Monday this week, under the Leo solar festival (at the full moon) an aspect of the election will be presented in Chicago (solar plexus chakra of the U.S.) in the form of the Democratic National Convention (Aug. 19 – 22). So many will be watching.

There are multiple and very complex planetary alignments occurring during the convention and the days leading up to it. Foremost will be the Pisces moon on the first night – Pisces is quite a dreamy sign and can get lost in the fogs of idealism. Uranus will take center stage as the convention begins – Sun and moon and Uranus – planet of a wild ride, unconventional behaviors, shocks, surprises and sudden changes! Anything can happen under Uranus – new directions, new choices, unusual and unbelievable possibilities. 

There will be a T-square in the sky between Jupiter (something big), Saturn (restructuring) and Uranus (new realities). Combine that with the Mercury retrograde in Leo (who is the leader here?) and the full moon (humanity watching)! The moon is about the people seeking their true leader (Leo). With the heavens in complex patterns, inside, out and upside down, anything could occur at the convention! New rhythms, new archetypes, new goals! And for humanity? Sudden revelations of truth! We will be watching! What disciples will mostly watch for is any sparkling and glittering lights and seeing the essential essence within that light. Mostly we hope to have fun!  

ARIES (March 21-April 20): There may be a struggle mentally to maintain equilibrium between desires, hopes, wishes and dreams and what is actually possible. It’s good to study the subject of sacrifice (sacra/sacred, from the heart) – the 1st Law of the Soul. At the center of sacrifice is Love and this seems to be a paradox. However, love and sacrifice are the same. We’re on Earth because we sacrificed (chose) to be here. You may feel that you’ve become the warrior. You have. Spiritual warriors are always triumphant.

TAURUS (April 21-May 21): Taurus is the sign of values. And so, you assess all relationships in terms of value. It’s something you do naturally, but more so now. Simultaneously, it’s most important to assess the values you offer, and if there is more you can give of Right Relations through unceasing Goodwill. You offer the goodness of yourself in relationships. Goodness is a purity and inner quality. What is goodness and how do you offer this to others? Include all relationships. We remember true love isn’t a feeling.

GEMINI (May 22-June 20): Tend to all things great and small and necessary in your everyday life. Give them your deepest attention. Observe all habits, agendas, and how you serve yourself, your work, your environments and all others in your worlds. We evolve step-by-step, beginning with tending to our physical, then emotional, then mental bodies. Then we progress to the Soul. Each day “brood upon the service for the coming day. Do this as the Soul.” The emotions are then calmed.

CANCER (June 21-July 20): You reassess goals and aspirations for the next two months, ‘til autumn begins. The Earth (soil, trees, plants) is very important for your well-being. Make sure you’re out and about in the morning and evening Sun and hours in nature – the most balanced kingdom. Its radiations strengthen your heart and mind, refocus your enthusiasm (“filled with God”), allowing calm practicality to emerge. You live the life of ideals. It’s time for those potentials to enter form and matter. How is your garden and who are your companions?

LEO (July 21-Aug. 22): Ponder upon how you want to be known and recognized and seen in the world. Leo is the other half of Aquarius and thus the most important sign preparing for the new era. Ponder upon how you want to help build the new culture and civilization—this is your work now. You are to nurture the new era at its foundational stages because you are a leader. Begin your autumn garden soon, have a worm bin, create biodynamic soil, save seeds. Then teach everyone your discoveries. Leo’s nurturance needs to move from self to the community called humanity.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Past friends, relationships, values, siblings, family and past resources need to be renewed, recharged, contacted, restored and rekindled. They are valuable for reasons revealed in the future. A certain group, also from the past, holds great Love/Wisdom (Ray 2, Gemini’s ray). They not only offer you technical possibilities but a way to enter into the life stream of humanity through study and understanding of the mysteries. You should be studying your transits/astrology each day. Are you?

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): In the next month it is important to renew the sense of yourself and all your talents, abilities and gifts as valuable. Perhaps this is a difficult task. It takes a focused mind.  Let’s make handwritten lists, listing your gifts, talents and abilities, your kindnesses, good deeds, ideas, ideals and future plans. You are to be a conduit for the higher forces of love and beauty. Making your list you find your value. Place these lists on your walls to review them each day. This is the beginning of your new self-identity as a server for humanity.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Things easily just slip into hiding. This is what happens in Mercury retrogrades. Either you or someone else is hiding. It seems you need some assistance. Are you feeling lost these days? There’s someone very valuable to you who needs contact from and with you. They’re knowledgeable and have the skills needed for your next creative stages and also for humanity’s future. Money, too, may be hidden at this time. It’s available in etheric form. You must visualize it, tell it what the needs are and then call it forth. It is to be used for your well-being and the well-being of others. Careful with illusions from the past.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 20): Life becomes subtler, more etheric, slightly different than before and as a consequence, deep feelings of life, love, memories and compassion awaken. In the outer world, tend to debts and give (tithe) to charity. Some examples of giving to those in need: St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital; Doctors Without Borders; the Heifer Project. These are difficult financial times. However, the spiritual law is what we give is returned to us ten-fold. When we serve others our life is spiritually cared for. The 3rd Law of the Soul is Service.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 21-Jan. 20): Things seem crazy at times, moving here, there and everywhere. Life can feel at time strange, taxing and out-of-control. In the meantime, each day new responsibilities appear, new people need care and life feels like a long road of service ahead. What is occurring is a completely new identity forming. This identity is that of a world server. You are on a river in a ship saving the life of others who are floating downstream without a lifeboat. Your daily work is establishing part of the new culture and civilization. Think deeply on these things. What interests you about these words?

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21-Feb.18): You’re neither sentimental nor emotional. You see the need for nourishment of self and others, realizing one source of nourishment is financial security. Let’s discuss how security looks in terms of a home and land? Use your visualization tool, it is a divine tool. Visualize land, a house or many houses on that land. See trees, woods, streams, rivers, gardens. See those you love living close by, include a workspace for yourself, for the arts and for preparing pure foods. Visualize daily on this. Should there be pain in your body, consider acupuncture, chia seeds, raw milk, magnesium, swimming.

PISCES (Feb. 18-March 20): A return to a previous, perhaps put-aside creative work allows you to redefine, reassess and reaffirm its importance to your life’s work. There’s a renewed need and impression, calling you to multiple things. To amusement, a sense of play, to culture, to gatherings of friends and fine foods, to environments that reflect order and beauty – all much missed in your life for a long time now. Soon appearing will be direct creative work that reflects who you are now and who you will become. All parts of you sing a chord reflecting the very first sound of creation – Ohm Ohm Ohm.

Risa – writer, editor, educator, teacher, psychological-spiritual counselor, mentor, astrologer & esotericist. Founder & Director of The Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute/College, a contemporary Wisdom School (center for spiritual discourse & study) for the Ageless Wisdom teachings. Foundations of the Teachings are the study & application of exoteric & esoteric Astrology, the Seven Rays, Theosophy, Esotericism, all religions, art, science & Raja Yoga meditation. Email:, FB – Risa D’Angeles,