Esoteric Astrology as news for week April 3 – 9, 2024


April – Mercury Retrograde & the Path of the Eclipse

April 1 began with Mercury stationing retrograde in Aries, sign of the Initiator. Eight days later, on April 8 we have a total solar eclipse. Both events are important, appearing in the fiery sign of Aries. A total solar eclipse signifies something deeply essential to/in our lives comes to an end, its purpose complete. Total eclipses occur during new moon times and this eclipse occurs at the Aries new moon (19 degrees).

The path of the eclipse covers a large swath of the United States, from southwest to northeast. The eclipse at 19 Aries touches upon the US Chiron (wound/healing) in Aries, and Uranus in Taurus (a wound, a healing, a sudden change). Total solar eclipses signify transformation, invite introspection; they carry an aura and wave of unpredictability sweeping through our lives. Eclipses are connected to the nodes (past karma and present/future dharma). They guide us back to our destined path.  

Mercury retrogrades from 27 to 16 degrees Aries, from April 8 to April 25. Mercury retrograde is about returning to, contemplating on, and reconsidering who we are now and who we were in the past. Aries calls forth our self-identity and a re-imagining of ourselves.

The Mercury retrograde may feel very accelerated, for Aries is swift, fiery, edgy, irascible and impatient. Retrogrades broaden our horizons, awaken us to new perspectives. In Aries, our horizons are broadened about ourselves. Mercury retrograde is an in-between time, a time to catch up, a time of observing and planning.  

Mercury retrogrades offer us an adventure, both interesting and promising. We look back and gather what was good and offer it to the present/future. It’s a time of exploration, new possibilities to consider, a time of experimentation and perhaps when old flames again appear on our doorsteps.

Don’t be upset when plans and schedules seem jumbled, appointments are missed, and if issues that were simmering simply explode! It’s all part of the actions that happen in retrogrades. This one, though, may be more fiery, more dynamic and dramatic than at other times due to Aries ruler, Mars, an impulsive, hasty and warring brother. Take note of communication (Mercury). Are the words a reaction or a response, impatient and sharp? Communication during retrograde times is often difficult and at times, impossible to comprehend.  

Mercury retro in Aries brings to light hidden aspects of ourselves, new identities, unresolved issues and hopes, wishes and dreams we are finally able to recognize.  

Let us align with the stream of the Will to Love streaming through our Earth – where love and will, heart and mind unite.

ARIES: Attempt to be in alignment this month, even in the topsy-turvy time of the retrograde. This is especially important for Aries, where both the retrograde and the eclipse is occurring. Note the many ideas appearing and making themselves known. Ideas from the Mind of God. Every word is important in terms of stabilizing your actions and self-identity. Stand tall and courageous, bring forth your self reliance and initiate what is needed in the world. You are one of the new world leaders.

TAURUS: As you continue to tend, care for and serve others, the retrograde asks you what value is it to have a spiritual or religious focus? What in your daily life is set aside as holy? Are you seeking to retreat behind the scenes which would allow you to ponder, think and study undistracted. You need that cabin in the woods for a while. At times you are tending other people’s life and death situation or medical emergencies. Know that all that you do is spiritually based and we know love underlies all your choices.

GEMINI: I hope you hurried about and did all preparations needed for the Mercury retrograde because it’s here now – and due to your Mercury rulership, it’s always an important inner time for you. Each retrograde prepares you for something important in the world. Perhaps to help dispel humanity’s glamours and illusions and to explain the purpose of our present Kali Yuga. As you enter the reflective state open your retrograde journal and begin to write about each day. At the end of the retrograde you will have an esoteric story to tell.

CANCER: There is an opportunity being offered to you in the sphere of family and friends. It’s about nurturance of self and how it actually in turn nurtures your world. Perhaps you will be recognized more or called to lead or maybe a wish, hope or dream will be fulfilled. New people become part of your inner circle perhaps through a community interaction or by just walking through your neighborhood. Maintain in these interactions your morals, truths, ethics and ideals as you adapt and plan for a new future.

LEO: The retrograde calls you to think about your talents and gifts and how to finally become the leader and teacher you were meant to be. Work has a stabilizing influence and new ideas from the Mind of God occur and these develop new ways of relating to everyone – love underlying each contact. In the Aries retrograde what may appear is that you are more than you think you are, more than most see and recognize. What you truly are that becomes more and more a balance among discipline, structure, will, love and kindness, quite suddenly appears.

VIRGO: Secrets and mysterious things that go bump in the night! Things religious and spiritual and all about the soul. Asking questions concerning how best to order and organize life. All of these things occur during the retrograde. And even more!  Although you are greatly organized, tending to plans and agendas that affect daily life now and the future later, you may feel like these tasks are impossible. Something deep within is calling and it means retreat from daily life activities for a while. Don’t worry if you stumble. We are always treading backwards in the retrogrades. To see and understand what was before.

LIBRA: You must maintain patience during the retrograde. Especially with intimates and those you love. Let your heart fill up with a constant sustaining love. Simultaneously do not allow power struggles to create arguments or separations. Bring all information into the light of day for discussion. Listen carefully to hints that others may offer you in order to understand. Learn how to say, “I understand and is there more you want to say?” These are magic words. And Mercury retro time calls for magic. Consider what would occur if you made peace with everyone.

SCORPIO: In your daily life it’s good to be willing to listen carefully and agree with others to participate in their ideas, plans and agendas. This creates a great magnetic emotional balance within your life. You will be seen as one who is wise, intelligent and caring. This is a new persona for you, and it helps when you cooperate, share, provide others with praise and attention and create Right Relations with all environments and kingdoms encountered. You need to rest more each day. Forgetting will be a daily encounter.

SAGITTARIUS: Things important now – being creative, tending to children, lovers, old flames, and being aware of what brings forth fun and pleasure. It will be important to ponder upon the past which then is the subject matter of creating the present/future. Physical health, too, needs tending. In the meantime, remember to play a lot and seek only that which makes you happy, joyful and filled with bliss. Nostalgia may assail you and remembering the past may bring forth tears. What creative tasks did you let go of long ago? Don’t let them be forgotten.

CAPRICORN: For those married and/or committed, turn to your partner and renew your vows and intentions. This leads to a deeper level of unexpected love and romance. It stabilizes the family especially if children are present. It is important at this time of crisis and change in our world, to remember to radiate Goodwill from your heart and Soul (five-pointed star above the head). Then people encountering you will wonder what’s different about you and what’s that light they see. When goodness and kindness is shown to others, they think a king or queen has arrived on the scene. Which Capricorns are.

AQUARIUS: What’s occurring at home, with real estate, family, parents or your life’s foundation? A new base of operations is attempting to form but there are changes you must bring about for this to occur. Either, as I’ve said before, you must move, accept and improve your present environment, or do whatever unsettles a previous choice for security. Take one step. The next ninety-nine will be taken by spirit. In the meantime, be very, very careful of communication. Speak clearly and slowly. Let kindness and goodwill be the tone that carries your words out into the world.

PISCES: You’re entering many different realities seeking advice, counsel, suggestions, guidance and recommendations. Especially perhaps financial. After communicating with others gathering information and adding to your knowledge you come to new and vital conclusions. This and next week and the weeks ahead, remembering previous choices will lead to further research. Keep your spirits up. Remain in the garden. Plant seeds and lay the foundation for a perennial garden of medicinals and edible flowers. Renee’s Garden Seeds is a good beginning.

Risa – writer, educator, teacher, psychological-spiritual counselor, mentor, astrologer & esotericist. Founder & Director of The Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute College, a contemporary Wisdom School (center for spiritual discourse & study) for the Ageless Wisdom teachings. Foundations of the Teachings are the study & application of exoteric & esoteric Astrology, the Seven Rays, Theosophy, Esotericism, all religions, art, science & Raja Yoga meditation. Astrological, esoteric, day-to-day news – art, literature, psychology, the cosmos, consciousness, philosophy, history, religion, economics, geography & cultural journalism. 

Recognition of the unique value of every living being expresses itself in reverence for life, compassion for all, sympathy with the need of all individuals to find truth for themselves, and respect for all religious traditions.  –The Esoteric & Theosophical Worldview