Esoteric Astrology as news for week April 26-May 2, 2023


A Fire & Maypole as the Lord of Underworld Goes Underground

We are almost midway between spring and summer. The Sun is in Taurus, a time when we seek solace, refuge, comfort and the Art of Living. Both Mercury (retrograde) and Uranus (sudden changes) are also in Taurus. It’s a complicated time for humanity. Holding onto the past as it falls away. Not yet knowing the future. In the meantime, we celebrate Beltane (cross quarter day, May 1) and notice that Pluto is stationing retrograde.

Beltane is an ancient Celtic festival celebrated on May 1 (which is also May Day). Beltane informs us we are now between (Taurus solar midpoint) Spring equinox & Summer solstice. In the Catholic Church Mary, Queen of the May, is crowned. There are also bonfires (purification) and dancing around the Maypole. This is about weaving a pattern of life, growth, and fertility in the community. Dressing the tree in ribbons of color, musicians play joyful spring music, everyone dancing, playing, singing and merrymaking. 

May baskets are made filled with flowers, green branches, sweets, breads, and packets of seeds. In Hawaii, May 1 is called Lei Day, garlands of flowers and leaves are made and given away in the spirit of aloha. May Day is a day to go barefoot in the morning dew. Beekeepers move their bees on May Day. 

Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, the volcanic force that transforms us, retrogrades on May Day at 0.22 Aquarius. Pluto will be in the underworld ‘til October 10, returning to 28 degrees Capricorn. Pluto re-enters Capricorn June 12. As Pluto retrogrades, we move into deeper layers of awareness. Certain areas of our lives turn inward for assessment, reorganization, and transformation. The question becomes how are we being transformed? With Pluto retrograde areas of life fall away, some things linger in shadows, some things rise up into the light. Pluto gives us a rare window into ourselves. 

The talk today about halting AI is part of the Pluto in Aquarius turning retrograde. During the retrograde issues of birth, death and rebirth are considered. Pluto was last in Aquarius during the 18th Century, from 1778 to 1798. What happened during those years so long ago? From that research we get a glimpse of the issues that may appear in our present world too. Before the 18th century, Pluto was in Aquarius during the Holy Roman Empire. Pluto circles the zodiac every 246 years. Pluto is not subtle! 

ARIES: A time of great change has arrived. You will find yourself breaking with the past, attempting new endeavors and different ways of presenting yourself to the world. However, as you do so, realize we have three weeks of Mercury retrograde. The past blends with the present and they both seek the future. Everything must be discerned for what is real. All relationships will also shift and change, take on different hues, meaning everything becomes unconventional. Including your appearance. Revel in all of it.

TAURUS: Someone or something is asking you to adopt a different value system, one that is not your usual and regular way of being. You resist (as you should, giving time for research and evaluation). Look deeply into all new ideas presented. The new era is a completely unknown. It’s a good idea to ponder what the new era means; what humanity needs at this time. The old ways are in the way, everywhere. They are falling down at the blink of an eye. There must be a clearing for the new Age to unfold. You are one of its thought leaders.

GEMINI: Be very aware that Mercury is retrograde at the moment. Mercury is your teacher, mentor, friend and healer. It’s your Soul and Spirit. Mercury is your angel and protector. Mercury and Venus work together. Mercury is retrograde now. Venus will retrograde the last week in July for forty days. Everything you thought you felt and knew will change. Anything you think, you must review and assess with a clear mind. For now, experiment. Everything’s magic in Mercury retrograde. Let it captivate you.

CANCER: Amidst a sudden decision to travel, have an adventure, go on a journey, you realize you’re seeking a paradise, utopia, a heaven, a dreamland, a community, a new way of life with like-minded people. Not for you the conventional path, customs and traditions. These are being set aside for new independent ideas and exotic places that reflect advanced ways of living and thinking. It’s an experiment. Research and caution are advised. What is your happiness goal?

LEO: Do you sense that money, finances, investments and legal issues affecting your life are becoming a bit out of control? Do you also feel at a loss as to what to do? Your keen intuition is telling you to keep track of all market ups and downs and to realize sudden changes may occur in business and banking, and also in relationship interactions. What is there to hold onto? A suggestion that is important for the future – invest in gold and silver as soon as possible. As much as you can.

VIRGO: With Saturn in Pisces, Virgo can feel quite free. Some Virgos may unexpectedly marry without much thought. Some will divorce with even less thought. Other Virgos will be aware that unusual realities may occur within relationships – erratic behaviors, independence, major upsets and unexpected fluctuations of emotion. All things are upside down inside out during retrogrades. Some Virgos will take all this in stride. It’s the astrological Virgos who will. They understand and remain poised.

LIBRA: Your daily work environment, routines, schedules and also your health may shift, become unpredictable moving toward the irregular. Think of it a creative, a time of opportunity. Some Librans love this for it allows for more freedom. Others need the structure of reliable and regular agendas imposed upon them. You might become angry, impatient, anxious and nervous. Careful with health. You sometimes learn the hard way. Through loss and suffering. Gather around your beloveds.

SCORPIO: You’re imaginative, ingenious, resourceful, inventive, and creative. At times you sense the need for a bit more self-control. You learn this eventually. Self-knowledge sometimes comes through being reckless and foolhardy. Are you this way with relationships, perhaps? You want now most of all freedom and independence. How do these needs affect your relationships, co-workers, family and/or children? How are you using all your talents and skills?

SAGITTARIUS: Perhaps there will be a change to your home life, to the environments you live and/or work in. You want freedom to experiment, to journey forth, to come and go at will (from home and work). You want different and unusual living conditions. Although you love family traditions, they may feel counter to your needs at this time. The foundations of your entire life feel unreliable and changeable. This persists. It’s difficult but it is, in the long run, good. The new era will be everything we never expected it to be.

CAPRICORN: Your thinking and communicating, over time, have become filled with qualities of leadership, right thinking, right reasoning, and thus quite revolutionary. Gradually, or spontaneously, or unexpectedly (Uranuian words) you become involved in advanced, new thought thinking, the Wisdom Teachings. The foundation of these teachings is astrology, the 7th Art.  Very few may think like you. A sense of aloneness develops until you find your group. Off you go at a moment’s notice to discover it! Mercury will lead the way.

AQUARIUS: When Aquarians hear of someone in need, their heart opens and they often say, “How can I help you?” Are you able to say and do this yet? In the esoteric Ageless Wisdom teachings, the disciple task is to always “see the need” and then to assist in filling that need however they can. In this way the Aquarian task of serving others (humanity) is always on the forefront of a disciple’s consciousness. When one serves others, one is, in turn, also always “served.” What we offer is returned to us ten-fold. How do you serve?

PISCES: Most think of Pisces as a quiet shy fish hiding behind ferns, a subtle, other worldly being surrounded by mists and veils. But there comes a time when Pisces emerges from the Neptunian waters and becomes a warrior, like St. Michael, holding a fiery sword, leading humanity into battle in order to save the world. This archetype of warrior with a fiery sword comes alive in all Pisces soon as darkness threatens to engulf the world. These words are offered as preparation for all Pisces to understand.

Risa – writer, educator, teacher, psychological-spiritual counselor, mentor, astrologer & esotericist. Founder & Director of The Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute/College, a contemporary Wisdom School (center for spiritual discourse & study) for the Ageless Wisdom teachings. Foundations of the Teachings are the study & application of exoteric & esoteric Astrology, the Seven Rays, Theosophy, Esotericism, all religions, art, science & Raja Yoga meditation.  Web journal: Daily studies posted our website. Astrological, esoteric, day-to-day news – art, literature, psychology, the cosmos, consciousness, philosophy, history, religion, economics, geography & cultural journalism. 

Recognition of the unique value of every living being expresses itself in reverence for life, compassion for all, sympathy with the need of all individuals to find truth for themselves, and respect for all religious traditions.  ~The Esoteric & Theosophical Worldview