ESFD to get safety equipment


Nicky Boyette -Alderman James DeVito moved to place proposed Ordinance #2240, waiving requirements of competitive bidding for purchasing 10 self-contained breathing apparatuses for ESFD, on its second reading at the April 25 city council meeting.

Fire Chief Randy Ates told council the plan has been to phase out ten units per year, hopefully with the assistance of grant funds. Mayor’s assistant Kim Stryker said the city received a grant for $47,000, which obligated the city to match with $16,904. She said that sum would purchase eight of the devices, and Ordinance #2240 stipulates the city intends to purchase ten.

Mayor Butch Berry Berry pointed out the $16,904 for the match plus two additional units at probably less than $8000 each still would put the total at around $32,000. Ates mentioned the Rural Eureka Springs firefighters were willing to put up $5000 toward the equipment, and alderman David Mitchell announced his daring arithmetic had determined the city would therefore pay $27,000 for ten units when $80,000 had been budgeted.

DeVito corrected language in the proposed ordinance and moved to approve it on its second reading. That vote went so well, he put the ordinance on its third reading, which also passed unanimously.