Eliminate one, get two in return



In Greek mythology, the Hydra was a vile multi-headed swamp beast that destroyed everything in its path. Each time one head was cut off, two would grow in its place. What we have in Washington DC is a mutated Hydra. Each morning two more ugly heads just appear. The heads are growing so fast, it is almost impossible to keep up!

Each head is gutting a department of the Federal Government. To pay for The Wall, Republicons are cutting national security programs including the TSA and Coast Guard; their plan for your child’s education is a coupon to offset some of the cost, and to gut public schools. They’re eliminating the NOAA weather service while denying the undeniable change in climate. They’re destroying the ACA to give millionaires a $600 billion tax break. Let that sink in for a moment. $600,000,000,000 for them and you get a chance to save up for your healthcare.

Oh, and the original head of this Hydra promised that he would not take a salary because he is so rich and so civic minded. Not only does he take the salary, we taxpayers spend $3 million dollars every weekend ($156 million a year) for him to fly to his for profit hotel. Also we pay $10 million a month for his unofficial separation from his wife.

Getting rid of the monster will be a Herculean task. I hope we are up for it.

Sheri Hanson


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